One Christian Syrian family coming to live in the Vatican with me! So good, so charitable!
Readers will remember that Pope Francis called on Christiansto open their homes to Syrian refugees and he promised that the Vatican would take two families. They have chosen one so far—Melkite Greek Catholics.
So, then let me ask, if Americans are being asked to “welcome” Syrians why can’t we have Christians too?
Presently the UN/US State Department selection for your towns and cities has been comprised of 95% Syrian Muslims. I think if your town is being asked to take Syrians you should be demanding Christians who will pose no security threat to Christian America!
The Muslim Syrians can be taken in by the rich Arab states!
From NBC News:
Responding to a call from Pope Francis for every Church parish to house refugees, the Vatican City said Friday it had taken in a family that had fled the war in Syria.
The family – a father, mother and their two children – came from Damascus and are Melkite Greek Catholics, a Christian church with close ties to the Roman Catholic Church.
The Vatican said in a statement that the family, which was not named, arrived in Italy on Sept 6, the day Pope Francis made his appeal for European parishes to open their doors to refugees. The four Syrians have since asked for asylum.
The vast majority of Syrians are Muslims, but its small Christian community is one of the oldest in the world, making up an estimated 10 percent of the population before the outbreak of the Syrian unrest in 2011.
When the Pope comes to Washington this coming week, I sure hope he is going to call out those doing the persecuting in the Middle East (but don’t count on it). Let him know what you think! Send letters to the editor wherever you live because you know the mainstream media is going to milk this visit for all its worth to promote the Democrats’ no-borders agenda.
Update September 20th: More excellent reporting on this by Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily, click here. This is pretty big news! Thanks to a tip from a friend, I checked the House website for bill statusand see that Rep. Michael McCaul has become the 10th member to sign on to HR 3314 since we posted on the co-sponsors yesterday! Rep. Michael McCaul called the Syrian refugee resettlement proposal a possible Jihadi pipeline to America. See our post yesterdayfor the full story.
This is a significant addition to a bill introduced this summerby freshman Rep. Brian Babin of Texas and comes at a most critical time as Obama may dramatically increase the refugee flow of mostly Syrian Muslims to the US.
McCaul, who signed on yesterday, joins the following nine other co-sponsors.
Rep Burgess, Michael C. [TX-26] – 9/16/2015
Rep Gosar, Paul A. [AZ-4] – 9/15/2015
Rep Hice, Jody B. [GA-10] – 9/15/2015
Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. [NC-3] – 9/15/2015
Rep King, Steve [IA-4] – 9/15/2015
Rep Sessions, Pete [TX-32] – 9/15/2015
Rep Weber, Randy K., Sr. [TX-14] – 9/15/2015
Rep Westmoreland, Lynn A. [GA-3] – 9/15/2015
Rep Zinke, Ryan K. [MT] – 9/15/2015
Is your member in this list? Where are youReps Bob Goodlatte and Trey Gowdy? (For new readers these two members, as chairman and subcommittee chairman of the House Judiciary Committee are responsible for calling for hearings on the refugee program. So far crickets!)
See also: Rep. Walter Jones sayscut the funding!
Gingerbread hearts on sale in Munich. OMG! This tells us all we need to know about the migration crisis Germany has brought to Europe.
Invasion of Europe news…..
Read this story at Yahoo Newsabout what ‘fun’ might happen as one of the biggest annual events for the Germany economy runs smack up against thousands of mostly Muslim ‘refugees’ arriving on trains with the revelers.
Cookies will not fix the problem! For more on the mess Merkel has visited upon Germany, click here.
As we focus on Syrians, let’s not forget the Somalis!
Ho hum! We have been following the ‘careers’ of the Somali “youths,” here referred to as “children,” since 2008 (see early posts by clicking here) when we first learned about Somali refugees thumbing their noses at the good life we gave them in America and choosing a future instead of violent jihad.
And, it is unbelievable to me that those promoting bringing in 65,000-100,000 mostly Muslim Syrians think that somehow this will not continue to happen.
Here is the news on one of the latest cases, from the Minneapolis Star Tribune: One of the “children” who plead guilty.
MINNEAPOLIS — A Minnesota man admitted Thursday that he planned to travel to Syria to join the Islamic State group, saying he believed joining the violent terrorist organization would help his fellow Muslims.
Zacharia Yusuf Abdurahman, 20, pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist group. He admitted that he and eight other men met 10 to 15 times in local mosques, parks and restaurants to talk about routes to Syria and how to finance their trip.
He faces up to 15 years in prison at sentencing, which hasn’t been scheduled.
Abdurahman is the third Minnesota man to plead guilty in connection with planning travel to Syria. Five others face a February trial.
Authorities have described the men from Minnesota’s Somali community as friends who recruited and inspired each other. Prosecutors say the men were advised from overseas by Abdi Nur, another Minnesota man who went to Syria in May 2014.
He also said he watched English-language jihadist videos on YouTube, Twitter and other social media outlets, and wanted to join the Islamic State group even though he knew it carried out beheadings and burned prisoners.
Just children!
Ayan Abdurahman said after her son’s hearing that she was “very sad” and that he and others like him are just children.
“He’s very young,” she said, speaking in broken English. “… I asking the American government they have to treat these as children. They make mistake.”
How many of you agree with me? Just let the “youths” leave the country, take away their passports, and don’t let them come back. Under the present system, we taxpayers get hosed again! We will pay for this man’s prison term! Lucky us!
Are we ever going to stop bringing in Somali ‘refugees’?
We have been focusing on the question of how many Syrian Muslim refugees will be admitted to the US going forward, but always remember we have admitted Somali ‘refugees’ for three decades and there is no end in sight(this is even though the UN is now sending Somalis back to a more stable Somalia from its camps in Kenya).
Once the pipeline is open it never ends!
Go hereto a post I wrote years ago and see that we have admitted well over 100,000 Somalis to the US and they were frankly as equally unable to be screened for security as are the Syrians. But, maybe more importantly, note that the magic melting pot DID NOT WORK and the next generation is becoming the terrorists that there parents were not! Anchorage gets a mosque thanks in part to growth in Muslim refugee population.
Just checked theRefugee Processing data base, and here is what I find: As of August 31, we have admitted another 7,642 Somalis to the US! The number, when the year ends in less than two weeks, will likely come very close to 9,000 (which is the number we brought last year).
And here (below) is where they went. They went to many more states than I’ve listed here. These are the states that “welcomed” more than 100 to the state’s welfare rolls. Although not over 100, I also want to note that Alaska got 64 Somalis to add to their mosque-going population.
The number in parenthesis is the number of Somalis resettled in the state in FY2015. Top five Somali states in red (these state will probably continue to lead the pack because the contractors will be bringing in their family members):
Arizona (562)
California (239)
Colorado (165)
Connecticut (105)
Georgia (233)
Idaho (91)
Kentucky (333)
Maine (181)
Massachusetts (271)
Minnesota (911) And, MN gets around 2,000 additional a year who move in from elsewhere in the US