North Korean refugee is a spy

South Korea last week charged a refugee woman from North Korea with spying after she had entered the South seeking asylum.

Prosecutors say Won Jeong-hwa was trained in espionage before being sent to the South, where she claimed asylum.

She is accused of giving sexual favours to army officers in exchange for military secrets, according to the South Korean news agency Yonhap.

Potential refugees from North Korea go through individual screening tests before being allowed into the South.

But correspondents say that if Ms Won is found guilty of espionage, it could raise fears among South Koreans that there are other secret agents in their midst.

Read the whole article and note the Chinese role.

According to the BBC, South Korea has identified 4500 spies in the last 60 years entering from the North or through China.

The US has begun resettlement of “refugees” from North Korea, see our posts here and here.  South Korea doesn’t want them, so the good ol’ USA will take them.  Oh brother!

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