More seeding going on in Louisville, KY as Syrian families are resettled by a ‘Christian’ charitable group (aka federal contractor) with funds from a controversial Islamic organization.

In a story otherwise meant to be warm and fuzzy about a collection being taken up by Kentucky Refugee Ministries for its new Syrians, we learn a little bit more about the role of Islamic Relief USA. Just a reminder, as I said here, I have never previously seen funding coming from a Muslim group directly to a federal refugee contractor.
From the Courier-Journal:
As Kentucky Refugee Ministries begins to resettle its first Syrian refugees in Louisville, members of the local Muslim community are banding together to collect items to help.
The first Syrian family to be resettled arrived Feb. 13, and another 20 families are expected in the coming months…..
Muslim community is “more organized now!” Indeed!
“Our community is more organized now, and we’re at the stage where we want to be more involved in helping the community,” said Natalia Blagaia, principal of the Nur school. “This is like a wake-up call.”
Churches and the general Christian community traditionally have taken on most of the responsibility for sponsoring KRM refugees and supplying their needs. The drive is “really an effort to engage the Muslim community,” Bailey-Ndiaye said.
The ministries received a grant of about $52,000 from Islamic Relief USA, which has regional offices throughout the country and headquarters in Alexandria, Va., to help enlist the support of the Muslim community and to aid some arriving refugees.
Once again for all those who don’t believe me that the UN is picking our refugees!
KRM assists people who have been identified by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees and the U.S. Government as needing resettlement.
I’m going to keep asking the same question: Where are US Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul? Paul wants to be President of the US, but if he can’t seem to see what is happening in his own state, how can we expect him to keep us safe! Is it a coincidence that much ‘seeding’ is happening in KY, nope!