Obama Task Force on “New American” plans to seed your communities to be released today

Valerie Jarrett, Cecilia Munoz, and Obama: Changing America by changing the people!

Update April 18th:  Read about what happened here.

Editor:  See our earlier post on this incredibly brazen initiative where they admit they are seeding American towns and cities.  Your town is the soil and you better darn well “welcome” the seedlings!

Also, see what we have said previously about the Migration Policy Institute putting on the shindig today.

Hat tip:  Julia  (sorry, just inserted this e-mail directly into a post to get it out fast, so it looks a little messy!)

A Federal Strategic Action Plan on Immigrant & Refugee Integration
The White House Task Force on New Americans
April 2015
An event with Cecilia Muñoz, Assistant to the President and Director, Domestic Policy Council, The White House
Friday, April 17, 2015
1:30 to 2:45 P.M.
APRIL 17, 2015

The New National Integration Plan: Making the Most of a Historic Opportunity

Friday, April 17, 2015
1:30 to 2:45 P.M.


MPI Conference Room
1400 16th Street NW
Suite 300 (Third Floor)
Washington, DC 20036
Cecilia Muñoz, Assistant to the President and Director, Domestic Policy Council, The White House
Margie McHugh, Director, MPI National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy
Eva Millona, Co-Chair, National Partnership for New Americans, and Executive Director, Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition
Michael Fix, President, Migration Policy Institute
Felicia Escobar, Special Assistant to the President for Immigration Policy, Domestic Policy Council, The White House
The recently convened White House Task Force on New Americans, in a historic first, on April 14 unveiled a report to the President that aims to improve and better coordinate federal strategies that support the successful integration of immigrants into U.S. communities. The delivery of this National Integration Plan represents a major step forward in improving the federal government’s ability to both directly address the linguistic, economic, and civic integration needs of immigrants and refugees, and serve as a resource for state and local governments working to integrate immigrants into their classrooms, workplaces, and communities. Join us for a conversation with the Director of the Domestic Policy Council and Co-Chair of the Task Force on New Americans, Cecilia Muñoz, to discuss the plan’s promise and implementation goals. MPI’s National Center for Immigrant Integration Policy, which has long advocated for creation of a White House Office to provide the “brain circuitry” the federal government needs in order to better understand and address immigrant integration needs, made a series of recommendations to the Task Force, as did a number of organizations that provide services to immigrants or advocate on their behalf. We invite you to join us for this special discussion, and to visit our webpage that provides further information about the Task Force.
Space is extremely limited, so we invite you to RSVP immediately. No registration is necessary to view the livestream.
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