The wailing has begun! Refugee contractors furious that Obama 'only' admitting 10,000 Syrians this coming year

This is how the game is played in Washington.  For months the resettlement contractors*** and the Senate Jihad Caucus have been clamoring for 65,000 Syrians to be admitted to the US in the next fiscal year which begins in 2 and 1/2 weeks (October 1). For new readers that number would nearly double the present number of refugees (70,000) from all countries who have entered the US and joined our welfare rolls each year of the Obama Administration.

Erol Kekic of Church World Service on the 10,000 Syrians proposal: Obama must have left off a zero

Then just a week or so ago the number they were demanding jumped to 100,000, so when Obama sent out the 10,000 Syrians trial balloon this week, it was easy to predict that the contractors, who are PAID BY THE HEAD to resettle refugees in over 190 towns and cities in the US went ballistic.
They will run in circles, scream and shout, and then watch for it! Obama will up the number (something he will surely be happy to do).
You need to counter this move! 
From the Huffington Post:

WASHINGTON — Seventy-two House Democrats joined human rights groups on Friday in calling for the U.S. to admit 100,000 Syrian refugees next fiscal year, saying the White House’s proposal to take in 10,000 of them is far from enough.

The members said the U.S. should accept 200,000 refugees total in the fiscal year that begins Oct. 1, echoing a number put forward by groups that help with and advocate for resettlement.   [Come on reporters could you for once say they are paid by the taxpayers for their ‘advocacy.’—ed]


The full number of refugees to be admitted next fiscal year needs to be set by the end of the month. So far, the administration has said total refugee admissions will be higher than 70,000 — the number set for this fiscal year — and that the number of Syrians to be admitted will go from the 1,500 target this year to 10,000.

Kevin Appleby USCCB
US Conference of Catholic Bishops lobbyist, Kevin Appleby, is “disappointed,” wanted 100,000!

“When we saw that we just said, ‘Uh, did he forget a zero in his announcement?’ Because the 10,000 figure certainly doesn’t even begin to seriously address the issue,” said Erol Kekic, executive director of the immigration and refugee program at Church World Service.


The groups calling for 200,000 refugee admissions next fiscal year received support Thursday from Reps. John Conyers (Mich.) and Zoe Lofgren (Calif.), the top Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee and its immigration subcommittee, respectively.

They can’t even find enough employment, housing and health care for the 70,000 they already bring, do they have a death wish for America?
The article goes on to quote Kevin Appleby, the lobbyist for the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, as “surprised and disappointed.”

There must be hearings in the House and Senate Judiciary Committees!

I’ve been looking into Refugee law (more later) and as I read it, Congress must hold hearings in the next two weeks on the President’s “Determination Letter” which should be arriving on the Hill this week in order to fit the “consultation” deadline required in the law.

Don’t count on Congress to save us, but don’t remain silent!

Here are the Members of the House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security.  They will be “consulting” with the White House this month on the refugee numbers for FY2016.   If any of these are your representatives call them now—10,000 is too high when as we know they cannot be properly screened for security!  So far, 95% of the Syrians admitted to the US have been Sunni Muslims.  The percentage jumps to 97% for those who entered in 2015 alone.

This is not about saving the persecuted Christians.  Much to my shock, I have never heard any of the supposedly “religious” charities listed below specifically say they want to save Christians first!

The House subcommittee responsible for refugees is below.  Check the full committee list here as well where you will find full names, party affiliation and district.
But, remember that Congress has been virtually absent in the 35 years the Refugee Admissions Program has been in existence, so don’t count on them to save America now, but you still have to try to get them to do something!  At least they must hold hearings on the Syrians and object to Obama’s high numbers.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), Chairman
Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID), Vice-Chairman

Rep. Smith (Lamar)
Rep. King (Steve)
Rep. Buck
Rep. Ratcliffe
Rep. Trott
Rep. Lofgren
Rep. Guiterrez
Rep. Jackson Lee
Rep. Pierluisi

Below is the Senate Subcommittee responsible for the Refugee Program, click here for the full Committee membership.

Senator Sessions, Chairman
Senator Vitter
Senator Perdue
Senator Grassley
Senator Cornyn
Senator Lee
Senator Cruz
Senator Tillis
Senator Schumer, Ranking Member
Senator Leahy
Senator Feinstein
Senator Durbin
Senator Klobuchar
Senator Franken
Senator Blumenthal

Those in red are already members of the Senate Jihad Caucus looking to resettle 65,000 Syrians ASAP.
*** The nine contractors who are paid by you, the US taxpayer, to resettle refugees and at the same time lobby for more refugees and more money for themselves!  There should be a law against using tax dollars to lobby for more tax dollars!

Senator Jeff Sessions: 90% of Middle Eastern refugees get some form of welfare

Yesterday we told you about the Center for Immigration Studies analysis of data indicating that legal immigrants (which include refugees) are using our social safety net at a higher rate than native born Americans, now we learn that Middle Eastern refugees are using welfare assistance at an even higher level than other legal immigrants.

Sessions and Trump at Alabama rally August 21
Senator Jeff Sessions with 2016 Presidential hopeful Donald Trump at August 21st rally in Alabama.

From Breitbart (presumably these numbers include all Middle Eastern refugees no matter which religion they practice) Hat tip: Joanne.
The numbers are much more shocking than those we had previously obtained!

More than 90 percent of recent refugees from Middle Eastern nations are on food stamps and nearly 70 percent receive cash assistance, according to government data.

According to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) data highlighted by the immigration subcommittee staff of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest — in FY 2013, 91.4 percent of Middle Eastern refugees (accepted to the U.S. between 2008-2013) received food stamps, 73.1 percent were on Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance and 68.3 percent were on cash welfare.

Middle Eastern refugees used a number of other assistance programs at slightly lower rates. For example, 36.7 percent received Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), 32.1 percent received Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 19.7 percent lived in public housing, 17.3 percent were on General Assistance (GA), and 10.9 percent received Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA).

The high welfare rates among Middle Eastern refugees comes as the Obama administration considers increasing the number of refugees — who are immediately eligible for public benefits — to the U.S., particularly Syrian refugees.

ORR defines refugees and asylees from the “Middle East” as being from Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, and Yemen.   [Hah! And these figures don’t include the Somali welfare usage numbers!—ed]

More here….
Shortly after a meeting with Sessions on Capitol Hill, saying we need to take care of our own problems, Trump expressed reservations about plans to resettle Syrian refugees in the US.
Addendum: Senator Jeff Sessions was the leader of the opposition to the Gang of Eight’s amnesty bill and here in 2013 called out “meatpackers” as among the big industry lobbyists pushing for a greater supply of cheap immigrant labor.  Long time readers here know the large role the meatpackers are playing in changing small town America by encouraging the resettlement of refugees.

If you want to save Syrian Christians, do not take refugees from UN camps!

And, of course the majority (95% since January 2012) of Syrians arriving in the US right now are Syrian Muslims, because we take what the UN has chosen for us!

UNHCR refugee camp in Jordan is populated by mostly Sunni Muslims

As the debate heats up in Congress about the number of Syrian refugees to be admitted to the US, some elected officials in Washington need to grow a spine and start distinguishing between the truly persecuted Syrian Christians/other religious minorities and the Muslims who could be going to wealthy Muslim countries for resettlement.
Here is more evidence that the UN camps are populated by mostly Muslim ‘refugees’ and that Christians fear to go there.
From World Net Daily (Christians left out!):

As U.S. and European leaders reach out with open arms to tens of thousands of Muslim refugees flooding into Europe, the groans of persecuted Christians in Syria, Iraq and Pakistan are increasingly drowned out.

starving Syrian
A starving Syrian Muslim arrives in Kentucky in February.

President Obama announced Thursday that the U.S. will accept at an additional 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year, on top of the 1,600 that have already arrived.

The Syrian arrivals coming from United Nations refugee camps to date have been 95 percent Muslim.

When it comes to the plight of Christians, most of the voices of concern for “refugees” – whether they come from the EU, the White House, the Congress or in the media – fall silent, says a spokesman for the International Christian Concern.

The ICC posted an alert on its website Thursday that an estimated 30,000 Pakistani Christians have been forced to flee their homeland due to persecution from the Muslim majority in Pakistan. They are living in crude conditions in Thailand, Sri Lanka and Malaysia with little help from the United Nations or various international aid agencies.


According to the Barnabas Fund, which recently resettled some 50 Syrian Christian families in Poland, “Cameron’s policy [presumably a reference to taking refugees the UN has chosen, or who have arrived illegally in Europe.–ed] inadvertently discriminates against the very Christian communities most victimized by the inhuman butchers of the so-called Islamic State,” Carey writes.

“Christians are not to be found in the U.N. camps, because they have been attacked and targeted by Islamists and driven from them. They are seeking refuge in private homes, church buildings and with neighbors and family.”

This confirms reports that WND has previously published about the dangers Christians face in U.N. refugee camps.

As usual, reporter Leo Hohmann has a jam-packed report on the situation.  Go here for more.

Never forget….

World trade center 911
September 11, 2001: The first plane hit the north tower at 8:46 a.m. The second one struck at 9:03 a.m.

Watch and weep….
In 2010, Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs posted a heart wrenching Remembrance of 9/11.  I urge all of you to take a few minutes to remember those who lost their lives that day and pray for America now.   Click here (the presentation will take a few seconds to load).

Senator Lindsey Graham: we need to bring in our "fair share" of Syrian Muslims

If you are looking for answers about how South Carolina has become a target for refugee resettlement where the Governor (Nikki Haley) and even Rep. Trey Gowdy*** are obviously reluctant to stand up and question the choice of the state as fresh territory for third world resettlement (colonization!), look no further than the senior senator of the Palmetto State.

Do Haley and Gowdy jump when Lindsey says jump?

Editor’s note: There will be hundreds of articles in the coming days about the Syrian refugee numbers to be admitted to the US (Obama said 10,000 yesterday, but I suspect that is a trial balloon).  We will post the ones that are the most informative we find.  Like this one! 

Pals! Leftist Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and SC Senator Lindsey Graham. Will they team up to free emergency funds to bring Syrian Muslims to your towns and cities? Graham was one of 4 Republicans promoting amnesty as part of the infamous ‘Gang of Eight’ Senators in 2013. His position on more immigration has been very clear.

Somehow South Carolina had dodged a bullet over the years as surrounding states of North Carolina, Kentucky and Georgia have been flooded with refugees.
All that is changing (see our archive on the controversy in Spartanburg) and it sure looks like the driver behind that change is none other than SC senior Senator Lindsey Graham.  See his asinine and ill-informed comment about the Statue of Liberty and how America has to take it’s “fair share” of Syrian, mostly Muslim, refugees.   What the hell!  We had nothing to do with the Syrian civil war, why should any be our “fair share.”
(Now, if Graham is talking about Syrian Christians, he better get the backbone to use the word —  Christian!)
The US has long been the leading nation permanently resettling refugees from every continent on the globe—over 100,000 Iraqi Muslims from the Middle East in the last 8 years—-isn’t that enough for the Senator?
From The Fiscal Times in an article entitled, ‘Can the U.S. Handle 100,000 Syrian Refugees?’ (emphasis below is mine):

While much of Washington is occupied with the Iran nuclear deal, another debate is looming about whether the U.S. should open its doors to more refugees from the Syrian civil war.

Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina raised the possibility on Tuesday that Congress might approve emergency funding to greatly increase the U.S. quota for Syrian refugees in the face of an historic migrant crisis in Europe and the Middle East.

During an appearance before the National Press Club, Graham became the first GOP presidential candidate to urge the Obama administration to accept its “fair share” of Syrian refugees, amid international criticism that the U.S. is grossly shirking its responsibility to the international community. In a fit of melodrama, Graham said that “we should take the Statue of Liberty and tear it down” if the U.S. preserves its current, highly restrictive immigration policies with regards to victims of Syrian violence.

Graham is chair of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations, which means he has some say over the budget for the State Department and other international agencies. He said he would be in favor of “emergency spending” to cover the cost of bringing substantially more Syrian immigrants to the U.S., which would add to the federal deficit. He said he would confer with Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the ranking Democrat on his subcommittee, to sound him out on a possible bipartisan proposal.

“I don’t just want to pick a number,” Graham said, according to Roll Call. “I don’t know how many we should take, I don’t know how much money we should spend, but I know we should take our fair share and we need to spend more to get ahead of this.”

The U.S. currently allows the immigration of no more than 1,500 Syrians a year [inaccurate information—ed] – a miniscule number in the face of the millions of refugees streaming out of Syria, headed for Germany and other European countries. The United States Committee for Refugee and Immigrants has urged the administration to accept 100,000 Syrians in the coming year. [Dumb reporters quoting, as some sort of authoritative voice, a non-profit resettlement contractor which is being paid by the head to resettle refugees!–ed]

*** Rep. Trey Gowdy is chairman of the House subcommittee responsible for refugees and we will be watching closely to see if he calls for hearings when Obama sends his “Determination Letter” to Congress for consultation sometime in the next week or two.  Fiscal year 2016 begins on October 1, so by law Obama must send it!  The big question is, what can Congress do about it?  The key committees in the House and Senate could at minimum hold hearings.  And, please don’t tell me that Gowdy has too much going on with Benghazi to spend a little time on this infinitely more important issue—how many Syrian Muslims will we drop off in your towns!