Angering her, Obama wants to send South Carolina some Gitmo prisoners, but in the meantime she has signaled her ‘welcome’ to third world refugees.
This is another informative article from World Net Daily investigative reporter Leo Hohmann which includes an update about the visit this past week of Anne Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, who traveled to Spartanburg, SC to try to quell the resistance there to a new plan to seed Spartanburg with refugees.
From WND:
Some are calling it the “height of hypocrisy,” bordering on demagoguery.

Nikki Haley, South Carolina’s Republican governor, came out last Thursday and blasted possible White House plans to bring Guantanamo Bay prisoners to her state.
The governor called a news conference and didn’t mince words.
“We are absolutely drawing a line that we are not going to allow any terrorist to come into South Carolina,” Haley said. “We are not going to allow that kind of threat, we are not going to allow that kind of character to come in.
“My job is to protect the people of this state, and I take that very personally,” she continued. “I will take that personally the entire way through, so that the president, the Congress and anyone involved in this decision understands they are not wanted, they are not needed, and we will not accept them in South Carolina.”
Yet, at the same time she was drawing a red line against Gitmo terrorists who would stay locked in a brig off the coast of Charleston, Haley was opening her arms wide to welcome “refugees” from jihadist strongholds in the Middle East and Africa.
Haley has come down on the side of the State Department and the refugees, saying she trusts the vetting process, despite hundreds of arrests and active investigations involving refugees or children of refugees across the U.S. She has chosen to believe the State Department over the FBI, which is responsible for screening the refugees and warned that in some cases it’s an impossible task.
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For all of our coverage of the Spartanburg seeding plan, click here.
See Part II here!