We have a few posts backlogged from Europe, here is the first one this morning. Longtime readers know that Malta’s troubles with illegal aliens/economic migrants flooding the tiny island nation for years now is one of our interests here at RRW.
Malta is important as it is experiencing the full force of the out-migration from Africa and it should be important to you (American readers) that the US State Department during the Bush years began to take some of Malta’s illegal aliens as ‘refugees’ to American towns and cities (see for instance this post from last September). The practice—a perversion of international refugee law—has been continued by the Obama Administration. The practice surely acts as a pull-factor for more illegals to attempt the Mediterranean crossing.
By the way, I didn’t do a weekly roundup last week, but want to mention here that readers from Malta were 5th in our top ten countries (out of 128 countries from which readers visited RRW). For our newest readers, you might want to visit our February 13th round-up which contains tips on finding useful information among our over 6,000 posts.

This is an interesting bit of news from the Times of Malta. Looks like the international community organizers are busy:
A new non-governmental organisation has been set up in Malta for Africans by Africans.
The organisation Migrants Association in Malta, is headed by Bushra Fuad, from Sudan.
Although grateful that Malta gave them the possibility of a second chance of life, many were anxious because they did not qualify as refugees or for humanitarian projection and even though they were allowed to stay on in Malta, their rights were basic.
The migrants stated many of them were already integrated with Maltese civil society and they had a permit to work, their paid taxes and national insurance but did not receive benefits when they had no work.
Moreover, they did not get financial support if they suffered an occupational accident.
Our extensive archive on Malta is here. See especially this one about ISIS threatening to bring chaos to Europe by infiltrating the illegal alien flow toward Italy and Malta.
Click here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series.