The latest ‘Invasion of Europe’ news….
We’ve told you before about the plan by the European Commission to distribute mostly Muslim refugees (Syrians would make up a large portion of them) to all countries of Europe via a quota system. In Bratislava on Saturday the people said NO loud and clear.
From The Slovak Spectator:
A PUBLIC protest against immigration held in Bratislava on June 20 that led to violence against both police officers and bystanders showed the power of extremists in Slovakia who have declared their intention to become members of parliament in next year’s election. Observers point out that the protesters were nourished by mass hysteria and fears of Muslim immigrants arriving in Slovakia. [As if their fears were unfounded!—ed]

The European Commission presented a new quota-based strategy for dealing with the massive wave of immigrants coming to Europe on May 13. The EC plan counted on Slovakia accepting 785 individuals. The proposal met with wide criticism in Slovakia and a June survey conducted by the Polis agency indicated that 70.1 percent of 1,469 respondents said they disagreed with Slovakia accepting more refugees.
The protest on June 20 was one of the largest in recent Slovak history, shutting down traffic in some Bratislava squares and keeping hundreds of police officers busy. The police officers detained about 76 people suspected of riotous conduct with 41 of those detained coming from the Czech Republic. The police filed criminal complaints against 19 Czechs and 13 Slovaks according to Bratislava police spokesperson Tatiana Kurucová.
Violence in Bratislava streets
Thousands of protesters chanting “This is our home” and “Treason!” set out from Bratislava’s main railway station towards SNP Square.
There is much more, continue reading here…..
See all of our reports on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ here.
And, don’t forget! Today the US House Homeland Security Committee hears testimony about the security issues surrounding the resettlement of Syrians in America. The NO borders agitators want us to take 65,000 before Obama leaves office.