Update April 2nd: Somali Islamists slaughter 147 mostly Christians in Kenya today, here.
This is an excellent summary of how it is happening—whether it’s the Islamization of Europe, Christian countries in Africa, like Kenya, and eventually in Minneapolis, Dearborn and a town near you—as the Muslim population expands, Muslim leaders increase their demands that infidels change to accommodate Islam. And, hovering menacingly in the background is the threat of violence.
Rt. Rev. Robert Martin, leader of the Anglican Diocese of Marsabit: “There is the belief that Islam is pursuing the Islamization of Kenya.”
I’ve just snipped a few small bits from the lengthy Christian Science Monitorpiece from yesterday, so please read it all. I think you will be surprised at the weakness of the Christian church in Africa.
“There is this fear that Muslims are stepping on other people’s toes by demanding to practice their faith in places that don’t belong to them,”says Hassan Ole Naado, head of the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM).
It’s a reckoning happening worldwide, with Europe in particular grappling with how to accommodate Muslim immigrants. But in Kenya, the presence of militants in neighboring Somalia who have vowed to retaliate for Kenya’s military intervention there adds immediacy to the problem.
This bolder face is seen across Kenya’s disparate Muslim communities: They are forming civil rights advocacy groups, ascending within the Kenyan government…
It doesn’t take a Muslim majority to bring a country to its knees:
To Christians, who make up about 80 percent of Kenya’s population and have long dominated political and social institutions, the rise comes with a tinge of menace.
“Most of our church leaders feel Muslims are trying to take over government,” says the Rt. Rev. Robert Martin, an Englishman who leads the Anglican Diocese of Marsabit. “There is the belief that Islam is pursuing the Islamization of Kenya.”
Of course it is!
Photo comes from a very interesting story here about the Anglican split from the Episcopal church.
There is one brave political leader shouting from the roof tops across Europe that citizens must speak up and demand a halt to the Hijrah, the migration of Muslims to the West, whose goal is simply-put: to destroy the West from within.
From (appropriately) the Gates of Viennablog (Geert Wilders speech in Vienna last week):
Geert Wilders of the Dutch Party for Freedom and Heinz-Christian Strache of the Austrian Freedom Party.
In his speech (held in German — the full English text has been posted here), Wilders stressed that the threat of Islamization is by no means being stopped by ostrich-like tactics of the leaders of the European Union, but is actually proceeding at a frightening pace. Wilders quoted statistics about the proliferation of Salafist Islamic organisations, about the number of Muslims supporting violence against non-Muslims, and the threat by the Islamic State to place large numbers of terrorists among asylum seekers entering Europe.
For these reasons and more, Geert Wilders demands that immigration from Islamic countries be halted immediately, that no more mosques should be built, and that we must take control of what is being taught in Islamic schools.
Islam cannot be reformed, he stressed, and for the simple reason that we cannot separate Islam from the Koran, neither can we take Muhammad out of Islam. Therefore there can never be a moderate Islam, Wilders said in his speech.
Wilders is steadfast that our Western culture, based on Christianity, Judaism and Humanism, is categorically superior to the Islamic culture. In the interest of everyone, immigrants should adopt our values, not the other way around.
For those who want to join ISIS: Let them go!***
In the current confrontation with the Islamic State and the problem of those wishing to leave their countries to join it, he has one thing to say: “Let them go, but never let them return.”Take away their passport and citizenship. Once these young people have been radicalized, no amount of intervention or counselling is going to change their minds. So rather bid them goodbye and good riddance, for the West is not their home.
Time is running out and it is up to everyone to speak up!
His resistance against Islamization, mass immigration, lying media (Lügenpresse) and hostile EU elites cannot be left to politicians alone. Wilders emphasizes that preserving our liberties is a responsibility for every citizen because, as he says, “time is running out for the West.”
By the way, my little booklet written for the Center for Security Policy is being reprinted with a forward and some small changes to the format, so look for the newest edition which should be out soon. It will also have a slightly different title: ‘Refugee Resettlement and the Hijrah to America.’
***Just this morning we see news that five Dutch Nationals were apprehended on their way through Turkey to join ISIS. Wilders is right! We are raising jihadists in our immigrant communities (and paying for their welfare!). Then when these five are returned to the Netherlands, as they surely will, they will still be in the care of the Dutch taxpayers while in prison.
While I am gone please visit our newly revamped facebook page for some new or recycled information that you may not know.
The page is herewhere Kelly is doing a fantastic job of getting some important posts out there. We reached over 150,000 facebook readers this past week!
As I leave, if you didn’t see it, please have a look at our post on Syriafrom earlier in the week. One of the most important things we can do right now is to support Obama’s FBI which testified before Congress in February that we cannot properly screen Muslim Syrians for entry into the US as refugees.
Nevertheless, the resettlement industry has begun a push to persuade Obama (probably won’t take much persuasion) to raise the ceiling for fiscal year 2015 from 70,000 total refugees to 100,000 so as to bring in large numbers of Syrians!
Because we won’t do a weekly round-up this week (where we usually post this information), below is for the many new readers arriving here (thanks to facebook visitors!) who would like to learn how to navigate RRW.
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I hope you caught Glenn Beck’s Blaze TV tonight and Beck’s interview with Mr. Open Borders himself Grover Norquist (hat tip: Kelly). We have a large archive on Norquist the Washington Republican political guru and friend of Karl Rove who many believe (and Beck confirms) has a wide variety of questionable Muslim Brotherhood-connected friends.
Pals, from Frontpage magazine: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2012/raymond-ibrahim/a-disturbing-event-the-american-conservative-union-embraces-an-islamist/
Go hereto Blaze TVand look for a replay. For a sharp Washington-insider Harvard grad, Norquist looked pretty wobbly. And, Beck had clearly done his homework.
Our interest in Norquist began in 2007 when he was pushing his ‘conservative’ pals (at his famous Wednesday meeting) to support an expanded Iraqi refugee resettlement program.
More recently he lined up a stellar list of Open Borders Republicans to push for more refugees to America generally (presumably looking for cheap labor for his industry clients). See our report here. His list of fellow refugee pushers included Jeb Bush. We only ever saw the ‘big’ news at Human Rights First!
In 2010 Grover disses Glenn Beck’s chalk board gift!
For a laugh…..
I wonder does Glenn Beck know that when he gave his famous chalk board to Grover (Americans for Tax Reform) after Beck’s CPAC speech in 2010 that Grover put it in a closet in his office and obviously made sure a reporter knew about that!
This is from Potomac Tea Party Report dated March 26, 2010 (exactly 5 years ago today!) and it’s a good thing I captured the text of the story from the WashingtonExaminer, because the linked article is now gone.
Here is a very telling little bit of information from the Washington Examineryesterday. Seems that when Glenn Beck gave the keynote speech at CPAC this past February he gifted his chalk board to Americans for Tax Reform. But, after making a show of its arrival at ATR’s famous Wednesday meeting, ATR President Grover Norquist has since banished it to a closet.
The Washington Examiner (story no longer available):
Put it in the same category as those cat sweaters your grandmother would get you every Christmas.
Fox News pundit Glenn Beck gifted his infamous chalkboard to the Americans for Tax Reform at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference for use during its Wednesday meetings.
It’s the thought that counts, right?
“Every Wednesday in Washington, all the conservatives meet to decide what they should be doing in the weeks ahead,” David Keene, chairman of the American Conservative Union, said to close Beck’s speech. “This is going to be going to the site of the Wednesday meetings to remind us what we should be doing in the weeks ahead, and it will be put to use there.”
And just as Keene said, within days a courier delivered the large chalkboard to the downtown location of Americans for Tax Reform.
But was it actually put to use?
Well, it’s sitting in an audiovisual equipment closet attached to the conference room that hosts about 200 people every week.
However, the group’s president, Grover Norquist, isn’t exactly a fan of political talk shows.
That supposedly ‘Christian’ charitable organization is directly responsible for the high Somali numbers in St. Cloud, and they are jointly responsible for bringing over ten thousand Somalis from around the world to colonize Minnesota towns in the last ten years alone—Catholic Charitiesand World Relief MN (now Arrive Ministries)*** helped also. Of course they have brought many more than 10,000 in over two decades and not just Somali Muslims!
Rumor has it that 1,500 new Somalis are going to be resettled by the Lutherans in St. Cloud this year. (This is part of former Rep. Michele Bachmann’s district!)
Doing well by doing good? Jodi Harpstead is making over $300,000 a year to seed St. Cloud and other Minnesota towns with Somali Muslims.
These three ‘Christian’ phony non-profits (phony Christians!) could stop the US State Department’s further seeding of the state if they just said NO! We won’t resettle any more Muslim ‘refugees.’ But they don’t! Why?
Why? Because it is big business (as we learned from Lutherans in New England)! They dare not challenge their sugar daddy—the federal government! And, they must be afraid of the growing power of the Islamists and the Islamist front group—Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)—which they are responsible for unleashing on the city of St. Cloud.
So how much money does it take to buy the Lutherans?
Back in 2013we told you that then Minnesota Lutheran CEO, Mark Peterson, was pulling down a salary of $441,767.
We went to a recent audit linked on their website and here are some numbers we found (audit ending September 30, 2014):
They had total revenue of $103,135,439 and received $91,887,312 from GOVERNMENT FEES AND GRANTS. (Go here and click on ‘financials’ to see for yourself).
That makes them 89% government funded! That is a government agency not a charity, and surely not a ‘Christian’ charity!
The progressive ‘religious Left’ is living off of the US taxpayer!
Doing well by doing good?
Salaries and payroll accounted for $57,929,172 of your money—your tax dollars for that one year!
Jodi doesn’t pull down a salary as high as Peterson (LOL! War on women?) her predecessor did, but it is fairly substantial none-the-less as we learned from a recent Form 990. She was compensated with $280,812 and an additional $42,495 came from related organizations (whatever that is!).
Her second in command, Kenneth Borle, made $202,087 and $33,192 (from related organizations).
They have 8 other employees making over six-figure salaries!
Go herefor the others in leadership at Lutheran Social Service of Minnesotaresponsible for building the aggressive and demanding Muslim population of the state.
And if you are looking for more people to blame for what is happening to Minnesota, here is the Board of Directors (do you know any of them?):
Board of Directors
Greg Vandal, Chair
Nancy Rystrom, Vice Chair
Cathy Norelius, Secretary
Sue Haffield, Treasurer *
Bishop Thomas Aitken
Dan Anderson
Mike Anderson
Rev. Dr. Eric Barreto
Ann Beatty
Dr. Paul Dovre
Jon Evert
Nicole Griensewic Mickelson
Rev. John Hogenson
Rev. Dr. Rolf Jacobson
Jen Julsrud
John Mattes
Artie Miller
Joanne Negstad
Joan Wandke Nelson
Rev. Mark Skinner
Bishop Ann Svennungsen
Rev. Mari Thorkelson
Lori Wall
The main office of Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota is here (below). It is time to let them know how you feel, to put the pressure on the organization directly responsible for disrupting St. Cloud.
Good Lutherans especially need to speak up!
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota 2485 Como Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108
And, according to the US State Department’s handy list of contractors the St. Cloud Lutheran resettlement agency office is here:
MN-LIRS-08: Lutheran Social Services Of Minnesota
22 Wilson Avenue Suite 110
St. Cloud, MN 56302
One more thing! Tell Rep. Trey Gowdy what he has in store for his community if a refugee resettlement site is established in Spartanburg, SC.
See our complete archive on St. Cloud here. And, click here, for an enormous archive on Minnesota. See especially our earliest post (2011), and one of our top posts of all time, when we first learned of the three ‘Christian’ groups swamping Minnesota with Somalis at the behest of the US State Department.
*** An indicator that the heat is on some of these phony Christian organizations is that they are changing their names. Note that World Relief Minnesota is now Arrive Ministries and Lutheran Social Services of New England is now Ascentria Care Alliance (here).