Last night, most interested in learning more about the US Conference of Catholic Bishop’s paid lobbyist, Kevin Appleby, who lobbies for amnesty among other things, I was pleased to find the 2014 Annual Report for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops Migration Fund.
By the way, according to Guidestar, the Bishops don’t have to file a Form 990 with the IRS because they are a “church.” So, we can’t find out what salary and benefits package Mr. Appleby is pulling down. Whatever happened to the separation of church and state?
Unbelievable! Here is a link to the report, or see below as a pdf we downloaded (so it doesn’t disappear anytime soon!).
Go to page 3 to learn what YOU are paying for.
Now check out page 10!
Income from Federal Grants/Agreements………….$79,590,512
Travel loan Collection Fees (your money too)……$3,401,622***
Total Revenue…………………………………………………..$85,506,950
*** Refugees are required to repay their airfare, however the USCCB does the collecting and is permitted to keep a cut for themselves. In other words, the entire amount of the travel loan is not returned to the US Treasury.
That means that YOU, US taxpayers, are funding the Bishops to the tune of 97% of their budget.
They could not exist without putting their hands into Caesar’s treasury!
I’ll have more tomorrow because I want to give this to you in little bites.
By the way, we had seen their annual report for 2012, but hadn’t seen one since. In 2014 they received around $16 million more from you than they did in 2012! Did the record number of Unaccompanied Alien Children they encouraged to come to the southern border account for the jump in income? We know the USCCB has been compensated for years to take care of the UACs.
Endnote: We have written about the USCCB and its government funding on many previous occasions, but since we have so many new readers and since our friend Jim Simpson has just come out with his report on the Red-Green Axis which includes the role the Catholic Church has played in advancing the agenda of the open borders political Left, I’m looking into all this again.