And, so it begins.
I told you here on January 7th exactly what the refugee contractors would do!
Rutland, Vermont a case study!
This is what I said eleven days ago:
The US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) said in a press release in recent days that they were going ahead with their plans to open an office in Rutland, VT for the purpose of placing 100 Syrians (the first 100!) in the city where those plans have drawn heated controversy since last spring.

Throwing all caution to the wind (shelling out money they don’t know they will have) and gambling that they can back Trump down, the federal resettlement contractor headed by longtime Clinton ally Lavinia Limon is hiring staff for a proposed opening in a couple of weeks—timed, I surmise, to happen just about the time Donald Trump is inaugurated.
Setting up a showdown with Donald Trump…..
If Trump does what he said he would do and quickly pauses refugee resettlement at least from terror-producing regions of the world, USCRI will be in a position to scream bloody murder—how dare Trump stop these poor women and children who were headed to a ‘welcoming’ Vermont town.
And this:
Warning to Mr. Trump: These are not squishy do-gooder organizations and people who you can easily roll. They are sharp, experienced political fighters.
Well, the fight is on as Pres. Trump did what he said he would do and now the NYT (story here) and Lavinia Limon are crying foul!
Here (at Valley News) is Ms. Limon wailing*** about Vermont two days ago (when it became clear Trump was not backing down):
Montpelier — The mayor of Rutland — a city that had been expecting up to 100 refugees from Syria and Iraq — said he fears a policy being considered by President Donald Trump would halt refugee resettlement in the city.
Trump is proposing to reduce the maximum number of refugees by more than half, to 50,000, for the budget year ending in September. He’s expected to suspend the U.S. refugee program for four months and indefinitely bar those fleeing war-torn Syria.
“That could very well mean the end of refugee resettlement for the city of Rutland,” where two Syrian refugee families recently arrived, Mayor Christopher Louras said.
“The human tragedy is terrible,” said Lavinia Limon, president of the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants. “The cruelty of doing that to people is really, really bad.”
Continue reading here.
Who is, first and foremost, responsible for the “cruelty?”
The US State Department bureaucrats (see Bureaucrats gone wild!) and Ms. Limon because they were pushing the refugees (the poor political pawns!) in to the pipeline as fast as they could! It was irresponsible of them to not start slowing down the flow on the day after election day.
For new readers, Ms. Limon’s organization is paid by the head to place the refugees!
For more on Rutland, click here. For our large archive on Ms. Limon, go here.
This post is archived in our Trump Watch! category.