Wyoming Public Radio pushing refugee resettlement for Wyoming

Oh, they will say they are just promoting the discussion about opening Wyoming for the placement of third world refugees, but it is just this sort of thing that the Open Borders Left uses to keep the pressure on a recalcitrant population which has made it very clear over recent years that they do not want Wyoming to become a new resettlement site.

Republican Governor Matthew Mead of Wyoming listens to remarks during a "Growth and Jobs in America" discussion at the National Governors Association Winter Meeting in Washington, February 23, 2014. The governors will be meeting with administration officials, members of Congress and business leaders as they discuss the nation's economy, education issues, environmental concerns and health and human services. REUTERS/Mike Theiler (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS BUSINESS EMPLOYMENT) - RTX19DNM
Republican Governor Matthew Mead of Wyoming wants third world refugees resettled in the state.

This is what the Leftists and complicit media do all the time to wear down their opposition.
For new readers, Wyoming is the only state in the nation that has never had a UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.
Montana, the only other state not ‘welcoming’ refugees at the moment, did have a small program a few years ago.
With the big push from the Obama Administration to expand resettlement from around the world to 85,000 this year (10,000 from Syria), the US State Department and its contractors are out scouting new territory and the Republican governor of Wyoming has invited the feds to come on in!
We have been following the controversy in Wyoming ever since Governor Matt Mead wrote a 2013 letter to the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) in Health and Human Services saying they were setting up an office in Wyoming.  A huge political brouhaha ensued and the governor and those pushing the plan ran for cover (for awhile!).
This March 24 event, being put on by Wyoming Public Radio and the Wyoming Humanities Council, signals that the Open borders (diversity is beautiful) gang is beginning a new propaganda salvo against citizens who object to the expense and cultural disruption that impoverished refugees from Africa, Asia and the Middle East would place on rural Wyoming.
This is a summary of the upcoming event:
One of the panelists will be former Congolese refugee Bertine Bahige. It was Bahige’s story about how he wanted a refugee program in WY so he could bring his family from the Congo to Wyoming that spooked citizens there before the Lutheran resettlement agency could get its structure in place in Casper. From my own experience and vast evidence over the years, these agents for the US State Dept. must get set up and start operations before the word leaks to regular folks in the town. Secrecy is the watchword for federal agencies/contractors.

Wyoming PBS and the Wyoming Humanities Council are partnering to explore immigration and refugee policy in Wyoming in a special March 24th Wyoming Perspectives. What is the federal government’s refugee program? Why doesn’t Wyoming participate? What are the numbers of immigrants and refugees in Wyoming? What is Wyoming’s history with immigration? Should Wyoming help in the world’s refugee crisis? Why or why not? These questions and more will be discussed. Brian Liesinger, Executive Director of the Heart Mountain Interpretive Center, will provide a historical perspective.

Wyomingites need to find out more about those on the board of the Wyoming Humanities Council, here.  And, use the election season to question Liz Cheney about the refugee program. You should be guaranteed to get publicity by doing so.
Concerned citizens of Wyoming should weigh in here:

We invite your questions about immigration and refugee policy in Wyoming. Call in your questions during the broadcast to: 800-495-9788 or submit questions now via email to immigration@wyomingpbs.org.

If you live somewhere else in the US and have witnessed problems with the refugee program where you live, please send in questions and comments as well! (Even if your questions/comments never make it on the air, you will be educating Wyoming PBS).

Also, please send ‘educational’ information to the legislator, see here, who will be on the program.
For all of you who have not followed the controversy in Wyoming, see our archive here.
Two years ago this week, we had a good laugh when we learned that the wannabe refugee contractor, Lutherans!, admitted that the reason they got politically shot down was that the news was out about their plans before they had all the skids greased.  They had hoped to keep the plan secret longer! Jumping the gun! Go here and see that the ORR already had Casper, WY on their map of resettlement sites.  The latest map shows no office in Casper.
See especially, Governor Mead suggests RRW is racist, here (a usual line of attack by the Left!).

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