In a puff-piece story from Idaho about how the state celebrated World Refugee Day, a refugee from the DR Congo trumpets his support for the Black Lives Matter movement.
Every corner we look, they are there,” Wangoi said, referring to “people with racism and hatred in their hearts.”
You know this is insane! Are we importing more angry Africans?
According to the Refugee Processing Center, the US State Department and its contractors have ‘welcomed’ 61,000 refugees (as of yesterday!) from the DR Congo since President Obama said we were admitting 50,000 over 5 years.
The UN has sent 61,000 as of yesterday and that is only the Africans from the DR Congo.
Screenshot of RPC data: 61,000 potentially angry Congolese admitted to the US in last seven years!
The DR Congolese are still coming in in large numbers during the Trump Administration. The only states that did not receive DR Congolese are West Virginia and Wyoming.
Here is the story from Idaho that has me steamed this morning!
Idaho refugees celebrate virtual World Refugee Day
This year, the World Refugee Day celebration was held virtually on Saturday, in an effort to protect the Treasure Valley community from the spread of COVID-19. The change was to protect the community and also the refugees who work in health care, on the front lines battling the pandemic’s spread in the valley.
The refugee speakers and performers were asked to submit videos of themselves to celebration organizers, who then compiled them into one presentation.
Georgette Siqueiros, community engagement coordinator for IRC Boise, said the World Refugee Day committee had been planning for how to organize the virtual celebration for several weeks ahead of the event.
Georgette Siqueiros works for “moneybags Miliband” of the International Rescue Committee
The video featured seven community speakers and several performances from refugee performance groups.
Siqueiros said the goal of the event was to celebrate the refugee community and the refugees who are in the health care industry and to acknowledge the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Patrick Wangoi, a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo, spoke in the virtual celebration about the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement and his experience with racism in Boise.
Did Wangoi report the incident to the police—white guys, confederate flag, pick up truck. Hmmmm?
“Every corner we look, they are there,” Wangoi said, referring to “people with racism and hatred in their hearts.”
“Their message is, ‘You are not wanted,’” he said. “They wish every black person would disappear.”
Wangoi recalled an incident when he was followed by a group of white teenagers carrying confederate flags in their pickup truck.
He said the group stood outside his house for more than an hour.
“I wonder, if those young boys had a gun, where would I be today?” Wangoi said.
Wangoi ended his video with a call to action for people to be anti-racist.
If you are interested, look around on the internet and you will see that Wangoi is a refugee star in Boise and has done very well for a supposedly discriminated-against black man.
The story widely reported in the local media a month ago simply says a “Boise man” was arrested and charged in late May on suspicion of rape and kidnapping.
Here it is at the Idaho Press,but the story is almost the same everywhere else it is published. (Hat tip: Phil):
Boise man arrested on suspicion of December rape
Siyad Matan, 21, is charged with rape and kidnapping, according to online court records.
Police believe on Dec. 27 he sexually assaulted a woman in a parked car, according to Haley Williams, police spokeswoman. Police also believe Matan wouldn’t let the woman leave the car during the course of the incident, which is relevant for the kidnapping charge.
Matan knew the woman, according to Williams. Police investigated the incident, and sent their investigation to the Ada County Prosecutor’s Office. Matan was arrested Tuesday, according to Williams.
Matan appeared in court Wednesday afternoon and a judge set his bail at $50,000, according to online court records. His next court appearance is set for June 3. [I am not seeing any news about what happened with his court appearance now nearly two weeks ago, one more case the media doesn’t want you to know about?—ed]
I want to know if Matan is a refugee resettled in Idaho.
Searching around on the internet I came across the name Siyad Matan who is a Somali refugee track star in Idaho who garnered a lot of attention in the liberal press. See for example this story from 2016.
Is it the same guy? Does anyone know? Are there no curious reporters in the local press? And what happened to the case, the arrest was a month ago? Surely he has appeared in court. Why no follow-up (that I can find)?
Calling all Idaho readers! Let me know if you see anything further or if you can confirm if the track star Siyad Matan (now a student at the College of Southern Idaho) is also the alleged rapist Siyad Matan.