Khat shipment intercepted outside of Nashville, TN

Update:    Listen to Omar Jamal defend Khat to NPR—creating a feeling of Little Somalia in MN!

Yesterday local, state and federal law enforcement intercepted a shipment of Khat in the town of LaVergne, less than 20 miles outside of Nashville and only about 40 miles from Shelbyville.    A favorite drug of Somali (and a few other) immigrant groups, khat is illegal in the US.  From News 5 in Tennessee:

A massive and mysterious wooden crate delivered to Middle Tennessee Tuesday night contained something that could generate money for terrorism.

Someone sent 300 pounds of khat, a little-known drug. It’s estimated worth is $250,000.

Law enforcement set up a sting, but no one was home.  Bummer.

La Vergne police knew busting the buyer behind the delivery required careful planning.

Police DEA agents and SWAT team members mapped out a worst-case scenario, but hoped for the best outcome.

The delivery driver and undercover sergeant found no answer at the address provided.

Just another one of those wonders of diversity brought to the US compliments of the do-gooders in the State Department and the volags.

Police said money used from khat sales often goes to pay for vehicles used in car bombs and other forms of terrorist attacks.

Dear law enforcement, there is a problem in the Nashville Somali community.   I suggest checking first if there are any missing Somali young men.

Iraqis jobless in Roanoke, VA

Yet another unhappy Iraqi refugee story, this one from Roanoke, VA.  By the way, we have written about Roanoke before because it was the location of an American blacks conflict with Somali refugees.

Anyway, the primary subject of this article in the Roanoke Times, Haidar Khairallah, is not unhappy.  He is an injured interpreter who was resettled here after a long wait and appears to be on his way to fitting in to America.   Obviously, from the story he is a secular Muslim who spent some years as a child in England and speaks English well, and that helps. 

Now he uses his English by helping Roanoke’s Refugee and Immigrant Services (a Catholic resettlement agency) to calm down some unhappy Iraqis—professionals who want jobs other than cleaning.   Same old story just another state.

In the crowded conference room of Roanoke’s Refugee and Immigration Services, Haidar has been asked to broker a sit-down with his fellow refugees. Resettlement coordinator Jasminka Traylor has heard complaints about some of them turning down manual-labor jobs. She’s asked for help from Haidar, now working as a part-time translator for the office while he looks for full-time work.

Unlike most refugees who come to America from harsh refugee-camp conditions, these immigrants were professionals in Iraq — engineers, teachers and the like. They lived in metropolitan cities in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria while awaiting security clearance and refugee status.

The Iraqis will even take a job at non-Union-still-profiting Walmart if they can get out of cleaning!

Unlike Haidar, most of the new Iraqis in Roanoke aren’t yet fluent in English and don’t qualify for white-collar work here — which Traylor explains repeatedly in the meeting.

“We don’t want cleaning job,” one man gripes. “You can’t find job in Wal-Mart instead? How about another mart?”

Growing frustrated, Traylor asks: “Who cleans in Iraq?”

“People from Sudan.”

“No,” Haidar interjects. “Iraqi people clean in Iraq.”

Traylor asks the question again. The men and women whisper among themselves but say nothing.

She throws up her hands. “You have to find something to do here to pay your bills until you’re ready to find something you want to do!”

And, Refugees International is telling do-gooders to write to Obama and push for over 100,000 more Iraqis in this fiscal year?  It’s nuts!

Start at this post to find more unhappy Iraqi refugee stories, or just go to our Iraqi Refugee category.

Alinskyism (Day 10)

Radicals have no fondness for liberals!  In fact, they appear to hate them almost more than they hate conservatives.   From Saul Alinsky’s “Reveille for Radicals;”

Liberals have distorted egotistical concepts of their self-importance in the general social scheme.  [I guess Alinsky should know about ego, his egotism exudes every page.]  They deliberate as ponderously and as lengthily as though their decisions would cause the world to shake and tremble.  Theirs is truly a perfect case of the mountain laboring and bringing forth a mouse—a small, white, pink-eyed mouse.  The fact is that outside of their own intimate associates few know of or give a hang what these liberal groups decide.  They truly fit the old description that “A liberal is one who puts his foot down firmly on thin air.”

Alinsky calendar filed in “community destabilization.”

Somali terrorist group wants to throw the West “into hell”

Update Dec. 4th:  This group is recruiting all over the world.

Update Nov. 26th:  Now 40 Twin Cities Somalis are missing!

And, guess where they are recruiting?   According to a pair of stunning articles today, it looks like right in the good old USA.   Yes, that is right!   Remember those Minneapolis missing young men?   When we suggested in that post yesterday that we are breeding and raising Jihadists, whose families have possibly arrived in the US fraudulently through the Refugee Resettlement Program, we might really be on to something.  

No wonder the Department of Homeland Security put the squeeze on the State Department to shut the family reunification (P-3) program down.   Family reunification, we have learned previously, is the largest portion of our legal immigrant program.   I don’t think Somalis come into the US in any other way than through Refugee Resettlement (or I suppose illegally).

From Minneapolis 5 Eyewitness News:

5 EYEWITNESS NEWS has learned that federal law enforcement sources believe that a Twin Cities man blew himself up in a suicide bombing in Northern Somalia last month.

The FBI and Homeland Security are investigating whether Shirwa Ahmed had developed a terrorist recruiting network in the area.

5 EYEWITNESS NEWS learned that Ahmed came to the Twin Cities in 1996 and graduated from Roosevelt High School in Minneapolis. He was a naturalized U.S. citizen.

More than a dozen young men of Somali descent, mostly in their 20s, from the Minneapolis area have recently disappeared, U.S. law enforcement officials tell 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS. All are thought to be associates of Ahmed. U.S. officials suspect most of the young men have departed for Somalia to fight in ongoing violence there or to train in terrorist camps. Family members of the young men are said to be distraught, trying to figure to out what happened to them, sources say.

So far, the investigation has not uncovered credible evidence of a plot targeting the U.S. but American officials want to track down all these young men before they can say for certain what this is or is not…

The Minneapolis news story tells us that the terrorist group that Ahmed was involved with is Shabaab al Mujahideen.    And, what a coincidence, here is another article today from Fox News (Hat tip: Blulitespecial) about Shabaab al Mujahideen.

In the summer of 2007, a 28-year-old father of three from Houston, Texas, shocked his country when he became the first American ever to be convicted of receiving military training at a terrorist camp in Somalia.

Daniel Maldonado, an offbeat, outspoken young man who sported tattoos and dreadlocks, committed himself to wage jihad outside the United States and went to Somalia to receive training. It was there that he mastered the violent “arts” of homicide bombing, building IEDs and engaging in hand-to-hand combat.

Read on and consider that the chances are very very high that this convicted terrorist was resettled in the United States by the US State Department with the help of your tax dollars.    Remember we have resettled over 80,000 Somali refugees in the last 25 years.  More than half of those are here since 9/11!!!

I’m wondering if any of the good folks in the volags remember Jihadis Shirwa Ahmed or Daniel Maldonado?

So what do they want?

Shabaab’s ultimate goal, as articulated in an April statement, is to throw the West “into hell.”

Hint to Homeland Security, you need to now go to some of the hot Somali towns in the US and see if other Somali young men (the ones we have fed, educated, and taken care of) might have turned up missing.  For starters, try Seattle, WA, Greeley, CO, Grand Island, NE, Shelbyville, TN, Ft. Morgan, CO, Lewiston, ME, Columbus, OH and of course Minneapolis and Houston.   And, I almost forgot!   NASHVILLE, TN!

The Mind of Jihad, and its connection with modern totalitarianism

Since jihadists are living and operating here among us, and some of them are refugees, I bring you a report on a new book by Laurent Murawiec, The Mind of Jihad. Michael Ledeen reviews it on National Review. He says the author

immersed himself not only in the sacred texts of Islam but also in the richly variegated speeches, writings, and actions of its most extremist practitioners: the jihadis waging war against us.

He candidly admits that it was not easy, that many of his initial ideas turned out to be wrong, and that his current understanding of “the mind of jihad” surprises him. This understanding holds that the current doctrine is far more than the resuscitation of medieval commandments, and in fact has a lot to do with modern European and Soviet totalitarianism.

The book explains how the jihadist strain of Islam went from being a religious ideology to a political one.

 “Islam addresses its call for effecting (its) program of destruction and reconstruction, revolution and reform not to just one nation, but to all humanity.”

David Horowitz has covered some of the same territory in his Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left, explaining the left’s attraction to radical Islam. He emphasizes the left’s side of the alliance, while Murawiec writes about the Islamic side.

Ledeen says:

As a result of these European and Soviet influences, the jihadis are inspired by a real lust for blood, and are members of a cult of death.

As an example he quotes an anecdote about the 1971 assassination of the Jordanian Prime Minister that will make your toes curl:

“Five . . . shots, fired at point-blank range. . . . He staggered back against the shattered swing doors . . . and he fell dying among the shards of glass on the marble floor. As he lay there, one of his killers bent over and lapped the blood that poured from his wounds.”

Sheesh. Communists are bloodthirsty, but not so literally.