Meat packers (chicken processors in this case) are changing small town America by working closely with the US State Department and its refugee resettlement contractors.***
While internationally-owned companies (75% Brazilian-owned in this case) get the cheap captive laborers in the refugee stream to America, American taxpayers get to take care of those workers every other need—education for the children, subsidized housing, health care and the list goes on. Great business model—right!
Meanwhile the colonization of small towns continues….

From WAVE3.News (hat tip: Pungentpeppers):
NACOGDOCHES COUNTY, TX (KTRE) – Nacogdoches, Center, and Lufkin are home to about 150 Somalis refugees. [May seem like a small number, but it won’t be in another five years—ed]
Some have lived here for over five years, learned English, and even obtained their US citizenships.
Others are struggling to learn American ways.
Somalis are seen in and around Nacogdoches. The women are recognized by their brightly colored native dresses. A distinct accent is heard from the men.
They’re here to learn American ways. [While working for Pilgram’s Pride!—ed]
Abdirahman Guled wants East Texans to learn his people’s ways.
That last line is the real truth!
Then this! They are turning red states blue!
According to the Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement, more international refugees were living in Texas in 2012 than in any other state.
Concerned Texans might like to have a look at the large number of resettlement contractors working in your state. Go to this handy list (p.32-34 lists all the contractors in Texas).
More Somalis on the way to America!
The numbers are in at the Refugee Processing Center for the first 4 months of Fiscal Year 2015 and the Somali numbers are huge—3,536 new Somali refugees have entered the US in the last 4 months! That means this will be a banner year for Somalis with likely well over 10,000 to be admitted by September 30th, 2015.
***We have a very extensive archive on how meatpackers demographically change America, click here for more.