Murdered His Wife While Koran Played, Update

Editor: This is an update from ‘Pungentpeppers’ on that horrific case of a refugee in the UK who tortured and murdered his wife.  For new readers, our first post may be found by clicking here.

 Murdered His Wife While Koran Played, Update

Sara Al Shourefi died of multiple stab wounds and blunt force trauma to her head and body.


This is an update to a murder trial story we presented earlier involving a family of refugees from Kuwait who had settled in Sheffield, England. The murderer had four wives; while he was murdering his second wife, he played the Koran at high blast and made travel arrangements for a Hajj to Mecca!

Per the prior post, Thahi Harroba Manaa, 37, pleaded guilty with diminished capacity (i.e., insanity) to the unbelievably horrific murder-by-torture of his second wife, Sara Al Shourefi, 28. His mother was at the property during the 105-minute attack but did not call for help. Nor did the neighbors who heard Sara screaming.

Per “The Star” news, the murderer’s sister testified that he had a long history of mental problems. Sometimes he was normal and loving; but, at other times, he acted like a different person and talked of conspiracies. He was suspicious of “everything and everyone”.

The wife, Sara, had told her she was frightened of Manaa, who beat her and tore out clumps of her hair for trivial things, such as the house was not clean. In the months before the murder, Manaa had cut himself off from family (but not the mother presumably) and took Sara’s mobile phone away from her.

Dr. Rameesh Puri, a forensic psychiatrist, testified that Manaa had all the symptoms of schizophrenia at the time of the attack. His behavior was typical of someone who had “lost contact with reality”. For example, he called his own son a “one-eyed Satan” because he became convinced the child was not his.

“An ‘evil’ husband left a screwdriver embedded in his wife’s eye after torturing and killing her in a sadistic attack.”

Manaa’s four marriages were “characterised by morbid jealousy”. He divorced his first wife because of delusions she was having an affair with his brother. He divorced his wife Nadia over the telephone because he thought she was unfaithful. [There was another wife named “Kholoud” whom he married when Sara was pregnant for the first time.]

Sara, Manaa’s second wife – the murder victim, was so desperate to prove she was not having an affair she offered to go to Mecca with her husband to plead her innocence, but Manaa wanted to go on his own first in case she had called ahead to have him arrested. [It’s not clear why he feared arrest. Sara, cut off from society, had no one to tell her that you cannot reason with “crazy”. She believed it was “not culturally right to speak to the police or medical professionals against her husband”. Thus, she suffered years of abuse in silence.]

On Monday, the jury at Sheffield Crown Court found Manaa guilty of murder. At the end of the trial, Sara’s surviving sister said, “Our parents are also suffering terribly, they believed Sara had come to the UK for a better life, they are distraught.” She added, “I am pleased that Thahi (the murderer) has not managed to trick anyone, not only will he be punished by God but he will spend a very long time in prison.” The sentencing will be at a later date.


Editor’s note: So what does the British taxpayer get for his/her generosity and kindness in welcoming this man to live among them?  They get to pay for his incarceration for life (assuming they don’t ever let him out!) and will most likely also financially support the children.

For further reading:

Jeb Bush: repopulate Detroit with migrants! Sounds good, but is it one big fat myth?

Drudge had a headline story last night, from CNN, which listed many of Presidential hopeful Jeb Bush’s comments on welcoming immigrants.

Can we afford one more Bush tax and spender?

According to CNN, Bush was to give a speech in Detroit yesterday (I don’t know if he did) and suggest this:

He even suggested the mayor of Detroit — the economically depressed Midwestern city where he’s giving his first policy address of the 2016 campaign on Wednesday — use immigration to “repopulate” the city.

Would someone please do an economic study of one of the refugee-overloaded cities and see if immigrants did bring prosperity to the city or not!  Let’s put this notion to rest!

Look at Utica, NY for example.  Ten years ago the United Nations raved and called it the Town that Loves Refugees and just two weeks ago we learned that the city was suing the state because they can’t afford to educate all of the refugee children.

Any study should examine closely the cost of educating the children and the costs to the criminal justice system. We need to know what the labor market looks like.  Are the immigrants simply taking jobs that less-educated Americans want?

We also need to know how much money is leaving the city and the country in the form of remittances back to the homeland!

The study must consider how much federal TAXPAYER money is simply flowing from Washington to the city (it shouldn’t be counted as benefiting the city when taxpayer dollars are simply moved from one pot to another!).  Also, we hear all the time that immigrants open businesses at a higher rate, but I want to know how much start-up money is going to them from government-supported micro-loans.  And, how quickly they are closing those businesses!

Let’s get the answer once and for all!

Portland, OR: Somali parents want costly dual language program in school system

If you are an educator or just a taxpayer in a Somali “welcoming” town, this is a story for you.   In Portland, Oregon, Somali activists want a dual language program for their children, many of whom are ‘graduating’ from high school, but without a diploma!  I didn’t even know there was such a thing!  Do they just age-out?


The MRG Foundation, billed as Oregon’s leading funder of the ‘social justice’ movement gave these Somali youths a grant.


Here is the story at the Street Roots News.    Apparently the recent wave (it is very large) of new Somali refugees are especially illiterate.

There are nearly 500 Somali youth currently attending Portland Public Schools (PPS), and since 2010, they’ve combined to make the district’s third largest immigrant community, behind Hispanics and Vietnamese. More than half don’t speak any English, and some had little, if any, formal education prior to moving to the U.S. This is especially true of the most recent wave of Somali immigrants. Many children in this group were born in refugee camps in Kenya and, like Mohamud, never attended school. In addition, few have parents with the education necessary to help them with their homework.

Read it all.

Everyone reading this should be giving serious thought to the fact that the next generation of Somalis in America are working (if they are working) at menial labor according to Street Roots News.

Remember Portland’s most infamous Somali youth—-the Christmas tree bomber, here.

We have resettled well over 100,000 Somalis around the country in the last 25 years.  9,000 came in fiscal year 2014 and we are on target to surpass 10,000 this year.

Over 110,000 Iraqis have entered the US since the end of the Bush Administration

I’ve been in Washington all day (regarding the refugee program) and am too tired to post much, but ‘Pungentpeppers’ found this news last night and I decided to at least post this today.  From Epoch Times where the reporter reminds us of how the Bush Administration was really concerned about security issues with the Iraqis and had been only letting in a trickle of Iraqi refugees until sometime in 2007.

This news story picks up at the end of the Bush Administration, but here are the Iraqi numbers prior to the Obama years which are now numbering close to 20,000 a year.

Back then, every month (as the numbers were released) for probably a year, a reporter for AP—Matthew Lee—beat on the Bush Administration with a chorus of NGO ‘humanitarian’ groups sniping from the wings.

Once the Iraqi numbers took off, they really took off, as you can see in the graph and below.

Interesting to me is that there is virtual silence from this same bunch of reporters who shill for the Open Borders Left about Obama’s foot-dragging on Syrian refugees.

The UK, which is also foot-dragging on admitting Syrians, is being harassed in the media by the usual Leftist suspects, but they are silent about the US and Obama—what gives?

By the way, this reporter at Epoch Times estimates that 2/3 rds of the Iraqis are Muslims, my numbers indicate it is closer to 3/4th (at least in the post-2007 era).

From Epoch Times:

It has been seven years since the United States opened its borders to tens of thousands of Iraqi refugees. And they keep coming. Last year, over 20,000 crossed the border—a record number. More than 1,500 more have come so far in 2015, as of Jan. 31, foretelling another high year. So where are they settling?


Since then over 110,000 have come to the United States.


The largest chunk, over 23,000 settled in California. Close to 18,000 ended up in Michigan and another almost 11,000 in Texas.


California is the biggest host state for refugees. Out of some 600,000 refugees that have come to the country in the past decade, more than 65,000 went to California—over two thirds of them were from Iraq and Iran.

Cities and towns with the highest incoming Iraqi refugee population in the past 10 years:

El Cajon California 9,568

Southfield Michigan 4,417

San Diego California 3,742

Phoenix Arizona 3,723

Houston Texas 3,532

Sterling Heights Michigan 3,505

Chicago Illinois 3,104
Source: U.S. Department of State, Jan .31, 2015

Go to the article, here, to see how many your state received.  LOL!  I see ol’ Joe Biden’s Delaware got a grand total of 8 Iraqis (Biden was one of the original sponsors of the Refugee Act of 1980).

We have 646 posts in our Iraqi refugee category in case anyone wants to write a book—we’ve done your research!  You will find posts there about reporter Matthew Lee’s monthly squawks about Bush!

Congress questions Syrian refugee resettlement plan; Obama Administration appears to be back-peddling

Wow!  I missed this story while I was away.  It is from Newsweek last Thursday entitled:  ‘U.S. Congress Questions Plan to Admit Syrian Refugees.’

Less than two months ago, Asst. Sec. of State for PRM, Anne Richard, said that the US would be bringing in 10,000 Syrians THIS year, so what gives? The UN is going to be very very unhappy to hear the latest news!

This is very big news because I haven’t heard a peep out of Congress on Muslim Somalis or Iraqis in more than five years, and so wonder why the Syrian Muslims are now drawing fire.  I think we may have turned a corner!  Was Paris the final straw?

The other amazing news in here is that the Administration is vigorously back-peddling from a promise made recently by the US State Department to admit 9,000-10,000 Syrians THIS FISCAL YEAR (we are already 4 months into FY2015 which began on Oct. 1, 2014).

We followed closely the beating George Bush took from reporters shilling for the ‘humanitarian industrial complex’ back in 2007 and into 2008 when the Bush Administration was nervous about security issues involving Iraqi refugees and now find it amusing that no one is beating on Obama about his Administration’s (fortunate-for-us!) foot-dragging on Syrians.

From Newsweek (hat tip: Joanne):

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Republican-led House Committee on Homeland Security is challenging an Obama administration plan to admit Syrian refugees to the United States, saying it could allow potential terrorists to sneak into the country.

In a letter sent to the White House, Michael McCaul, who chairs the Homeland Security Committee and Peter King and Candice Miller, who chair subcommittees, said the administration’s plan “raises serious national security concerns.”

The letter, dated Wednesday, said the United States lacks the resources to fully investigate the backgrounds of refugees from Syria, a base for Islamic State militants, before they are admitted to the country.

Anne Richard, an Assistant Secretary of State, said on Dec. 9 that the United States resettled nearly 70,000 refugees from nearly 70 countries in 2013 and that the administration’s refugee plans would lead to “resettling Syrians as well.”

Richard said the United States was already reviewing around 9,000 Syrian refugee cases referred by a United Nations agency and was receiving “roughly a thousand new ones each month.”

I would not trust this next paragraph. This could very well be a head-fake:

A State Department official said that the United States was likely to admit 1,000-2,000 Syrian refugees this government fiscal year and a few thousand more in Fiscal Year 2016. The official said that Syrian refugees applying for admission to the United States will “undergo additional screening specific to this population.”

LOL! We can be sure they are screening Muslims because there would be no reason to fear, and to vigorously screen, the Christian Syrians.

Remember folks!  The contractor cabal (led by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) is asking for 15,000 Syrians each year for five years!