When Donald Trump said the Ohio State Somali refugee jihadist should not have been here, he was right.
More information is coming out every day on who these people are and how they got in to the US.
From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:
Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the Ohio State student who attacked fellow students with his car and a butcher knife last month, was a known recruitment target of Islamic terrorists when Homeland Security officials allowed him into the country as a “refugee.”

The revelation came from a letter sent Wednesday by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Artan entered the U.S. as a refugee along with his mother and six of his siblings, leaving one sibling behind in Somalia.
Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is demanding more information on the screening process applied to Artan and his family.
While applying for entrance into the U.S. as a “refugee” from Somalia in 2013, Artan’s mother told immigration officials she feared persecution from al-Shabaab, an al-Qaida affiliated terrorist group, and believed Abdul and his siblings would be recruited into the organization if they remained in Somalia, the Daily Caller reported.
That knowledge should have led USCIS officials to “conduct additional questioning to better understand ties to a group that the United States designated as a foreign terrorist organization in 2008,” the letter said. But the additional questioning, which the committee describes as “common practice” in those situations, never happened.
Artan’s mother also told government screeners that her husband had been kidnapped by al-Shabab.
All of these facts should have been red flags, a former DHS screening officer told WND.
Phil Haney, a recently retired Homeland Security officer and co-author of the bombshell book “See Something Say Nothing,” said it’s not all that rare that a case with obvious red flags gets no response when passed up the line from the original interviewer at DHS.
Continue reading here because the meat of Hohmann’s report is his interview with author and former DHS officer Phil Haney who says concerns about certain refugee cases began to be ignored as soon as Obama took office.
I’m quoted in Hohmann’s piece too reiterating what I have recently said: The new AG Jeff Sessions should take this case apart from top to bottom to learn how the Somali pipeline to America operates.