Ten weeks in to Fiscal Year 2017 and Texas still leads all states in refugees resettled

I mostly wanted to know what the numbers are looking like because I’m sure the Obama Administration is pouring them in as fast as they can before January 20th, the day Donald Trump moves in to the White House.
So checking Wrapsnet.org this morning, and to make it easy on myself (with the math) I checked the data from October 1, 2016 to December 10, 2016 (exactly ten weeks) and this is what I found.  We admitted 21,117 refugees from all over the world in those ten weeks. That is a rate of approximately 2,112 per week so far this fiscal year*** which is way beyond anything we have seen in years.  See the monthly rates for the last ten years here.
So here is a screenshot (sorry couldn’t get it all on the screen) of where the 21,117 have been placed in the last ten weeks:

Numbers include all nationalities for the first ten weeks of FY 2017. Florida is 599, Hawaii is 3 and Alaska is 22.

And here is the list of the top ten states so far:
Clearly the feds are not respecting the wishes of the Texas governor. By the way, “cases” involve family units and obviously “Inds” stands for individuals.

For all sorts of data and reports, visit two important categories here at RRW.  Visit ‘Refugee statistics’ and ‘Where to find information.’  Both are categories where I post information like this.
I’ll try to do one of these reports for some of the primary ethnic groups over the coming days.
***I always try to use fiscal year which runs, in this case, from October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017, because the Refugee Admissions Program operates on a fiscal year basis.  So, if you see numbers being reported elsewhere, take note of whether the reporter is using the fiscal year or calendar year.

Ohio State Somali slasher family's refugee case contained many red flags apparently ignored by Obama DHS

When Donald Trump said the Ohio State Somali refugee jihadist should not have been here, he was right.

More information is coming out every day on who these people are and how they got in to the US.
From Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:

Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the Ohio State student who attacked fellow students with his car and a butcher knife last month, was a known recruitment target of Islamic terrorists when Homeland Security officials allowed him into the country as a “refugee.”

See what former DHS officer, Philip Haney, says about the Somali ‘refugee’ family whose son went on Ohio State jihadi rampage.

The revelation came from a letter sent Wednesday by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Artan entered the U.S. as a refugee along with his mother and six of his siblings, leaving one sibling behind in Somalia.

Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is demanding more information on the screening process applied to Artan and his family.

While applying for entrance into the U.S. as a “refugee” from Somalia in 2013, Artan’s mother told immigration officials she feared persecution from al-Shabaab, an al-Qaida affiliated terrorist group, and believed Abdul and his siblings would be recruited into the organization if they remained in Somalia, the Daily Caller reported.

That knowledge should have led USCIS officials to “conduct additional questioning to better understand ties to a group that the United States designated as a foreign terrorist organization in 2008,” the letter said. But the additional questioning, which the committee describes as “common practice” in those situations, never happened.

Artan’s mother also told government screeners that her husband had been kidnapped by al-Shabab.

All of these facts should have been red flags, a former DHS screening officer told WND.


Phil Haney, a recently retired Homeland Security officer and co-author of the bombshell book “See Something Say Nothing,” said it’s not all that rare that a case with obvious red flags gets no response when passed up the line from the original interviewer at DHS.

Continue reading here because the meat of Hohmann’s report is his interview with author and former DHS officer Phil Haney who says concerns about certain refugee cases began to be ignored as soon as Obama took office.
I’m quoted in Hohmann’s piece too reiterating what I have recently saidThe new AG Jeff Sessions should take this case apart from top to bottom to learn how the Somali pipeline to America operates.

Germany rounds up and deports Afghan failed asylum seekers

Invasion of Europe news….

Thirty four Afghan young men were rounded up in Germany in recent days and put on a plane to Kabul.

19-year-old German student, Maria Ladenburger, was raped and murdered in Freiburg, Germany in October allegedly by an Afghan migrant. We learn now that the Afghan was previously convicted and released from prison in Greece for attempting to kill another young woman. See the dreadful story here at Gates of Vienna (your best source of news on Europe and Islam): http://gatesofvienna.net/2016/12/the-accused-murderer-of-maria-l-has-been-17-for-three-years/

Trying to cope with hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers who have entered the country in recent years, German authorities say they are moving faster now to get rid of those who have no legitimate claim to asylum.
Germans are giving preference for refugee status to Syrians and apparently these Afghans couldn’t prove they would be persecuted if sent home.
This publicly reported (by the Merkel government) round-up and deportation is likely meant to show nervous Germans that they are being protected.
Here is the story at The Times of Malta:

Afghan asylum seekers have returned home after being deported from Germany the day before, an official said, a move that was made possible after a recent Afghan-Germany deal to stem the influx into the European country.

The plane carrying the deportees – all young men without families – landed in Kabul around 5am local time, said the Kabul airport chief of police, Mohammad Asif Jabarkhil.

Many of the deportees expressed disappointment, saying they had lived and worked in Germany for years and were now forced to come back without any job prospects.


Until now, few were deported with many instead being convinced to go home voluntarily with financial incentives. [I’m an advocate for giving financial incentives for migrants to go home. We should be thinking about this in the US, especially for refugees who came here thinking the streets are paved with gold and instead finding only slaughter plant work for low wages!—ed]

At the Kabul airport on Thursday, some deportees – such as 24-year-old Mohammad Khan who said he had spent 10,000 euros (£8,350) to get to Europe and had lived in Germany for almost six years – complained over the behaviour of the German police.

“Two days ago, two policemen came to my home and said, ‘Let’s go on a picnic,’ and took me to the deportation centre,” he said. “The next day, I was brought to the Frankfurt Airport.

In light of the horrible news about the last moments of Maria Ladenburger’s life, not too many Germans are weeping for the recently deported.  It is only too bad they didn’t find Hussein Khavari sooner.
All of our ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is here.  Please pay attention to Europe and the destruction of western civilization there. Even if there is not much we can do (except offer moral support) to help save them, watch and learn so we don’t suffer the same fate.

Ten US cases of refugee Islamic terror arrests/convictions

I’ve been procrastinating about writing this post, because it required work!
I had to go back through my over 2,000 posts on refugee crimes, here, and pull out Islamic terror cases involving refugees. I chose ten, not for any other reason than these ten below are at the top of my mind. And, I think ten is enough to counter the disinformation campaign going on.
For good measure, I have also added (below) a few spectacular crimes involving Muslim refugees.
But, I have to do it (to write this) because clearly the refugee industry has sent out talking points that I am seeing parroted many times each day which pretty much go like this: no refugee has committed an act of terror in the US.  LOL! And, maybe that is because many were arrested and convicted BEFORE they could do anything!
And, let me ask you, when evaluating the fact that you (as a taxpayer) paid for a refugee’s opportunity to come to America and in some cases below even paid to raise the refugee to adulthood, does it matter for your anger level that he/she planned to kill Americans or planned to kill some innocents somewhere else in the world?  So when the refugee advocates make a distinction about the location of the wannabe jihadist’s target, it’s a difference without a distinction to me!
Here are ten that come to mind:
~The Somali (Mohamed Osman Mohamud) arrested on charges he planned to blow up a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Oregon was a refugee.  See here in 2010. He was arrested as he planned to detonate a bomb.

Kentucky refugee terrorist Mohanad Hammadi is serving a life sentence. ” Hammadi also admitted to lying on U.S. immigration paperwork about his involvement in Iraqi insurgent operations against American troops.” https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2016/06/19/kentucky-one-of-two-convicted-iraqi-refugee-terrorists-wants-his-sentence-reduced/

~ Two Iraqi refugees were convicted on charges that they helped Al Qaeda in Iraq and may have killed American servicemen there.  They lied on their refugee applications. Best coverage of 2011 case here by ABC News.  The entire Iraqi flow to America had to be re-screened that year!
~In 2012 Abdullatif Ali Aldosary (an Iraqi refugee) set off a bomb at a Social Security Office in Arizona. Sentenced here.
~As successful asylum seekers, the Boston Bombers were refugees who had benefited from America’s generosity. One of many stories here about the 2012 deadly Boston Marathon attack by the Tsarnaev brothers (Chechens).
~In 2013 Fazliddin Kurbanov was arrested in Idaho and later convicted on terrorism charges. Kurbanov is an Uzbek refugee. See here.
~In early 2016 an Iraqi refugee (Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan) living in Texas was accused of planning to bomb a local popular mall, see story at Newsweek.
~In September 2016, a Somali refugee went on a stabbing spree at a mall in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Learn more here about Dahir Adan.  Knife attacks are signature terror acts for devout Muslims.
~Also in September, the Chelsea bomber, Ahmad Rahimi, was arrested and we learned his family came to the US from Afghanistan and were given asylum.  We need to be paying more attention to these asylum seekers since they enter the country completely unscreened and their numbers are on the rise. Story at CNN.  Once granted asylum they are given all the same rights and privileges as the refugees we fly in.
~And, we can’t forget the most recent successful attack by Somali refugee slasher, Abdul Razak Ali Artan, at Ohio State, see here.
~For number ten, I’m lumping the dozens of wannabe Somali refugee jihadists (mostly from Minnesota) who have been identified and/or convicted of wanting to leave the country to fight for al-Shabaab or ISIS. See here Several like those in that recent case, were convicted.

Now, here are some horrible crimes I’ve reported over the years!

Esar Met, listens to proceedings in Judge Judith Atherton's court room, at the Matheson Courthouse in Salt Lake City, Thursday, January 9, 2014. Esar Met is accused of killing 7-year-old Hser Ner Moo, who disappeared on March 31, 2008.
Medical examiner said 7-year-old little girl died in “excruciating pain.” https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/01/14/utah-medical-examiner-little-girl-suffered-excruciating-pain-before-dying-from-tear-to-heart/

And remember not only did you pay for the refugee’s trip to America and his welfare when he got here, but now you will pay for (in many cases) their lives in prison.
~It is hard to rank murder cases, but for me the top of the list is a horrible rape and murder of a Christian refugee child in Salt Lake City, Utah in 2008.  The Burmese Muslim murderer (Esar Met) is now incarcerated for life. The child was the youngest child and only daughter of a Burmese Christian family.
~In 2013 a Somali refugee in North Dakota was sentenced to life in prison for the 2011 murder of a native American family he had become involved with.
~In this case in 2014, an Iraqi refugee murdered his wife (she was going to leave him in 2012) and he penned a fake note trying to pin the murder on Islamophobes in the neighborhood. He was found guilty here and he wasn’t too happy about it! Even CAIR had gotten involved when he tried to pin the murder on Islamophobic Americans.
~And this is an awful case from Colorado where a gang of Iraqi refugees brutally raped a local Colorado Springs woman—“the worst case in Colorado history.” Diana West did a great investigative report on the story, here, at Townhall.
~And, if you have never seen the 2009 Roanoke, VA kidnapping story, don’t miss it here!  No one ever accused these refugees of being too bright! By the way, these guys only got about 5 years so they are probably out roaming Anytown, USA right now. I doubt they were deported.
I’m sure I have more, but I want to move on to other news today.
Here is an idea!
If your town is having a public meeting on whether to ‘welcome’ refugees, you know the pro-refugee team will be there with their talking points. Maybe print this post out and take it along to counter them.  Or, better still, dig into some of these cases and be prepared with maybe even a poster with photos and talking points of your own!
And, when they tell you that refugees bring economic benefits to communities, ask if they are factoring in the costs of crime/trials/incarceration!

Refugee agencies nervous about what's ahead for program under Trump Administration

Editor: Apologies for not posting all of the comments you sent yesterday, most didn’t appear until I got up this morning.  What is up with wordpress?
I’ve been keeping an eye out for stories about how refugee resettlement contractors and the Obama agencies responsible for resettlement are reacting to the coming Trump Administration.  They are no doubt fearful that Trump will act on his campaign promises—-some are more optimistic than others that it was all talk on the campaign trail.
(For the record we expect Trump to stop the program (at a minimum) from terror producing regions*** of the world within days of his inauguration on January 20th.  And, we expect all Obama political appointees responsible for the refugee program to be gone before that date!)

Here is news from VICE magazine (featuring Texas) about some of the reaction (emphasis is mine):

Resettlement agencies in Texas—and other states with governors who have fought to block refugees—are working harder than ever to soothe their clients in the wake of the election of Donald Trump, who pledged during his campaign to severely restrict refugees from settling in the US. Now, as resettlement agencies try to keep a calm face, they also brace for a possible halt on the country’s refugee program, which advocates warn could cause a humanitarian disaster.

Kekic points out that as legal immigrants refugees are free to move anywhere they wish in America. For more on Kekic, see what I said about him last month: https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2016/11/12/poughkeepsie-church-world-service-official-spins-about-refugee-islamic-terrorists/

The president-elect has kept quiet about his resettlement plans since his election, and his press office did not return requests for comment. But during his campaign, Trump vowed to suspend the acceptance of all Syrians and to stop sending refugees to any community that opposed them.  [More on this below—ed]

“A Trump administration will not admit any refugees without the support of the local community where they are being placed,” Trump said just three days before the election in a Minnesota campaign speech. He added that the state had “suffered enough” since Somali refugees began arriving. Later, after a Somali refugee attacked students at Ohio State, Trump tweeted that the 18-year-old “should not have been in our country.”

If a Trump administration does decide to block refugee resettlement in certain communities, the move would be unprecedented. Currently, the Office of Refugee Resettlement places refugees throughout the country with the help of national NGOs under the federal refugee resettlement program. States cannot turn away refugees, even if their communities don’t want them.


Abbott’s withdrawal, largely seen as a political move, can’t actually prevent new refugees from coming to Texas. But some warn that the Trump administration could cut services and funds, effectively gutting these programs. [This is the key in my opinion because the resettlement contractors have almost no private resources—ed]

“If the services we provide now were to stop, it would be a humanitarian disaster,” Rippenkroeger told me. “There would be people homeless, without medical coverage and food. It would be a very direct human catastrophe so we can’t afford for the program not to be fully functional.”

Look at this! This program costs the federal taxpayer $100 million alone just for Texas for one year!

Texas is slated to receive about $100 million in federal funds for refugee resettlement in 2017…


“There’s no amount of fundraising we could do to replace federal support.” [That is right because people give their private charitable gifts to efforts they approve of!—ed]

Then this is something I expected was going on big time and not just in Texas—emptying the coffers at ORR before January 20th (not necessarily for refugees but to keep the contractor offices open).

Amid the uncertainty, Rippenkroeger said the Office of Refugee Resettlement was working with a “nose to the grindstone approach” in setting up a system to distribute federal funds through the Texas NGOs.


Refugee advocates in other parts of the country where anti-refugee sentiment is common displayed similar reserve when I asked them about Trump’s resettlement plans. Cole Varga, executive director of Exodus Refugee Immigration Inc.—the organization that sued Mike Pence, the governor of Indiana and vice president-elect, for trying to block Syrian refugees from the state—told me he was hopeful.

“Currently, we have not received any word from our national partners or the State Department on how the incoming Trump administration will run the federal government’s refugee resettlement program,” Varga told me in an email, declining to comment on the lawsuit.

Do not get excited by Trump’s statement about not sending refugees to communities that don’t want them.  This is not realistic and a long-time Church World Service head honcho gives us one reason why:

Even if Trump allows certain communities to pull out of resettlement, he can’t stop refugees from moving states after arriving in the US—which means the most significant difference may be the money states receive, noted Erol Kekic, executive director of the national resettlement agency Church World Service.

“Immigration is a federal matter, and if the nation continues to admit refugees, they’re free to go wherever they want the moment they arrive,” Kekic told me. “They may not receive services, but they’re free to move—so even if Governor Abbott says he wants none in Texas, how will he know a refugee won’t move to Texas?”

Continue reading here.
The RAP is built on a house of cards primarily based on federal funding per head of refugee admitted to the US. The ultimate answer is to stop the program (stop the numbers coming in and the funding for it!) altogether until the Refugee Act of 1980 can be reformed or trashed entirely.
I have to laugh when Kekic (above) says that “immigration is a federal matter,” but I would bet a buck he is all for those sanctuary cities thumbing their noses at the incoming Trump team saying they (the city) will decide whether to enforce federal immigration law or not.
***On terror producing regions of the world.  I am talking specifically about Syrians, Somalis, Burmese Rohingya Muslims, Afghans, and most Iraqis wherever in the world we are picking them up. For example, Trump’s people can’t say “we won’t take any refugees from Somalia.”  Most Somalis are not in Somalia any longer, but scattered around the world (some in very safe countries) and we are taking them to America anyway!   Again, at this point in time, Donald Trump as President must stop or slow the flow across the board and not get into the weeds on the issue of whether a community wants refugees or not!