Spain: illegal migrant numbers increase; Syrians lead the pack with phony documents

Next in our little tour around the world is Europe (see Australia and South Africa) where the ‘Invasion of Europe’ continues apace because the EU does not have the backbone that the Australian government has at the moment.

By the way, we bring our US readers this news from across the globe so you can contrast and compare what America is doing to protect itself from the inevitable violence and chaos that I believe is coming.  So far, we aren’t heeding any warnings from abroad that I can see.

From The Local we learn that most are getting in with fake documents:

African illegal aliens climbing into Spain!

The number of illegal immigrants arriving in Spain jumped by 68 percent during 2014, the majority entering via Spain’s north African territories using fake documentation.

The number of illegal immigrants entering Spain through Ceuta and Melilla alone increased by more than half during 2014 compared to the year before with a surge in refugees arriving from Syria.

But although the headlines have given the most attention to those attempting to cross into the enclaves by climbing the fences, the majority of those who entered Spain did so with forged documentaton presented at the border.

The total of 12,549 illegal immigrants in 2014 was a big jump from the year before when 7,472 entered Spain illegally, according to Spanish Interior Ministry information.

The largest group arriving with fake documents is from Syria

The data, published by Europa Press on Monday, showed that Syrians comprised the largest group of migrants and that about 60 percent of all those arriving in Spain entered through its north African enclaves.

New readers, see our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ news here.

Violence against migrants flares again in South Africa (the “Rainbow Nation”)

What a joke that Rainbow Nation mumbo-jumbo is!  Someone tell the mainstream media that the mostly black South Africans don’t “welcome” the stranger no matter what color they are! 

And, no matter what sort of myth the international Left has built up about South Africa.

No time to bring you up to speed on the mess the Mandela legacy has left.  See our South Africa archive here for more.

From Bloomberg:

Yesterday in Durban, an immigrant waits for gangs of locals….

South Africa’s government is struggling to contain a flare up of attacks against foreigners in the port city of Durban that’s left at least five people dead and forced more than 1,000 immigrants to flee their homes.

Police battled with groups of foreigners on the streets of Durban’s city center on Tuesday as they burned tires and threw stones in protest after facing attacks from a mob, police spokesman Jay Naicker said by phone. Water cannons and rubber bullets were used to disperse various groups of locals and immigrants, the municipality said in a statement.

“It is completely unacceptable for South Africans to treat foreign nationals in such a diabolical and nefarious manner,” the municipality said. “The city will not tolerate any form of violence instigated by a few individuals.”

The wave of attacks in Durban since last week were sparked by locals who accused a supermarket of firing workers and hiring foreigners to replace them, according to the police. A 14-year-old boy was allegedly shot and killed during looting of immigrants’ shops on Monday night, bringing the death toll from the violence to at least five, according to the municipality. About 48 suspects have been arrested since April 11.

South Africa is in the midst of the worst anti-foreigner violence since 2008, when about 60 people were killed and 50,000 displaced from their homes. Attacks against mainly Somali, Ethiopian and Pakistani immigrants in townships around Johannesburg flared up in January after a Somali shop owner shot and killed a 14-year-old boy during an alleged burglary.

Continue reading here.

Comment worth noting: Correspondent from Australia brings us up to date

Editor’s note:  Since we have been so focused on the ruckus going on in the US with resettlement, especially as Rep. Trey Gowdy does the first brave thing  (out of Congress) that we have ever seen in our nearly eight year project to shed light on the US Refugee Admissions Program, we have been forgetting our readers around the world.

Below is an update from Australia thanks to ‘FatherJon’ where the Abbott government is one of the few in the world discouraging the illegal aliens (phony asylum seekers) from trying to break into their country.


From Australian government campaign to stop the boats.


Ann, the boats have stopped, due to the efforts of our Abbott Federal government. If they don’t get a lot right they’ve certainly got the boat problem solved.

Problem is that under the previous Labor governments a backload of foreign kids built up to several thousands, as families thought that this was a better ruse than just sending teenage ‘Ali’ out as a forward scout. A government can get tough with a young shaver and refuse him landing rights, but they can’t do that with a family which includes young kids, right? Wrong! Kids were locked up with their families, firstly on the mainland, then on off-shore detention centres, then in neighbouring countries that welcomed the cash injection as we off-set our detention costs at home by giving hand-outs to Papua New Guines, Nauru and Cambodia to look after the illegals.

However the human rights lawyers attacked that on all fronts, claiming it was doubly inhumane to lock up children, and the gradual push was to get as many kids on the mainland to be given temporary protection visas. This allowed them to go to school and lead lives outside internment. There are now a little over 100 kids left, who have yet to be placed due to initiatives of the present government.

The Abbott government is now negotiating with Iran to take back its own nationals, who comprise roughly 80% of the detainees, but it’s proving a tough nut to crack as Iran just says ‘we can’t take back our own if they didn’t want to be here in the first place’. Our Foreign Minister is in Iran as I write trying to work out a deal about sending them back.

See our entire Australia’ category for more.

The next US President needs to get some pointers from Tony Abbott!

Mark Krikorian of CIS: Why isn’t Saudi Arabia resettling the Syrians? Why are we resettling any Middle Easterners?

Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies asks the questions any rational American is asking!

Writing at The Corner at National Review, here is how Krikorian begins (but I want you to visit The Corner for the links and his prescription!):

Mark Krikorian Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies

The International Rescue Committee, a refugee advocacy group headed by former U.K. foreign secretary David Miliband, has urged the United States to resettle 65,000 refugees from Syria by the end of next year. The head of the State Department bureau in charge of carrying out the U.N.’s instructions on refugees (the U.N. decides who gets to move to the U.S.) said last week, in the AP’s words, “that between 1,000 and 2,000 Syrian refugees will be brought to the U.S. by the end of September and several thousand more in 2016.” Miliband welcomed this but said “it certainly needs to improve.”

The more important question is, why are we resettling any Middle Eastern refugees at all? Since January 2013, State Department numbers show that we’ve resettled here in the U.S. only 697 Syrian refugees, more than 90 percent of them Muslims. The FBI admitted at a congressional hearing in February that it lacked the capacity to do meaningful background checks on such refugees. That’s why we have headlines like “US May Have Let ‘Dozens’ of Terrorists Into Country As Refugees.”

But putting the security threat aside, why would we take any Arab refugees from any war-torn country in the Middle East? Resettlement in a faraway country should be the absolute last resort; it’s preferable that displaced people be accommodated in countries near their homeland, facilitating eventual return, and in countries that are culturally similar to ease the strains for both the refugees and the host country.

In that vein, why aren’t we demanding that Saudi Arabia resettle the Syrians?

Read it all.   Be sure to see the many good comments!

I can think of several reasons, first, the Saudis don’t want any diversity in S.A. and have been deporting all their Muslim brethren riffraff who sneak in there from Somalia, Yemen, even Rohingya (from Burma), etc.

The UNHCR is pushing impoverished refugees on the US (to help us get diversity!) and more democrat voters.

Then the US resettlement contractors are paid by the head to bring them here, so big bucks are involved.

And, finally, this is about the Hijra—Mohammed told his followers to migrate to dominate all the lands of the world—and so the UN and Obama are helping bring that about, and, of course, S.A. doesn’t need more Muslim migrants to bring about shariah law.  They have it!

See our archive on Saudi Arabia and note its history of ethnic cleansing!

World Relief lobbyist about Spartanburg: we have gotten “push back” in other towns and cities

Just when I thought it was safe to move on to something other than news from Spartanburg, SC, up pops this story about World Relief in South Carolina in my “Malta” alerts.

Why is this mentioned in conjunction with the tiny island nation of Malta, I wondered (until I got to this paragraph at the end):

According to State Department figures, 73 refugees entered South Carolina from October 2014 through February. Refugees came from Burma, Ethiopia, Iraq, Kenya, Malaysia, Malta, Namibia, Rwanda, Sudan, Tajikistan and Thailand. Most were from Malaysia (16) and Thailand (14). Four refugees from Iraq also arrived here during that same time frame.

Security concerns in the Malta refugee flow to America!

What the reporter accessed here (or the State Department gave her) is the data on where the refugee was PROCESSED.  Malta is a stable country and we don’t take Maltese people (Europeans) as refugees.  WE DO TAKE OVER 500 A YEAR OF MALTA’S ILLEGAL ALIENS who crossed the Mediterranean from North Africa to America as supposed REFUGEES.

So, South Carolina got some of those!

I have been writing about this likely illegal use of the refugee resettlement program for years and it is one more reason Rep. Trey Gowdy should be calling for hearings.

In fact, Rep. Michael McCaul (Homeland Security) should be holding hearings about the US taking any of the boat people arriving on Malta from Libya as ISIS has said it will infiltrate the ‘refugee’ flow.

Here is a recent post on the State Department telling Malta we will take more of their illegal overload!

We probably have a hundred posts here at RRW on the Malta problem.  Click here for our complete archive.

Also, we don’t take Kenyans as refugees.  When Kenya is listed as a processing country, those are most likely Somalis from the UN camps in Kenya!  Thailand and Malaysia are UN processing countries as well, so this information tells us nothing about what the ethnic mix is that has gone to SC.

Now back to World Relief’s very interesting admission:  They do get “push back,” but the churches invited them to Spartanburg! 

So the Left-leaning churches get to decide the fate of your towns?

From reporter Kim Kimzey at The State (emphasis is mine):

Jenny Yang is a lobbyist for World Relief. Her bio is here:

Jenny Yang is vice president of Advocacy and Policy at World Relief. In a phone interview, Yang said the agency spent months getting approval from federal and state officials.

Yang said a proposal [we would like to see that proposal!–ed] was submitted to the State Department that oversees the refugee resettlement program. She said the final decision is up to a state refugee coordinator*** who determines whether cities are able to receive refugees, including housing and economic opportunities.  [Really!  The state refugee coordinator has that much power!—ed]

Yang also said World Relief worked with local churches for several months before it considered opening an office. “It wasn’t a decision that was spur of the moment,” she said.

Yang said World Relief could answer Gowdy’s questions. She said the organization has received some “push back” in other cities, mostly from local officials.

“We wouldn’t have opened an office if it weren’t for conversations that we had with churches and those churches actually asking us to come in to help them in their mission of helping the foreign born and refugees in their communities,” Yang said.

She said that World Relief opens offices in cities where churches and community members express support, as well as “practical considerations” such as housing and economic opportunities.

“There has been very vocal support, especially among churches that want to welcome these refugees, and that’s the reason we’re going to Spartanburg,” Yang said.

*** The South Carolina State Refugee Coordinator is listed here.  Time to check in with them and see what they approved!

South Carolina

State Refugee Coordinator: Dorothy Addison 803.898.0989
State Refugee Health Coordinator: Kate Habicht 803.898.0575
ORR Regional Representative: Faith Hurt 404.562.2847