Reader Joanne sent this Op-ed by Paul Sperry at Investor’s Business Daily that includes this stunning information. I had no idea that we had that many ‘Americans’ fighting with ISIS (and returning).
“The British press is reporting that IS has threatened to release a huge wave of migrants from Libya across the Mediterranean disguised as refugees to cause chaos in Europe.
Who’s to say they aren’t setting a similar immigration bomb for America?
Authorities can’t even get a handle on homegrown IS jihadists who are already in America. Why would we risk adding so many potential jihadists from abroad to the already overloaded terrorist threat matrix?
The FBI director says he’s got open cases against IS suspects in every state but Alaska. More than 100 American Muslims have hooked up with the vicious terror group in Syria or Iraq, and at least a dozen fighters already have returned to America and may be forming sleeper cells to attack the homeland.
These suspects are hard for agents, who already are overstretched, to monitor. They’ve discarded their Islamic beards and garb and have blended into society. Analysts suspect some may have even infiltrated the military and government.
While America ushers in Islamic immigrants, Europe is pulling up the welcome mat.”
There is much more, read it all.
So, why can’t Congress fix this immediately by revoking passports of anyone who has left the country to join ISIS?