As Germany marches over the demographic cliff, at least Denmark is trying to save itself! Or, is it already too late?
I suspect sensible Danes saw demonstrators like these (and below) and said, what are we nuts!
Last year the government announced major changes in the Danish asylum process limiting the time ‘asylum seekers’ can stay, and those who do stay must wait a long time to bring in the family.
In contrast, once someone is declared a refugee in America they are in for life and can immediately bring in the family! In fact, with the Syrian civil war, it could end tomorrow, but any Syrian refugees admitted to the US are here for the next ___number of generations!
In January, 626 people – around half of them from Syria – applied for asylum in the Scandinavian country compared with 3,150 in September, according to the Danish Immigration Service.
The Danish government said in September it would introduce a temporary, one-year residence permit for asylum seekers fleeing civil wars such as the Syrian conflict.
The new permit, which came into force this year, can be extended for another two years and does not allow family reunifications to be granted during the first year.
“I think one of the most crucial factors for how many people apply is the length of the asylum and the conditions for family reunification,” the ruling Social Democratic party’s spokesman on integration issues, Ole Haekkerup, told news agency Ritzau.
“This is where the government has made an effort,” he added.
See our Denmark archive, here. Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here.
Our many new readers might not know about another LEGAL immigration program that is a sham.
Called Temporary Protected Status, it is anything but temporary. The program basically works like this: big event, like a natural disaster or war, happens in a country, US then says anyone already in the US from that country doesn’t have to go home. They can be here on a Visa or for some other reason (illegally?) and they then can apply for TPS and virtually never go home!
They can work, get drivers licenses, do anything a legal citizen can do except vote (and they are probably doing that too!).
LOL! And, right now all of those holders of TPS status are waiting for the Obama amnesty!
The group should more accurately be called: Arab Human Rights Council
So is it any surprise that a newly-formed Arab group—that calls itself AHRC (American Human Rights Council***), where surely the ‘A’ in reality stands for Arab—has asked the Obama Administration to designate Yemen as a TPS country!
Check out the list of TPS countriesright now. The designation usually lasts for 18 months and then is just simply renewed, time and time again! Honduras has been on there since 1999, El Salvador 2001, and one of the most recent additions is Syria!
(Dearborn, MI) March 4, 2015 – The American Human Rights Council (AHRC) urges the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS), namely DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson, to designate Yemen for Temporary Protected Status (TPS). In accordance with 8 U.S.C. § 1254a, the Secretary of Homeland Security may designate a foreign country for TPS due to conditions in the country that temporarily prevent the country’s nationals from returning safely, such as an ongoing armed conflict.
“The reality in Yemen is truly tragic and our Yemeni brothers sisters deserve better. Given the dire situation in Yemen, and generosity of this country with foreigners from countries facing turmoil, it would be inhumane to remove Yemeni nationals from the US to Yemen.We urge Secretary Johnson to designate Yemen for TPS and urge our fellow human rights organizations to advocate for the designation as well,” said Imad Hamad, AHRC executive director.
This story is from January of this year. Thanks to ‘Pungentpeppers’ for sending it earlier, but I just never got around to it.
Fatmata Jabbie a refugee(?) from Saudi Arabia complains about her hourly wage at Walmart.
So, the gist of the story is that in late January a group calling itself ‘ Money Out Voter’s In‘ held a rally in Washington protesting the 5-year anniversary of the ‘Citizens United ‘ Supreme Court decision. You can read all about it here(but remember this is the Daily Kos!).
One of their targets is Walmart (for the record, I am no fan of Walmart). And, who do we have speaking about Walmart’s purportedly low wages, but a “refugee” from Saudi Arabia. Huh?
Readers, we don’t take Saudis as refugees, but (if this woman is a real “refugee”) we must be flying to America Somalis and other Africans who got into Saudi Arabia illegally and calling them ‘refugees.’
I’ve been writing for years about how we are perverting internationally understood refugee law by bringing some of Malta’s overload of illegal aliens to the US as refugees. Are we doing that for Saudi Arabia too?
Remember readers that Saudi Arabia deports most who manage to get into the country. Here is one of many postson Saudi Arabia kicking out Somalis who got into S.A. They promptly deport other Africans as well.
Fatmata Jabbie is a cashier at Walmart in Alexandria, VA. Originally from Saudi Arabia, she came to the US in 2010 as a refugeeseeking a better life for her kids. She is a mother of two with a third child on the way, and supports her family making just $8.40/hour.
Fatmata works hard, and has asked Walmart repeatedly for more hours to support her family and even switched her schedule in an attempt to get full-time hours. As a pregnant working mother, she cannot afford Walmart’s health care. Meanwhile, the Walton family and Walmart as a corporation spend billions donating to politicians who support undermining public education. Walmart also maintains corporate policies that keep wages low and silence workers who speak out for better working conditions Fatmata sees how Citizens United has bolstered the power of billionaires like the Waltons at the expense of hardworking people and their families.
I’ll bet you a buck that you, the American taxpayers, are supplementing her “low” wages with generous welfare—food stamps, subsidized housing etc.
And, by the way, new baby on the way, where is hubby?
More importantly, where is Congress? Isn’t it time to investigate the Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department?
It wasn’t just the news, but the way it is reported and how chipper the archdiocese is about the opportunity to unload an abbey to the government to house ‘refugees’ (most are really economic migrants and not legitimate refugees) from Muslim countries.
Beuerberg Abbey in Beuerberg, Germany, as seen Jan. 9. The 12th-century monastery will house up to 60 refugees from Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Afghanistan and other conflict zones. (CNS photo/Anian Christoph Wimmer)
BEUERBERG, Germany (CNS) — Cold winter light is streaming through the ancient windows of Beuerberg Abbey. It plays on the wood of the empty choir stalls, shimmers on the bronze hand bell of the prioress. Everything is quiet and ready for the next prayer.
But this bell will likely never again break the silence of these walls. The last nuns of Beuerberg have left. The monastery, founded in 1121, today stands empty in the snowy landscape of the Alpine foothills.
Sister Lioba and the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising have worked a deal to house refugees in the abbey. They hope that, within a few months, families from Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Afghanistan and other conflict zones can find a home here.
Msgr. Peter Beer, archdiocesan vicar general, sees Beuerberg Abbey as a test case and model for the future use of the more than 100 monasteries across Upper Bavaria, a growing number of which are threatened by the drastic decline in vocations.
Record numbers of migrants and asylum seekers are pouring into Europe, and most of them are headed to Germany. As the U.N. refugee agency reports, Germany has been — and continues to be — the recipient of the largest number of asylum applications, followed by France, Sweden, Italy and the United Kingdom.
For those of you who think, wow, this might be a great opportunity to evangelize and bring the migrants to Christ, forget it, most Christians working in the refugee humanitarian industrial complex are so steeped in the notion of cultural/religious relativism, they don’t dare try to convert anyone.
Think about where we are in history! We are witnesses to the end of Europe as we have known it for centuries.
One last thing! How long do you think that statue of the Madonna will last?
See our complete archive on Germany by clicking here. Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series ishere.
Since I’ve been fixated on the Obama plan to replace (old) Americans with New Americans. You know the “seedling” plan! And, then we learned that there is even a non-profit group funded by big money foundations also pushing for immigrants to get their legal permanent resident status swapped for citizenship called the New Americans Campaign, you should know that your tax dollars are fueling the process!
As if it’s any surprise, we learned in our previous postthat immigrants most often vote for the Democratic Party!
Citizenship class in Maryland run jointly by Casa de Maryland and AmeriCorps. Your tax dollars at work!
From the Dept. of Homeland Security (USCIS) comes this pipeline flowing with your money to ‘non-profits’ to get those immigrants signed up pronto! before a deadline of September 2016(gee, I wonder what the rush might be!). (hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum):
Citizenship and Integration Grant Program
On Sept. 18, 2014, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced the award of nearly $10 million in grants to 40 organizations that will help permanent residents prepare and apply for U.S. citizenship. Located in 24 states and the District of Columbia, these organizations will receive federal funding to support citizenship preparation services for permanent residents through September 2016.
Grant recipients are public or private nonprofit organizations with recent experience providing citizenship instruction and naturalization application services to permanent residents. They include public school systems, community and faith-based groups, adult education organizations, and literacy organizations.
Recipient organizations are geographically diverse and represent both traditional immigrant destinations and new immigrant gateways across 24 states and the District of Columbia. Grant recipients plan to provide citizenship instruction and naturalization application services to approximately 22,000 permanent residents from more than 50 countries. Grant recipients represent:
Eighteen of the top 20 states with the largest permanent resident populations (California, New York, Florida, Texas, Illinois, Massachusetts, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Washington, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, Ohio, Minnesota, Colorado, and Connecticut);
Eight of the top 10 metropolitan areas with the most new permanent residents in the past 10 years(New York City, Los Angeles, Miami, greater Washington, Chicago, Houston, Boston, and Atlanta); and
Nine of the top 10 states with the most naturalizations over the last two years (California, New York, Florida, Texas, Illinois, Virginia, Massachusetts, Georgia and Pennsylvania).
So who are the groups with their hands out to the feds through this one program (obviously, AmeriCorps has another funding stream). We recognize many refugee resettlement contractors on the list.
FY 2014 Grant Recipients
Grant recipients are (in alphabetical order):
Asian Counseling and Referral Service
Seattle, Wash.
Asian Services in Action, Inc.
Akron, Ohio
Baltimore City Community College
Baltimore, Md.
Boat People SOS, Inc.
Houston, Texas
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa
Santa Rosa, Calif.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Stockton
Stockton, Calif.
Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas
Overland Park, Kan.
Catholic Charities of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties
San Bernardino, Calif.
Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County
San Jose, Calif.
Catholic Migration Services, Inc.
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Center for People in Need
Lincoln, Neb.
Central American Resource Center
Washington, D.C.
Chinese American Service League, Inc.
Chicago, Ill.
Church World Service, Inc.
Greensboro, N.C.
City of Littleton
Littleton, Colo.
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles
Los Angeles, Calif.
Colombian American Service Association
Miami, Fla.
Council for the Spanish Speaking, Inc.
Milwaukee, Wis.
Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon
Portland, Ore.
Federation Employment and Guidance Services, Inc.
New York, N.Y.
Fresno Unified School District
Fresno, Calif.
Hartford Public Library
Hartford, Conn.
Hispanic Unity of Florida, Inc.
Hollywood, Fla.
Hope Community Center, Inc.
Apopka, Fla.
Horizon Cross Cultural Center
Orange, Calif.
International Institute of Metropolitan Detroit
Detroit, Mich.
International Rescue Committee, Inc.
Atlanta, Ga.
International Rescue Committee, Inc.
Glendale, Calif.
International Rescue Committee, Inc.
Miami, Fla.
Jewish Family and Children’s Service
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Jewish Family and Children’s Service
Waltham, Mass.
Literacy Volunteers of Charlottesville/Albemarle
Charlottesville, Va.
Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota
Sioux Falls, S.D.
Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest
Tucson, Ariz.
Mid-Minnesota Legal Assistance
Minneapolis, Minn.
Nashville Adult Literacy Council, Inc.
Nashville, Tenn.
Northern Manhattan Coalition for Immigrant Rights
New York, N.Y.
Refugee Aid Project
San Antonio, Texas
World Relief Corporation of National Association of Evangelicals
Wheaton, Ill.
Young Men’s Christian Association of the Greater Houston Area, Inc.