Participants hold flags and a banner during an anti-immigration rally organised by an initiative called “Stop Islamisation of Europe” and backed by the “People’s Party-Our Slovakia” on September 12, 2015 in Bratislava, Slovakia. AFP PHOTO / Samuel Kubani
Another sign read:
“Multiculturalism is a utopia, don’t open the borders”.
I wonder do some of these countries have a better understanding of totalitarianism and thus want no part of Merkel’s form of it (or the Islamic version of it either)? From Samaa.TV:
BRATISLAVA: Thousands of people joined anti-migrant protests in three eastern European capitals on Saturday after leaders from the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia opposed an EU scheme to fix refugee quotas.
In the Polish capital Warsaw, nearly 5,000 people, many chanting anti-Islamic slogans, marched through the city, an AFP correspondent said. “Islam will be the death of Europe”, one of the banners said.
Organisers claimed the demonstration drew 10,000 people but police refused to confirm the figure.
“We’re here so that the government hears our voice and abandons any plans to welcome Muslims,” shouted one of the organisers after starting the march with prayers which identified the participants as Roman Catholics.
Members of far-right fringe parties and football supporters chanted “Poles against migrants” and “Migrants today, terrorists tomorrow”.
No time to say, more. This picture is worth a thousand words. The Hungarian Bishop is right!
“Refugees” from Afghanistan arrive in Germany. Fighting-age young men! See the story at The Telegraph.
By the way, our top post of the last week wasthis one—UN confirms 75% of migrants are men!
Update: I hadn’t seen it earlier, but Leo Hohmann at WND has more on what the good Bishop said, here. For all of you wondering if there is any hope for the Bishops who run the Catholic Church in America, there may not be, but it is heartening to see some Catholic leader willing to speak up somewhere else in the world. Thank God for religious leaders like this one: Hungarian Bishop Laszlo Kiss-Rigo.
Readers, my guess is that Obama is going to give the Pope a big fat smooch when he arrives in Washington on September 22nd in the form of a promise to “welcome” tens of thousands of Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees to your towns in the coming year. I doubt he will stick with the 10,000 he mentioned this past week.
Here is one brave Bishop! From the Washington Postearlier this past week:
BUDAPEST — Pope Francis’s message Sunday couldn’t have been clearer: With hundreds of thousands of refugees flowing into Europe, Catholics across the continent had a moral duty to help by opening their churches, monasteries and homes as sanctuaries.
On Monday, the church’s spiritual leader for southern Hungary — scene of some of the heaviest migrant flows anywhere in Europe — had a message just as clear: His Holiness is wrong.
“They’re not refugees. This is an invasion,” said Bishop Laszlo Kiss-Rigo, whose dominion stretches across the southern reaches of this predominantly Catholic nation. “They come here with cries of ‘Allahu Akbar.’ They want to take over.”
For new readers who have not been following the ‘Invasion of Europe’ (Invasion archive is here) as we have for several years, you need to know that Pope Francis actually encouraged the migration by lecturing on Lampedusa in 2013 and inviting the illegal aliens to Italy.
US Bishops want 100,000(mostly Muslim) Syrians admitted to US in the next year!
Ask Ann Voskamp one of the leaders of this new lobbying initiative how she is proposing to save the persecuted Christians first!
No surprise, but you need to be ready to speak up!
If this new group, with its lobbying campaign, shows up in your church, ask them how many CHRISTIANS and other religious minorities they are proposing to save!
I can’t emphasize enough that the present invasion of Europe is being led by mostly Muslim migrants and that the US State Department has admitted 95% Sunni Muslims in the Syrian refugee stream to the US so far.
If you don’t believe me,here, run the numbers for yourself here.
So if you are being pressured from the pulpit tomorrow—ask your pastors and priests: HOW MANY CHRISTIANS ARE THEY SAVING? Pin them down, make them say they are saving Christians first!
From ‘We Welcome Refugees’ new website (hat tip: Kelly):
This Sunday – September 13, 2015 we are inviting all churches and Christian Leaders to take a moment in your services and gatherings to discuss the incredible humanitarian tragedy and faced by largely Syrian Refugees.
This is a place for you to say: We Welcome Refugees – and get to live out those words. A place for your church, your people, your community, to have a practical, tangible, real way to welcome in the stranger in Christ’s name, a place hosted byWorld Relief, The Justice Conference, and Ann Voskamp, with more partners to be added soon. (If you are already Welcoming Refugees and would like to partner with us, click on the link below or email
Learn morehere.
By the way, World Reliefis one of thenine federal refugee resettlement contractors being paid by the head to resettle refugees working in your towns, here. As such they are one of those groups lobbying the Obama Administration to admit 100,000 Syrian refugees (which translates into 95,000 Muslims and 5,000 Christians and other minorities at the present rate). They are among those wailing right now as Obama has signaled 10,000 Syrians are “welcome” for this coming year.
See a list of World Relief partner churches, here. World Relief is the federal contractor working to bring refugees to Spartanburg, SC(Trey Gowdy’s district!).
This is how the game is played in Washington. For months the resettlement contractors***and theSenate Jihad Caucus have been clamoring for65,000 Syrians to be admitted to the US in the next fiscal year which begins in 2 and 1/2 weeks (October 1). For new readers that number would nearly double the present number of refugees (70,000) from all countries who have entered the US and joined our welfare rolls each year of the Obama Administration. Erol Kekic of Church World Service on the 10,000 Syrians proposal: Obama must have left off a zero
Then just a week or so ago the number they were demandingjumped to 100,000, so when Obama sent out the 10,000 Syrians trial balloonthis week, it was easy to predict that the contractors, who are PAID BY THE HEAD to resettle refugees in over190 towns and citiesin the US went ballistic.
They will run in circles, scream and shout, and then watch for it! Obama will up the number (something he will surely be happy to do). You need to counter this move!
From the Huffington Post:
WASHINGTON — Seventy-two House Democrats joined human rights groups on Friday in calling for the U.S. to admit 100,000 Syrian refugees next fiscal year, saying the White House’s proposal to take in 10,000 of them is far from enough.
The members said the U.S. should accept 200,000 refugees total in the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1, echoing a number put forward by groups that help with and advocate for resettlement. [Come on reporters could you for once say they are paid by the taxpayers for their ‘advocacy.’—ed]
The full number of refugees to be admitted next fiscal year needs to be set by the end of the month. So far, the administration has said total refugee admissions will be higher than 70,000 — the number set for this fiscal year — and that the number of Syrians to be admitted will go from the 1,500 target this year to 10,000.
US Conference of Catholic Bishops lobbyist, Kevin Appleby, is “disappointed,” wanted 100,000!
“When we saw that we just said, ‘Uh, did he forget a zero in his announcement?’Because the 10,000 figure certainly doesn’t even begin to seriously address the issue,” said Erol Kekic, executive director of the immigration and refugee program at Church World Service.
The groups calling for 200,000 refugee admissions next fiscal year received support Thursday from Reps. John Conyers (Mich.) and Zoe Lofgren (Calif.), the top Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee and its immigration subcommittee, respectively.
They can’t even find enough employment, housing and health care for the 70,000 they already bring, do they have a death wish for America?
The article goes on to quote Kevin Appleby, the lobbyist for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, as “surprised and disappointed.”
There must be hearings in the House and Senate Judiciary Committees!
I’ve been looking into Refugee law (more later) and as I read it, Congress must hold hearings in the next two weeks on the President’s “Determination Letter”which should be arriving on the Hill this week in order to fit the “consultation” deadline required in the law.
Don’t count on Congress to save us, but don’t remain silent!
Here are the Members of the House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security. They will be “consulting” with the White House this month on the refugee numbers for FY2016. If any of these are your representatives call them now—10,000 is too high when as we knowthey cannot be properly screened for security! So far, 95% of the Syrians admittedto the US have been Sunni Muslims. The percentage jumps to 97% for those who entered in 2015 alone.
This is not about saving the persecuted Christians. Much to my shock, I have never heard any of the supposedly “religious” charities listed below specifically say they want to save Christians first!
The House subcommittee responsible for refugees is below. Check the full committee listhere as well where you will find full names, party affiliation and district.
But, remember that Congress has been virtually absent in the 35 years the Refugee Admissions Program has been in existence, so don’t count on them to save America now, but you still have to try to get them to do something! At least they must hold hearings on the Syrians and object to Obama’s high numbers.
Senator Sessions, Chairman
Senator Vitter
Senator Perdue
Senator Grassley
Senator Cornyn
Senator Lee
Senator Cruz
Senator Tillis
Senator Schumer, Ranking Member
Senator Leahy Senator Feinstein Senator Durbin Senator Klobuchar Senator Franken
Senator Blumenthal
Those in red are already members of the Senate Jihad Caucuslooking to resettle 65,000 Syrians ASAP.
*** The nine contractors who are paid by you, the US taxpayer, to resettle refugees and at the same time lobby for more refugees and more money for themselves! There should be a law against using tax dollars to lobby for more tax dollars!