You will see pretty much what I post here, but the big difference is that lots of followers are commenting there (not so much here I think because I have to screen comments and I’m not very timely with my approvals).
So if you are someone who wants to see what other people are saying about refugees visit Refugee Info Resource by clicking here.
There is so much breaking news on refugees I’ll try to put some stories there that I don’t write about here—just now I put up John Binder’s report today about an Iranian refugee arrested near Mar-a-Lago.
There are over 49,000 followers at my page and a lot of commenting going on! Here are three screen shots of recent posts there:

This one from my ‘Frauds and Crooks’ blog generated 171 comments. The Kenyan Killer, as I call him, isn’t a refugee but he is a Kenyan who shouldn’t have been here!
So if you like to interact on facebook, visit my page—Refugee Info Resource!