….if the EU and the International Monetery Fund leave Greece hanging!
This would be very interesting to see. The ‘Invasion of Europe’would surely be on steroids if the Greeks follow through with the threat!
Kammenos, the Greek defence minister: We will send thousands of migrants and jihadists to Berlin!
Greece, Italy, Bulgaria, and Malta are all on the frontiers of the European Union and experiencing the brunt of the invasion by mostly economic migrants from the Middle East and Africa. Their economies can only stand so much!
Greece will unleash a “wave of millions of economic migrants” and jihadists on Europe unless the eurozone backs down on austerity demands, the country’s defence and foreign ministers have threatened.
The threat comes as Greece struggles to convince the eurozone and International Monetery Fund to continue payments on a £172billion bailout of Greek finances.
Without the funding, Greece will go bust later this month forcing the recession-ravaged and highly indebted country out of the EU’s single currency.
Greece’s border with Turkey is the EU’s frontline against illegal immigration and European measures to stop extremists travelling to and from Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) bases in Syria and Iraq.
Panos Kammenos, the Greek defence minister, warned that if the eurozone allowed Greece to go bust it would give EU travel papers to illegal immigrants crossing its borders or to the 10,000 currently held in detention centres.
“If they deal a blow to Greece, then they should know the the migrants will get papers to go to Berlin,” he said.
A delegation of Catholic leaders and one of their chief Washington ‘advocates’ (Anastasia Brown) traveled to Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey recently and concluded that we need to send the UN more money for ‘refugees’ in those countries and resettle more here.
For new readers, the USCCB is the largest of the nine resettlement contractors*** planting seedlings (aka New Americans) (Obama Administration lingo, not mine!) in your towns and cities.
98% of the Bishops migration program is funded by you, the US taxpayer. Did you pay for their trip to Europe? You must have because I doubt very much that they passed a plate in your parishes for their travel money!
That is Bishop Elizondo leading a pack of priests at the US border in April 2014. Were they inviting the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ to come on in? https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/06/26/us-catholic-bishops-chairman-kids-coming-across-border-should-be-viewed-as-refugees/
Missing from the press accounts and their report(under the auspices of Bishop Most Reverend Eusebio Elizondo, chairman of the USCCB) is any criticism of the Obama Administration for moving slowly on Syrians. The USCCB and the other refugee contractors beat Bush up every month for over a year when he wasn’t moving fast enough to bring in Iraqis back in 2006 and 2007.
Bishop Elizondo testified to Congress a year ago: 15,000 Syrians now!
Also missing (or at least I didn’t see it), is any mention of the fact that the Bishops testified in Congress in January 2014 that they wanted the US to bring in 15,000 Syrians a year.
Here is a report on Bishop Elizondo’s testimony to Congress a year ago at Catholic Culture:
Noting that the number of Syrian refugees has risen from 550,000 in October 2012 to 2.3 million today, the chairman of the United Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Migration urged the Congress to increase aid to Syrian refugees, permit 15,000 Syrian refugees to enter the country, and to encourage other nations to welcome refugees as well.
The Syrian refugee crisis – now totaling nearly four million refugees- has reached a “tipping point,” in which countries in the region are no longer able to handle the flow of refugees across their borders, warns US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) officials who recently traveled to the Middle East.
“Without more international support, we will find Syrians fleeing extremists being turned away and forced back to danger,” said Anastasia Brown, interim executive director for USCCB’s Migration and Refugee Services (MRS).
“The global community, led by Europe and the United States, needs to increase its support in order to prevent a humanitarian crisis.” A delegation of USCCB officials which visited the region in late 2014, released their report March 6. Entitled “Refuge and Hope in the Time of ISIS: The Urgent need for Protection, Humanitarian Support, and Durable Solutions in Turkey, Bulgaria, and Greece,” the report looks at the plight of Syrians in the three countries, a growing trek for Syrians attempting to reach Europe.
The delegation’s report lists several recommendations to address the crisis, including increased refugee assistance and resettlement.
By the way, they also say we need to help those three countries—Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece—with their overload of so-called ‘refugees’ (really most are economic migrants) from other countries who have arrived as illegal aliens to those three already besieged countries.
The report recommends that the US and the EU resettle more Syrians and other refugees (from those three countries) including Iraqis, Afghans, Congolese, Somalis, Eritreans, Sudanese and others, but falls short of saying how many.
Readers remember that the number of Syrians entering the US will be falling way short of the 15,000 the Bishops had been dreaming of when the FBI testified to Congressrecently that there is no way to properly screen the Syrians for security concerns.
And, don’t miss ‘Bishops between a rock and a hard place’ here. When you take Caesar’s money, Caesar owns you!
*** The federal resettlement contractors (almost completely funded by US taxpayers) looking for new resettlement sites. And, it wasn’t just the Bishops asking for over 10,000 Syrians a year to be admitted to the US, several other testified in Congress for more Syrians, here.
Update May 20th: Spartanburg County Council obviously afraid to take a role in the controversy, here.
Update May 5th: Rep. Gowdy gets response from Kerry but wants more information, here.
Update April 19th: Local and state elected officials want answers, here.
Update April 17th: More media pick up the story, here.
Update April 14th: Rep. Trey Gowdy needs to help other towns, hold hearings, here. World Relief admits they get “push back” in some towns, here.
Update April 13th: Rep. Trey Gowdy, who represents the district, wants answers from Sec. of State John Kerry, here.
Update April 1st:If folks in Spartanburg have any doubts about how little control they will have once this office is established, see Concord, NH—no say in how many refugees come! Here!
Update March 31st: Spartanburg citizens want impact statement and public meeting on refugee plan for the city, here.
Update March 23rd: Spartanburg residents, please note that mid-western towns are having difficulty coping with large numbers of refugees, here.
Update March 21st: Folks in Spartanburg, where Syrians may be resettled, need to read about Indianapolis where the resettlement contractor admits the numbers will start small, but will grow!
Update March 19th: See ‘Comment worth noting: Since Spartanburg is my home,’ here.
Update March 17th: Everyone concerned about Spartanburg, must read about Worcester, Mass. here.
Update March 11th: This post has received the highest number of visitors we have ever had to a post in just a couple of days. I realized this morning that we needed a primer of sorts on what your town should do if the federal government is planning to “plant” refugees where you live. See our Ten things you need to know and what you can do, here. ***Update*** Don’t believe me, check out what is happening in Manchester, NH, here.
Update March 10th: This post went through the roof yesterday, thanks to all who sent it around. However, one reader pointed out that I failed to make it clear that refugees are one class of immigrant which can tap into most forms of welfare without being US citizens. That is why the Obama Administration is working overtime to expand the definition of ‘refugee’ so as to make our welfare system more accessible to the newly amnestied aliens.
Update! Please all of you South Carolinians forgive me for initially putting an ‘s’ in the middle of Spartanburg in my first post! And, secondly, I was just informed that some parts of the Spartanburg area are represented by Rep. Trey Gowdy. All readers should know that Gowdy is the Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security that has jurisdiction over the Refugee Resettlement program and should know the threat this resettlement poses for his district!
Editors note: In my previous post I said our next two posts would be about how far along the Obama Task Force on New Americans “integration” (aka seeding) plan is in a couple of cities that are overloaded with refugees, however, reader Robin spotted this news which is more pressing at the moment! Spartanburg beware! South Carolina beware!
Over the years, we have noticed that South Carolina has pretty much stayed out of the top tier of states where refugee seedlings are being planted. Looks like those days are over as it was announced that World Relief (Evangelicals) one of the TOP NINE federal resettlement contractors is about to open an office there!
They must be having refugee overload problems in North Carolina!
World Relief, like the other eight contractors*** are all Progressive advocacy groups, six of them represent the ‘religious Left.’
Demand answers!
Anyone in Spartanburg who is concerned about this news, must speak up now! You might want to look at how Athens, Georgia has so far been holding them at bay by asking the federal government and the contractor for a plan—who pays for this, where will the refugees work, is our school system ready for myriad languages and illiterate children, will our health department be overburdened, do we have enough public housing for our own low-income people, how about our police force, is it ready? Those are the sorts of questions any sensible local government should be asking! Tell the Mayor to ask questions!
Additionally, ask World Reliefif the flow can be stopped once started if the town can’t afford it anymore? Or if there is social disruption? I’ll tell you the answer now—NO!
The truth is that the UN/US State Department is running out of “welcoming” towns and cities, so they are constantly on the move to find new towns in which to “plant” refugees. “Pockets of Resistance” are forming in overloaded communities.
From GroupState.com. They say they will resettle 65 refugees from Syria, DR Congo, and Bhutan. Why not Muslim Iraqis and Somalis too? Of course they will be in the mix because the UN is picking our refugees! A city doesn’t get to choose the nationality of the refugees that will be dropped off!
Here is the story Robin sent:
Spartanburg will soon be home to dozens of people fleeing persecution in their homelands.
Refugees may begin arriving here as early as spring through a refugee resettlement ministry.
Lee, the new director of the World Relief subcontractor, worked with Somalis in Kentucky. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonalee
World Relief is establishing an office in Spartanburg. “In community with the local church, World Relief envisions the most vulnerable people transformed economically, socially, and spiritually,” according to the faith-based organization’s website.
Jason Lee has been named executive director of the Spartanburg office. He said 65 refugees are expected to move here this year.
Lee served more than five years as pastor of Oak Grove Baptist Church. He’s also ministered to Somali refugees in Kentucky and is a leader with Come Closer Spartanburg.
Come Closer Spartanburg [they come up with such warm and fuzzy names for themselves!–ed] is a partnership of faith leaders, Christians and business leaders with a mission to “to unite God’s people for the purpose of loving our city to Christ.” One need identified is serving residents born outside the United States.
[What! Has Spartanburg helped all of its own American poor people and it now needs to import more?—ed]
World Relief works with federal agencies to offer resettlement, placement and various services to refugees. According to the organization’s figures, it has resettled more than 250,000 refugees from more than 80 countries in the past 35 years.
Lee said it’s unknown what nations the refugees who will resettle in Spartanburg are from — Syria, the Democratic Republic of Congo or Bhutan are possibilities.
Read it all, there is a lot of useful information in it.
Urgent! Help save Spartanburg!I don’t normally ask, but please send this story around, especially to people you know in South Carolina! Clearly they have no idea of what they are in for!
….But, it wasn’t just Obama, according to the prescient Tom Tancredo, writing here in 2013, the subtle change in what we expect of immigrants to America has been going on for more than a decade.
Author, and former Congressman Tom Tancredo saw it all coming while “good citizens and patriots were asleep at the wheel.” How frustrating it must be to know Americans weren’t listening (and still aren’t!).
In revelations about Obama’s Task Force on New Americans, that we first mentioned here(and noted the love affair with the word “integration”), we begin to see the full-flowering of how Obama and the Socialist Left is changing (or planning to change) every town in America! by planting “seedling” immigrants who will replace you some day.
Another word for what they are doing is “colonizing” America—start using that word!
(Also you will see in my next two posts how they are already out in the country “integrating” your towns and cities, and the new integration means getting the New Americans signed up for their welfare goodies!).
Before I get to Tancredo’s piece, reader Julia sent us these definitions for the words “integration” and “assimilation.” Do you see the important difference?
By the way, the average American (or dumb Member of Congress, or dumb Republican Party leader) is going to hear the Obama propaganda about “integration” and think that sounds just peachy.
(n) integration, integrating, desegregation (the action of incorporating a racial or religious group into a community)
(n) assimilation (the state of being assimilated; people of different backgrounds come to see themselves as part of a larger national family)
Note that “integration” implies the community must do the the work, must change (you know the focus on soil!) while assimilation implies the work falls on the immigrant to change!
We haven’t heard much about assimilation of immigrants lately. If that seems odd, there is a reason for the silence.
There is no “assimilation debate” because assimilation as a policy goal of our civic culture has already been abandoned.
The new watchword is “integration.”The integration of immigrants has replaced assimilation in the lexicon of not only the United States government but the private-sector institutions dealing with immigration.
Yet, this makeover is not something that was started by the Obama administration. It has been under way for more than a decade, promoted by first multiculturalists in the universities, followed by foundations and immigration attorneys. The process went unnoticed because good citizens and patriots were asleep at the wheel.
No one protested this amazingly seamless transition, and no one has protested that the standards for the successful “integration” of immigrants into American society are very different from the old standards for measuring the success of assimilation. The result is that today, it is nearly impossible to question the status or success of assimilation.
Everyone reading this piece needs to start demanding that immigrants ASSIMILATE! Use the word! Better still, it is time to demand a MORATORIUM!
Endnote: Ever since we began writing RRW in 2007, we had a category called ‘community destabilization’ to archive posts like this one. It has 928 posts in it, as of this writing. Today we are adding a new category called ‘Colonization’ in addition to the milder-sounding destabilization.
We will have to wait and see how the investigation unfolds, but my guess is that it will be a random shooting in a mixed neighborhood (the kind of neighborhood the federal refugee contractors always choose because of the cheap housing). Or, do refugee contractors just think they can mix up all the different ethnic groups they bring in, drop them in low-income and minority neighborhoods and presto! multicultural nirvana will be found?
Ahmed al-Jumaili, 36, shot in apartment complex parking lot last Wednesday.
An Iraqi refugee who moved to Texas be in a “safer place” with his wife three weeks ago was fatally shot while watching his first snowfall Wednesday.
Ahmed al-Jumaili, 36, his wife and his brother were taking pictures of the snow outside their Dallas apartment complex when a group of men shot him at about 11:40 p.m., police said.
Al-Jumaili ran back to his apartment and later died at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital, according to the Dallas Morning News. His relatives were not injured.
“Just like all of us, a pretty snowfall brings the child out in us,” Dallas police Maj. Jeff Cotner said. “You can just imagine the excitement between his wife and his brother and himself as they were enjoying the snowfall.”
Al-Jumaili and his wife, Zahara, married 16 months ago in Iraq, according to a fundraising page. She “made the painful and difficult decision to leave her husband in Iraq and come to, what she believed, to be a safer place.”
They reunited in Dallas 20 days ago after Al-Jumaili earned enough money to join her.
The surrounding Muslim community is demanding to know whether the shooting was a hate crime, Salem, the executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in the Dallas and Fort Worth area, told CNN.
Readers, send us a link if you see more news on who did it.
For reporters who might be interestedin tracking down more on Al-Jumaili and the Iraqis being placed apparently in bad neighborhoods, go to thisHandy State Department listof contractors. Looks like 4 of the 9 major contractors have subcontractors that are falling all over each other toplant refugee seedlingsin “welcoming” Dallas: Church World Service, International Rescue Committee, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.
By the way, if you didn’t know, Texas is the top refugee resettlement state in the nation. Over 100,000 Iraqis, most of them Muslims, have been admitted to the US since the beginning of the Obama Administration.