This is what CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper said this morning on CAIR’s facebook page:

#CAIR: Idaho prosecutor denies Syrian refugees gang-raped girl (Reuters)
Anti-Muslim agitators and those opposed to resettlement of refugees from the Syrian civil war nevertheless seized on the incident to buttress their arguments for shutting down a refugee center in Twin Falls to prevent entry by displaced Syrians…
Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, said the Idaho sexual assault should be fully investigated but added the case had become a lightning rod for anti-Muslim, and anti-refugee sentiments.
The families of the boys who are alleged to have sexually assaulted a five year old girl in Twin Falls have received eviction notices from the landlord of the Fawnbrook Apartments. BTW, this Idaho Statesman story does admit one of the boys touched the girl and it is described as a criminal act. (See eviction letter here)
See also, several updates at the World Net Daily story, here, about the case (including new photo).