Former US Attorney, author and expert on Islam, Andy McCarthy on Saturday praised Louisiana Gov. Jindal for his remarks during a speech in the UK recently. We told you about the controversy here.
Now, here is McCarthy at National Review Online entitled, What Bobby Jindal Gets about Islam — and Most People Still Don’t (hat tip: Judy):
“Footballs are deflating, the president is detached from reality, the Saudi king is deceased, and the sharia state next door, Yemen, is descending into bloody chaos. With mere anarchy loosed upon the world, it would be easy to miss the fact that, in England this week, Bobby Jindal gave as important and compelling a speech as has been delivered in years about America — our leadership role on the world stage, our preservation as a beacon of liberty.
In the birthplace of the Magna Carta, it has nonetheless become legally risky to speak with candor (even when quoting Churchill). Yet Louisiana’s Republican governor became that rarest of modern Anglo or American statesmen. Bobby Jindal told the truth about Islam, specifically about its large radical subset that attacks the West by violent jihad from without and sharia-supremacist subversion from within.”
Read more of what McCarthy said. And then this is the line that everyone must heed while there is still time for America.
The world’s most influential Islamic supremacists have told us in no uncertain terms that they see Muslim immigration in the West as part of a conquest strategy.
Let me nag you again!—please read ‘Modern Day Trojan Horse: Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, Accepting Freedom or Imposing Islam?’