Swiss to “welcome” more Syrian refugees; UK Syrian resettlement stalled; critics silent on Obama record

Tiny Switzerland is now working overtime to destroy itself with an overload of migrants, while the UK is hanging tough (so far) and not opening its doors to large numbers of Sunni Muslims from Syria.  Meanwhile the US has admitted (thankfully) only a few hundred impossible-to-screen Syrians, but critics are silent on the Obama record (when Bush didn’t immediately admit Iraqi refugees they were all screaming like banshees!).

So what country is conspicuously missing? Are Amnesty International and the UNHCR afraid of criticizing America’s first black President?

Here is the story from Switzerland.  Only the Swiss People’s Party is standing against the latest decision:

The Swiss cabinet agreed in principle on Friday to welcome an additional 3,000 Syrian refugees to Switzerland over the course of the next three years.


The first batch of 1,000 refugees are scheduled for this year and the cabinet will reassess the situation in Syria in autumn.

The Swiss plan for hosting Syrian refugees will follow two pathways. One will involve taking in 2,000 refugees as part of a sustainable resettlement programme that will take place over several years. This will be similar to a pilot project launched in 2013 in which Syrian refugees were granted asylum without having to go through the standard asylum process.

The other pathway involves granting 1,000 humanitarian visas for close relatives (spouses and minor children) of Syrians who have already been provisionally admitted into Switzerland.

Amnesty International blasts UK Syrian resettlement as “abject failure.”

Read all about it here and see that the US is not blasted by Amnesty International.

Indeed, it is the strangest thing! Amnesty and the UN are silent on the fact that the US has not (mercifully for us) taken more than a few hundred Syrians since the conflict began.

Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

German pastor wants prostitutes made available to asylum seeking men…

….to give them relief!

Looking for relief in Germany? Photo at Junge Freiheit

Before you read on, if you missed it, please go to Friday’s post about how the Catholic Church in Germany is unloading centuries-old Catholic abbeys to the government to house mostly Muslim asylum seekers.  If you think I am being overly alarmist about the end of Germany, this story might help persuade you otherwise.

Thanks to reader ‘Caroline’ for sending us the story, here, at Online Focus (in German).

This is Caroline’s summation for us. But, another reader (‘shiratori99’) has sent an English translation at Junge Freiheit (that translation isn’t the greatest).  Here is Caroline:

The pastor’s motto is “free love for free people.” In this way Bordello owners can perform “good works” also. Because in the afternoon at bordellos not much is happening, so that would be a good time to help those, poor deprived (my description sarcastic) asylum seekers. In the last paragraph it says that he won’t reveal funding sources. He says it should be funded by some kind of “support group”. In the 3rd paragraph it says the idea came to him when a friend said to him that in his village 100 asylum seekers were soon arriving & the friend was afraid that that many men would “bother” the women in the village.

Apparently not a word about the fact that these asylum-seeking men are mostly Muslims.

But, maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to criticize the pastor, with the thousands of Muslim migrants entering Germany now, maybe his motive really is to save German fräuleins and to be sure Germany doesn’t challenge Sweden for the title of rape capitol of the world?

Oops!  Forgot to link our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series when first posted.

More news on Islamic “charity” helping Syrians get planted in Kentucky

More seeding going on in Louisville, KY as Syrian families are resettled by a ‘Christian’ charitable group (aka federal contractor) with funds from a controversial Islamic organization.

When I saw Senator Rand Paul’s sullen face and tepid clapping at the Netanyahu speech this past week, my reaction was immediate—he is not Presidential material if he can’t even keep a neutral face. He can disagree about how to handle Iran, he just shouldn’t look childish in his disagreement. But more importantly he can’t even see what is happening to his own state, so how will he keep America safe?

In a story otherwise meant to be warm and fuzzy about a collection being taken up by Kentucky Refugee Ministries for its new Syrians, we learn a little bit more about the role of Islamic Relief USA.   Just a reminder, as I said here, I have never previously seen funding coming from a Muslim group directly to a federal refugee contractor.

From the Courier-Journal:

As Kentucky Refugee Ministries begins to resettle its first Syrian refugees in Louisville, members of the local Muslim community are banding together to collect items to help.

The first Syrian family to be resettled arrived Feb. 13, and another 20 families are expected in the coming months…..

Muslim community is “more organized now!” Indeed!

“Our community is more organized now, and we’re at the stage where we want to be more involved in helping the community,” said Natalia Blagaia, principal of the Nur school. “This is like a wake-up call.”

Churches and the general Christian community traditionally have taken on most of the responsibility for sponsoring KRM refugees and supplying their needs. The drive is “really an effort to engage the Muslim community,” Bailey-Ndiaye said.

The ministries received a grant of about $52,000 from Islamic Relief USA, which has regional offices throughout the country and headquarters in Alexandria, Va., to help enlist the support of the Muslim community and to aid some arriving refugees.

Once again for all those who don’t believe me that the UN is picking our refugees!

KRM assists people who have been identified by the United Nations High Commission for Refugees and the U.S. Government as needing resettlement.

I’m going to keep asking the same question:   Where are US Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul?  Paul wants to be President of the US, but if he can’t seem to see what is happening in his own state, how can we expect him to keep us safe!  Is it a coincidence that much ‘seeding’ is happening in KY, nope!

By the way, don’t miss ‘US lacks adequate screening for Syrian refugees (FBI)’

Canadians ask: Why are we importing impoverished refugees? Why can’t we put our own poor and elderly people first?

Those are the questions asked by any sensible person in any town in America, and obviously in Canada, once they learn about how their government is bringing in (and planting!) thousands and thousands of refugees annually who are in need of government ‘services.’

(I get asked those questions every time I speak with someone just being introduced to this issue!)

One day this situation is going to boil over into social unrest, if it isn’t already in certain pockets of the western world, and chaos will rain down upon us.  (Or is that the plan?)

This is from The Vancouver Sun (hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers’).

The gist of it is that an earlier piece about how much elderly refugees in Canada receive from the government brought out a firestorm of criticism from the public.

Here is how the story begins:

On Monday, The Vancouver Sun print edition ran a front-page piece by reporter Tara Carman about elderly refugees receiving $11,000 annually as a “baseline entitlement” from the provincial government.

That money, directed only to those refugees in B.C. with no financial means of support, matches the provincial welfare rate of $906.42 a month.

Some of the refugees interviewed by Carman survived horrific experiences, including one Afghan woman who lost her husband and three brothers to the war. She was raising five children here — two of her own, the other three children of her brothers. Her husband was killed when she was two months pregnant.

Did the woman deserve our compassion?

One would think so.

But judging by the heavy email response the story generated, the answer to that question, Carman found, was overwhelmingly negative. Instead of compassion, there was anger.

Then this near the end (after citing several critical e-mails received by the paper):

And one wrote:

“Why don’t you start looking around at all the seniors that have paid taxes all of their working lives and are trying to live on $1,300 a month on the GIS? There are thousands of us coming down the pike but I guess because we are not of a new immigrant group we do not count?

Now there’s a question worth asking.

Read it all here.

We have several stories from Canada in our posting queue which I hope to get to in the next few days.  See our Canada category for our previous coverage of refugee problems in Canada.

Sioux Falls, SD: Refugee (seedlings) too rowdy; police need more officers

If your community is considering becoming the welcoming “soil” for the immigrant/refugee “seedlings,”  here is one more example of what you need to be ready for.

If you saw our top post of the last week, here, about the White House Task Force on New Americans you know that they are referring to the immigrant/refugee “seedlings” being planted in your community.   They are being planted in hundreds of American cities large and small.

Betty Oldenkamp is the CEO of Lutheran Social Services in Sioux Falls (responsible for planting the refugees there) and is on the board of the local Chamber of Commerce. For those of you following the national amnesty battle, you know the Chamber has been at the forefront of the Open Borders movement. Why? More immigrants needed for cheap labor! They make the money, you get the social disruption of your community.

From the Argus Leader (hat tip: Robin):

There’s a domestic violence problem within the refugee and immigrant community in Sioux Falls.

Part of it’s cultural – coming from societies where beating one’s spouse is more accepted.  [Isn’t diversity beautiful!—ed]

Couple that with perceptions that law enforcement is corrupt, and you have victims who are reluctant to contact law enforcement.

I’m taking a closer look at the relationship between police and immigrants, in particular how past experiences with corruption and brutality in other countries can follow people to the U.S. and Sioux Falls.

Police Chief Doug Barthel has heard the stories of police mistreatment from refugees. Barthel says there shouldn’t be a fear of a calling the police, especially if you’re a victim. Everyone needs to feel safe, he said, and having law enforcement helps.


Police invited the public out for a cup of coffee in January to discuss concerns and build relationships.

The department also received a grant from the Community Oriented Policing Services, or COPS program, which allowed them bring in five new officers.

One of the main focuses of these officers will be to do public outreach with the immigrant and refugee population.

No mention of what countries the refugees in Sioux Falls come from, however we know it’s the Lutherans bringing them in.  Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota monopolizes refugee resettlement in the state.

Wherever you live, check the Handy US State Department List of contractors working in your town by clicking here.  If you live in a town within a hundred miles of any of these offices you are in the target zone.

Be sure to see our entire archive on South Dakota, here.

Don’t miss this story from one year ago this month (part of their domestic violence problem?):

South Dakota: Iraqi refugee gets life in prison for sex trafficking