Fiscal Year 2014 Refugee Employment Entered Rates: These rates stink!

Check out this map I came across today in my research.  It is at the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) website and represents the caseload of refugees getting help from federal programs to find employment in each state.  You pay for this! Now look at the employment rates!
Holy cow!  Some of these are really low.  So much for the idea that refugees quickly become self-sufficient!
If I were ORR I would be embarrassed to publish this information!
If I’m reading this correctly, why are we sending so many refugees to Texas (just as one example) when only 46% are finding employment. And there are states with even much lower rates than that. Geez, look at Florida!
Go here for more info.
Kind of makes you wonder if indeed the Cloward-Piven strategy (use the poor to bring on the revolution) is alive and well under Obama!

Cleveland City Councilman seeing dollar signs for city: "USS Refugee ship is coming to port. Get on."

Councilman Joe Cimperman: Hurrah! Here come the third worlders to colonize Cleveland!

Update July 18th:  More on Ohio, here.
If you live in Cleveland or any other Rust Belt city this may be the most important article you will read this year (or for years to come).  I simply haven’t the time to analyze it all for you, but for any activists concerned with the future of your community, this reporter (Michelle Jarboe McFee) at The (Cleveland) Plain Dealer has done her homework.
You now must demand full transparency from local elected officials and if necessary figure out where and how to throw a shoe in the machinery of government!  Find out who is going to benefit financially from the re-development in this public-private partnership scheme to colonize Cleveland.
How much does Presidential candidate and Governor John Kasich know about the plan to welcome refugees to Cleveland?

If I lived in Ohio, I would also be trying to find out right now how “welcoming” Governor Kasich has been to this plan.  He surely knows about it!
Before you read “Dream neighborhood….,” please go to a story we posted exactly two years ago yesterday about how Welcoming America had come to Cleveland to get this ball rolling.
Somalis will be invited to be part of the “Dream” neighborhood!  Will they live in one big happy multicultural melting pot along side Hindu Bhutanese and Christian Ukrainians?

Changing America by changing the people! Story, sounds like a blueprint for Obama’s plan to “seed” your cities and towns with “New Americans.”

Here is how Ms. McFee begins her report at The Plain Dealer (hat tip: Julie).

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Kat Oberst Ledger and her husband, Art, recall when West 48th Street teemed with drug dealers and sounds of gunfire peppered the night. Now their street, near the intersection of Cleveland’s Stockyards and Clark-Fulton neighborhoods, is quiet at sundown. Empty houses sit, windows boarded, awaiting demolition. A hummingbird sanctuary and gardens have sprung up on vacant lots.

During the last decade, the Ledgers say, the neighborhood has improved. It also has emptied out, thanks to foreclosures, abandonment and urban decay. But the Ledgers could be welcoming new neighbors – hailing from places as far-flung as Bhutan, Somalia and Ukraine – over the next few years, if a consortium of community leaders, nonprofit groups and public officials has its way.

These newcomers, refugees fleeing danger or persecution in their home countries, need places to live. Cleveland has plenty of empty homes, many of which could be rehabbed rather than bulldozed if potential landlords knew tenants were on their way. That supply-and-demand equation is the basic premise of the Dream Neighborhood, a plan to reinvigorate a slice of the city’s West Side by appealing to refugees while improving living conditions for existing residents.

On Friday, the Cleveland City Planning Commission will get its first look at this land-use concept, during an introductory presentation at City Hall. At this point, there’s nothing that requires a public vote. There’s no mountain of government money on the table, though councilmen have pushed for more demolition spending to raze the worst eyesores in the neighborhood. But there appears to be city support, from Mayor Frank Jackson on down, for the idea of making Cleveland a more welcoming place, a haven for people forced to leave their home countries.


Cimperman wants to capture some of those new households and concentrate them near Thomas Jefferson school, chipping away at a citywide vacancy challenge that spans thousands of properties. He envisions a repopulated neighborhood where longtime residents live next door to refugees who help maintain shared gardens, find jobs in the area and start businesses on Clark and Storer avenues, two depleted commercial corridors.

“I’m telling you now,” Cimperman says, conveying his passion for the project with words that can’t be printed in a family newspaper, “the … USS Refugee ship is coming to port. Get on.”

Please read on, this is great reporting (even if you don’t like what you are hearing)!
One big problem—-so where are the jobs?

Kansas City: White population plummets; refugee program partly responsible

Yippee! We are no longer majority white in Kansas City said KC mayor speaking to La Raza.

I was traveling yesterday and had no time to post or even read much, so I missed posting this important article by Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily about how Kansas City Mayor Mark Holland bragged about how KC is being changed by changing the people (where have we heard that before!).
See the WND article hereDrudge picked it up and helped it go viral!
And be sure to see the 3,048 comments (as of this writing).
See our many posts on Kansas by clicking here.
By the way, one of the driving forces behind changing Kansas has been BIG Meat (the meatpackers) looking for cheap immigrant labor.  You will find many posts in our Kansas archive about that.

Daniel Greenfield: Chattanooga shooter possibly linked to Palestinian refugees

Update 2: Shooter traveled to Jordan in 2014, WSJ here.
Update:  If Dad is a Palestinian who left Kuwait, this family could indeed be resettled refugees or successful asylum seekers we gave shelter to. Here is what wikipedia says about the expulsion of Palestinians (Jordanian citizens) from Kuwait after the first Gulf War.   I don’t have time to dig around, but if you do, I’ll post your links here!  I have to get on to my work on “Welcoming Ohio” this morning.
Everyone I know is asking if the Islamic-motivated shooting of 4 unarmed Marines is somehow linked to our refugee program.  I don’t have the answer yet.

Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez

We don’t take very many refugees from Kuwait nor do we take very many Palestinians, but we do send many Muslim refugees to Tennessee.
If anyone sees a mention of the year the killer’s family entered the US it might help us narrow this down.  Remember there are several legal immigration programs through which this family could have been admitted to the US.
One possibility is that a family member (the father?) entered the US in some legal fashion (tourist visa?) then applied for asylum and subsequently brought the family over behind him (like the Tsarnaev Boston Bomber family did).
Everyone keep an eye out for any news about how they got into the US!
Holly Johnson
As the Director for the Tennessee Office for Refugees, Holly Johnson would be able to put the question to rest by telling us whether or not the killer’s family came to the US as refugees or possibly were granted asylum status after getting into the country through some other means.

The refugee program in Tennessee is a Wilson-Fish program which means it is run jointly by the US State Department and in this case Catholic Charities of Tennessee (Tennessee Office for Refugees)—they would both know if the Abdulazeez family came here as refugees or successful asylum seekers. 
Also, the primary resettlement contractor in Chattanooga is Bridge Refugee Services (a subcontractor of Church World Service and Episcopal Migration Ministries, two of nine major contractors).
Bridge has been operating in Chattanooga since 1982 so they would know if this family was one of theirs!
My guess is that the refugee contractors in Tennessee will not be forthcoming.
Daniel Greenfield writing at Frontpage magazine has this bit of information:

This is still preliminary as the story is developing. So take it as that.

The media is reporting that the Muslim attacker in the Chattanooga shootings is Kuwaiti. That may not be accurate, based on the current reporting, it would appear that his mother Rasmia Abdulazeez is indeed from Kuwait, but his father Youssuf Abdulazeez is from Nablus in Israel.

This is not especially significant as a lot of self-described “Palestinians” used to live in Kuwait. At least until the Kuwaitis kicked them out for collaborating with Saddam. With the approval of Bush I.

If you see more on how the family got into the US, please send it our way.
By the way, one of the first posts I ever wrote at RRW was about this agency, Bridge Refugee Services, joining the ACLU and CAIR to fight a 2003 request by the US Dept. of Homeland Security for information under the Patriot Act.  The national security agency was looking for information on resettled Iraqi refugees.  The resettlement contractor refused to cooperate.
So they are not likely to talk now!

Here is another Daniel Greenfield story on this topic.

Meanwhile Presidential candidate Bobby Jindal says Muslim immigration to America might more correctly be called “colonization.”

At Breitbart:

According to a recent report from the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), approximately 2.5 million immigrants from “predominantly Muslim countries” reside inside the U.S. right now. Abdulazeez was apparently one of them. Jindal has questioned whether all the Muslims coming into the United States right now is really truly “immigration” or if it’s actually a “colonization.”

About Holly Johnson:  This is her contact information if any investigative reporters want to try to get an answer—good luck!

Holly Johnson, Director
Tennessee Office for Refugees
Office: (615) 352-9520 ext. 222
Fax: (615) 352-0701