Syrian refugees being resettled in "safe" Baltimore

Editor: There are so many stories coming my way from all over the country about where Syrians are being resettled that I will never be able to post them all.  I do tweet as many as I can, so please follow me on twitter and see my twitter feed in the right hand column here at RRW.

Yikes! While researching this story I found this. Islamic Relief USA working with Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlins-Blake to help refugees get established in Baltimore.

I’m posting this one on Baltimore because it made me laugh.  The International Rescue Committee (one of nine major federal resettlement contractors) is touting “safe” Baltimore as a place to drop off mostly Muslim Syrian refugees.

We’ve told you about Baltimore here, just after the riots earlier this year. And, we wonder what the African Americans of Baltimore think of this—jobs and a free apartments for refugees!

Do you think this insertion of ethnic diversity is more fuel for Baltimore’s fire?  I do.

From CBS Baltimore:

The International Rescue Committee in Baltimore has welcomed 26 Syrians by providing them with the tools to succeed, including a furnished apartment and even employment.


“When you get a safe place like Baltimore or the U.S. and you have the opportunity to rebuild your whole life,” said Chandrasekar, “how motivated do you think you would be? That’s what we see everyday when we welcome a refugee into the Baltimore area.”

The Baltimore office is primarily funded through federal dollars, but a lot of donations come from the community.


Over the last 15 years, the IRC has resettled 12,000 refugees from all over the world here in central Maryland.

About the photo:

I told you here that the questionable Muslim charity—Islamic Relief USA—was helping Syrian refugees get established in Kentucky.

Please go to the Clarion Project and learn about how this huge charity is linked to the Muslim Brotherhood!

Is Islamic Relief USA helping fund refugee resettlement in your city or town? 

No discussion of refugee crisis at CNN debate; Carly leaves me cold

I had to read Daniel Horowitz to see that I didn’t miss anything when I turned off the CNN 2016 Presidential debate halfway through on Wednesday night. Honestly, I couldn’t take it anymore, and as much as I felt it was my duty to watch (for you), my novel (about the Nazi occupation of Poland) was calling me.

Carly at debate
As of this writing, Carly Fiorina has a ‘D’ score on NumbersUSA Presidential score card on immigration and jobs even worse then Jeb’s C-

Horowitz has been writing some great stuff on the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program so he too must have expected one of the most important issues of the year (the decade, the century!)—how wide is America going to throw open our gates to Muslim ‘refugees’ from around the world especially Syrians right now—to at least be mentioned.
Did CNN not want millions of viewers to know about it, and are the candidates too chicken to mention it?  Or, was it both of those things!
Indeed, because the CNN debate became a free-for-all, you know that if one of the candidates wanted to work in a comment about Obama’s outrageous Syrian resettlement plan, he or she could have.
From Conservative Review (hat tip: Dick).  Emphasis below is mine:

Last night, there was time at the Republican presidential debate to discuss vaccinations and the ten-dollar bill but not a word was uttered about one of the most pressing issues – Obama’s imminent plan to bring in thousands of Islamic refugees from Syria.

Yesterday, the Obama administration announced that the plan to bring in 10,000 Syrian refugees next fiscal year is just the beginning. Overall, they plan to expand the current refugee cap of 70,000 worldwide to 100,000 over the next few years, enabling them to admit tens of thousands more from the Middle East. And that includes places like Somalia as well.

Congress can and must put an end to this charade. Obama cannot bring in more refugees than the amount the annual appropriations for the resettlement program will support. It’s time they use the power of the purse to cut off the money spigot for Syrian and Somali refugees. Moreover, the originally refugee caps established by the Refugee Act of 1980 were set at 50,000. The increase of those caps was supposed to be done in consultation with Congress. It’s time for Congress to have a two-way conversation in this “consultation” and speak out for Americans.  [Where are you Reps Goodlatte and Gowdy?—ed]


This is what the liberal westerners will never understand. They project their own hopes and aspirations on people who will never share their values. Sure, if I turned the clock back 30 years without the luxury of observing the history of Muslim immigration I would have also thought they’d appreciate our hospitality. But how many painful lessons must we learn in order to protect Americans from such threats? With the growing success of cyber-Jihad there is no way to ensure that these thousands of Syrian refugees of military age will not become radicalized and bite the hand that feeds them. In fact, undoubtedly many of them already have been radicalized.

Accordingly, the more salient question is not how many of them are connected to ISIS, although that is definitely an important point to consider. It’s how many of them dislike our values? For years, America was careful to exclude those who would become a public charge. Can’t we at least exclude those who will likely hate our democratic values?

For those wowed by Carly….

As for all the hoopla surrounding Carly Fiorina, this woman (me!) is not wowed.  I’ve told you, right or wrong, I am a one-issue voter and Fiorina has a ‘D’ score right now on Immigration and Jobs at NumbersUSA, click here.  And, until she says she was wrong, I can’t get past the ill-timed, uninformed speech she did shortly after 9/11, read about it here.

Refugees are eligible for social services for many years

Update:  I have just been told that the per capita has been increased to $1975 (presumably the Volag/resettlement agency share went up with it).
I just came across this handy breakdown of which social services refugees can access immediately upon arrival in the US.  Note that it does not show food stamps or subsidized housing (both available to refugees for years), or the cost of educating the children.
At the top you will see that each refugee gets $1850 [now $1975–ed] as a one time payment from the US Dept. of State (a family of 6 would receive $11,100).  However, the contracting (non-profit) agency keeps about $750 of each refugee’s allotment for its own overhead.
But, that is not all the contractor receives, most get tens of thousands of federal dollars to run myriad other programs through their offices including English language lessons, employment counseling, and even are granted federal dollars to develop community gardens for their refugee clients.
See also:  Jeff Sessions:  90% of Middle Eastern  refugees on welfare, here.
All non-profit groups are required to file Form 990’s with the IRS and must make them available to anyone who asks.  You should not be told that you must do a Freedom of Information Act request to get their financials!
The diagram can be seen more clearly here in enlarged form:
Screenshot (5)

Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX): “We are crazy to be inviting the problems of the Middle East into the United States"

Editor:  See our first post on Rep. Brian Babin’s initial shot-across-the-bow of the heretofore sacrosanct Refugee Admissions Program of the UN/US State Department.  We are happy to report that 9 other brave Members of the House have joined his legislative initiative to halt the program until there has been a cost accounting done of the program.

brian Babin
Babin: Small towns and little communities are being inundated!

Babin talks to Breitbart (hat tip: Richard Falkner via twitter):

The U.S. must learn the costs and national security risks of the refugee resettlement program before it admits any more refugees including Syrian refugees, Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX) says.

In an interview with Breitbart News, Babin expressed his adamant opposition to President Obama’s recent call to admit at least 10,000 Syrian refugees in the U.S. next year.

“This refugee crisis was caused largely by [Obama’s] inept foreign policy,” Babin said.


“We are crazy to be inviting the problems of the Middle East into the United States.


Beyond the national security implications, Babin has been sounding the alarm about the fiscal costs associated with the refugee program, which he notes has resettled about 500,000 refugees since Obama took office. Refugees in the U.S. are immediately eligible for welfare and tend to use it at high levels.

“We have to find out just exactly what this is costing us.” he said, pointing out American workers’ current difficulties and national debt.

In July Babin introduced legislation to immediately suspend the refugee resettlement program until the Government Accountability Office (GAO) conducts a thorough audit of its costs on federal, state and local governments. He is currently collecting co-sponsors for that bill.

Speaking to Breitbart News, the freshman congressman highlighted the high levels of welfare use among refugees, and particularly refugees from the Middle East, noting that the available federal data does not account for the costs to local communities.

We are happy to report that right now, Mr.Babin has nine co-sponsors!  

Where are you Chairman Bob Goodlatte and Subcommittee Chairman Trey Gowdy?
By the way, Rep. Pete Sessions, a co-sponsor is House Rules Committee Chairman!

Latest Title: Resettlement Accountability National Security Act of 2015
Sponsor: Rep Babin, Brian [TX-36] (introduced 7/29/2015)       Cosponsors (9)
Latest Major Action: 9/8/2015 Referred to House subcommittee. Status: Referred to the Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security. (This is Trey Gowdy’s Subcommittee!).

COSPONSORS(9), ALPHABETICAL:     (Sort: by date)  (These are not hotlinks to the Members)

Rep Burgess, Michael C. [TX-26] – 9/16/2015
Rep Gosar, Paul A. [AZ-4] – 9/15/2015
Rep Hice, Jody B. [GA-10] – 9/15/2015
Rep Jones, Walter B., Jr. [NC-3] – 9/15/2015
Rep King, Steve [IA-4] – 9/15/2015
Rep Sessions, Pete [TX-32] – 9/15/2015
Rep Weber, Randy K., Sr. [TX-14] – 9/15/2015
Rep Westmoreland, Lynn A. [GA-3] – 9/15/2015
Rep Zinke, Ryan K. [MT] – 9/15/2015

Thanks to everyone who has been working hard to get co-sponsors signed up!
Time to really step it up especially as it looks like the Obama Administration is going to sock us with tens of thousands of refugees from the Middle East—more than usual—starting two weeks from today as the new fiscal year begins!