This is an article the Washington Post ran last Saturday that I am just getting around to mentioning. I didn’t even read it for a couple of days figuring it would be the usual mainstream media slam of “rightwingers” and “Islamophobes,” but check this out. Right in the middle of the article is a section (below) which asks how can this be that second and third generation Muslim immigrants aren’t “assimilating?”
Could it possibly be that the Muslim immigrants, having reached critical mass, are more interested in advancing Islam than they are in acquiring the trappings of the ‘good (material) life?’

From the Washington Post on PEGIDA (emphasis is mine):
As the movement has grown, tens of thousands of Germans also have risen up to condemn Pegida, taking to the streets in counter-demonstrations that have often been far larger that the anti-Islamic, anti-immigrant rallies they are opposing. Yet the Pegida movement has seemed to tap into a hidden vein of German angst.
Not assimilating!
Some here are worried not only about the new asylum seekers, but also about the growing numbers of other migrants entering Europe’s largest and strongest economy. Equally vexing to many is the lack of assimilation among a significant number of Muslim immigrants, some of whom came to Germany decades ago. Last September, for example, Germans were outraged after a stunt in the city of Wuppertal in which 11 devout Muslims wearing the words “Sharia Police” on bright orange vests approached Turkish nightclubs and cafes and warned young partygoers that they were violating Islamic law by drinking.
Such fears have surfaced as security concerns are mounting in Germany and across Europe over the threat of homegrown terror. As in France, hundreds of radicalized young Germans — many of them the second- and third-generation sons and daughters of Muslim immigrants — have left to fight with extremists in Syria and Iraq.
“How is it possible that parallel societies are forming in Germany?” Pegida spokeswoman Kathrin Oertel said on German TV last week. “That Islamic judges have the right to administer justice, and that Islamic schools are inciting hatred against German citizens?”
It is because Islam and the advancement of the Caliphate is stronger and infinitely more important than anything (jobs, nice homes, fashionable clothes) Germany can offer! Get it!
And, it goes on because most Western governments are chicken!
See our complete archive on the growing internal discord in Germany by clicking here.