I mostly wanted to know what the numbers are looking like because I’m sure the Obama Administration is pouring them in as fast as they can before January 20th, the day Donald Trump moves in to the White House.
So checking Wrapsnet.org this morning, and to make it easy on myself (with the math) I checked the data from October 1, 2016 to December 10, 2016 (exactly ten weeks) and this is what I found. We admitted 21,117 refugees from all over the world in those ten weeks. That is a rate of approximately 2,112 per week so far this fiscal year*** which is way beyond anything we have seen in years. See the monthly rates for the last ten years here.
So here is a screenshot (sorry couldn’t get it all on the screen) of where the 21,117 have been placed in the last ten weeks:
And here is the list of the top ten states so far:
For all sorts of data and reports, visit two important categories here at RRW. Visit ‘Refugee statistics’ and ‘Where to find information.’ Both are categories where I post information like this.
I’ll try to do one of these reports for some of the primary ethnic groups over the coming days.
***I always try to use fiscal year which runs, in this case, from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017, because the Refugee Admissions Program operates on a fiscal year basis. So, if you see numbers being reported elsewhere, take note of whether the reporter is using the fiscal year or calendar year.