‘We are all America’s‘ platform is here (they have not updated their refugee section obviously) and is focusing on the following states with their lobbying campaign: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee and Texas.
I’m posting this news to show readers how organized the open borders left is.
Frankly, those of us concerned about too much immigration to America have nothing like this.
Republican Governor Ducey: Yes please! More refugees for Arizona!
Arizonasure looks like it is on the cusp of turning blue.
Recently the Republican governor was one of the first Republican governors out of the chute to oppose the President’s efforts to slow the refugee program and now the Republican Senate backs him because a bunch of refugee lobbyists descended on them (and because the Rs want the steady supply of cheap labor for their business pals.)
Pro-refugee resolution passes Arizona Senate after push from local activists
PHOENIX – As a Somali refugee and determined activist, Naruro Hassan is used to other people speaking on behalf of the refugee community.
Naruro Hassan
Yet she was finally able to make her own voice heard Feb. 10, when a group of more than 50 lobbyists for refugee rights joined her at the Arizona Capitol to attend legislative meetings and speak to senators one-on-one.
By day’s end, the Senate unanimously passed a pro-refugee resolution expressing gratitude for refugee contributions within the state. It’s waiting on a vote by the House.
The We Are All America coalition, which works to empower and support the refugee community across the country, organized Refugee Lobbying Day, an event meant to empower refugees in the community, make their voices heard on the topic of resettlement and encourage state legislatures to pass pro-refugee legislation.
The gang is all here, including CAIR!
We Are All America was joined by other organizations, including the Council on American Islamic Relations, Somali United, the International Rescue Committee of Phoenix, Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest and Arizona Jews for Justice.
I have no clue who is bankrolling ‘We are All America‘, but no surprise that two of the nine major refugee resettlement contractors that receive your tax dollars were in the mix.
We do Not want more refugees. If you do then watch the takeover from within. We need to wake up. Gov Ducey as a republican I am disappointed in you in regards to this.
We do Not want more refugees. If you do then watch the takeover from within. We need to wake up. Gov Ducey as a republican I am disappointed in you in regards to this.
Be sure to tell the governor directly what you think! If more people did that then maybe these Open Borders Republicans would get the message.