Caribbean World News: Supporters of DC March a who’s who of the Far left

Caribbean World News is a publication that won’t allow you to copy any of their text in order to quote them—a rare and rather suspicious ban I’m thinking.  But, oh well, see their story here in which they list some of the 700 (they say 700) groups behind the Open Borders/pro-Amnesty march scheduled for DC tomorrow. 

No surprise, the list is a veritable who’s who of  Far Left Socialist activists in the US.  Only the last one on the list—the US Conference of Catholic Bishops* is a bit of a surprise since they just this week said they weren’t “sponsoring” just providing Cardinal Mahoney for Mass—-hmmmm, so what is up with that?  Catholics take note of the Bishops compatriots in the list I’ve copied from this story:


Americas Voice

Casa de Maryland

Center for American Progress

Center for Community Change

Coalition for Humane Immigration Reform LA

Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights

Fair Immigration Reform Movement

Mexican Americans for Immigration Reform

National Council of La Raza

National Immigration Forum

SEIU (Service Employees International Union)

UFCW (United Food and Commercial Workers International Union)

United Farmworkers


And, last but not least!

US Conference of Catholic Bishops

For new readers you need to understand that the USCCB gets a large portion (approx. $60 million annually) of your tax dollars!

Canada: One of the Toronto missing Somali youths believed to be dead

One down and four or so to go.  Well, at least five had been identified here in a story we reported in December of last year about Toronto Somali, former refugees, who are believed to have gone to Somalia to learn the Jihad trade.

From the National Post:

A Toronto man has been killed in Somalia while fighting with the al-Qaeda-linked militant group Al-Shabab, according to a message posted on the Internet.

The message, which accompanies a video posted on YouTube, identifies the man as “Mohamed al Muhajiri” and says he worshipped at the Abu Huraira Mosque in Toronto.

The death could not be verified last night.

It was first reported yesterday by the SITE Intelligence Group, a U.S. terrorism research company that monitors extremist Internet sites.

The RCMP and CSIS have been investigating a half-dozen Somali-Canadians suspected of joining Al-Shabab last fall. Several of them worshipped at the Abu Huraira mosque.

The federal government announced last week it had outlawed Al-Shabab under the Anti-Terrorism Act because of concerns the group had been recruiting in the Somali-Canadian community.

Are they coming back with their newly acquired skills?

The Canadians who left Toronto last October have not been heard from since their disappearance, although one apparently called home to say he was in Kenya and was on his way to Somalia to fight.

Police fear the youths could receive training and indoctrination in Somalia and return to Canada and carry out terrorist attacks in either Canada or the United States.

For more on former refugees leaving Canada or the US to join radical Muslims in Africa or elsewhere, use our search function for “missing Somali youths” and it will probably take you a day to read everything we have written on the subject!

Canada: Somalis “young, angry, radicalized”

Canadian former refugees are fighting among all factions in Somalia.  From the National Post:

TORONTO – Somalia has long been one of Canada’s top sources of refugees. Between 1989 and 2006, it ranked fourth after Sri Lanka, Pakistan and China.
About 150,000 ethnic Somalis now live in Canada, the largest population outside Africa, according to a federal report released under the Access to Information Act.

Many Canadian Somalis, particularly those over age 30, maintain close ties to Somalia, said Ahmed Hussen, president of the Canadian Somali Congress.

“They will open businesses in their area, they will go and serve in political office for their clan, they might even fight for their militia,” Mr. Hussen said.

Canadians are active in all three major warring factions in Somalia: the Transitional Federal Government, Al-Shabab and the Sufigroup Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama.

Somalia’s interim prime minister, Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke, is a 49-year-old Canadian who studied political science at Carleton University in Ottawa.

At the same time, the al-Qaeda-linked Al-Shabab, which is fighting to overthrow the government and impose Taliban-like extremist rule, has been recruiting Canadians, one of whom was reported killed this week.

Somali Canadians are also active in a relatively new player in Somalia’s seemingly never-ending armed conflict: Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama, a Sufi Muslim group that took up arms last year to fight Al-Shabab.

Edmonton taxi driver Sharaf Ali is an Ahlu Sunna supporter. He served on the board of directors of the United Cabbies Association of Edmonton and has debated Somali issues on the local campus radio station CJSR.

In January, some Canadian Somalis said they were shocked when photos appeared on the Internet showing Mr. Ali at the aftermath of a skirmish between Ahlu Sunna fighters and Al-Shabab militants.


“In Edmonton, most of the Somalis who are in Canada, not most of them but a lot of them, they are kind of pro-Al Shabab, unfortunately, and I don’t know why, these people are causing chaos situation in Somalia and they are linked to al-Qaeda.”

The government report, by Canada’s Integrated Threat Assessment Centre, said the doctrine of al-Qaeda and Al-Shabab has little appeal among Canadian Somalis, who are predominantly Sufi moderates.  [So much for government reports!]

What should Canada do? If they leave the country they don’t come back—dead or alive.  It is that simple.

Canada: Somali refugee thug on the lam

I have a bunch of stories from Canada and its Somali problem today.  I’ll try to get them posted back to back this morning.

Here is the first from the Winnipeg Sun:   Somali criminal on the lam after “sucking in a naïve and somewhat delusional immigration official hook-line-and-sinker.”   Ho hum, so what else is new.

A dangerous Somali refugee with a history of violence who was released in Winnipeg last month by an immigration official is on the lam, the Winnipeg Sun has learned.

A Canada-wide warrant has been issued for Mohamed Said Jama, the Somali refugee slated for deportation last fall but returned to Canada after a failed attempt to remove him.


 Jama, who was released Feb. 5 by Immigration and Refugee Board member Leeann King following a hearing, was supposed to check in with CBSA officials on the first Wednesday of each month.

But he failed to make his first appearance March 3 and CBSA officials have been unable to determine his whereabouts.


 Jama was freed on statutory release from prison in 2008 after he was convicted of assault with a weapon, aggravated assault and robbery. Jama took part in a violent home invasion where he stabbed a man in the face.

He had numerous offences prior to that.


Meanwhile, while awaiting deportation, Jama was relentlessly pursuing his release from custody in Winnipeg by trying to convince the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada he was not a threat to society and not a flight risk.

His wish came true.

As we reported Wednesday, Jama succeeded in doing so when he came across a soft Immigration and Refugee Board member — Leeann King from British Columbia — who presided over the Feb. 5 hearing.

King concluded Jama was not a threat to society nor a flight risk. She was wrong.

He obviously had no intention of sticking around to see what might happen with his deportation order.

And at the first opportunity — after sucking in a naïve and somewhat delusional immigration official hook-line-and-sinker — he took off. Big surprise. Nice going, Ms. King.

Ft. Wayne update: Burmese advocates won’t let laundromat sign incident go

Here we have a lawyer, Patrick Proctor, for the Burmese Advocacy Center writing an opinion piece in the Journal Gazette in which he says anyone who mentions the reason why (spitting and urinating in the laundromat) the sign was placed in the first place is just as bad as the original sign maker.  (original post on this incident is here)

More troubling, however, has been the media coverage of the incident. Much of the coverage has focused on why the sign was put up. One prime example was Indiana’s NewsCenter’s report March 12 (currently on the station’s Web site) titled, “Sources Say Some Burmese People Spit and Uriniate (sic) In a Ricker’s Store.”

By focusing on why the sign was posted, the report implies that it was somehow justifiable for the business to discriminate because of the egregiousness of the conduct of a few individuals. This is not true.


But in the Burmese situation, there seems to be a presumption that the conduct leading up to the sign somehow ameliorates, if not justifies, the posting of the sign. Furthermore, the focus on the alleged spitting and urination is almost as offensive as the original sign because it leaves the false impression that Burmese people in general commonly spit and urinate in public. This is simply not true.

Mr. Proctor, just as it is not true that all Ft. Wayne citizens who oppose more immigration to Ft. Wayne can be equated with the sign maker!  And, you know what would make a big impression on unhappy citizens of Ft. Wayne, if  your group the Burmese Advocacy Center took some responsibility and  announced that you would be working very hard to teach the Burmese our customs—like we frown on anyone spitting and urinating in public.   YOU  should take some of the responsibility on YOU!

The Burmese population is unfamiliar to most native-born Americans. Many Burmese refugees do not speak English. Because of financial and educational limitations, the Burmese tend to live in the same places, work in the same places and travel together in groups. Consequently, it is easier, perhaps, for us to think of them as homogeneous. The truth is, however, that the Burmese population is diverse and complex.

The federal refugee resettlement contractors who initially brought thousands of refugees to Ft. Wayne placed them in the same neighborhoods and found them jobs in the same places!  They are supposed to encourage them to learn English (indeed the Burmese Advocacy Center says it teaches English) and they should be responsible along with Ethnic Community Based Organizations like Mr. Procotor’s that receive federal grants to teach them about our culture.

In my opinion Ethnic Community Based Organizations (we have a whole category on them) are simply mini-ACORNS.  They teach their people (their ethnic group) how to get signed up for all sorts of public assistance and then when a political problem arises they are right there speaking for the so-called “community.”   

By the way, the Burmese of Ft. Wayne are not one big happy family either.  I’ve heard that  many Karen Christians are unhappy living in neighborhoods with Muslim Burmese.  What makes the do-gooders of Ft. Wayne think that just being in America is going to magically erase hundreds of years of hatred among the Burmese clans?

One more thing, Mr. Proctor likens the incident in Ft. Wayne to a news story from NJ where it turns out a customer got on the PA system in a Walmart and announced that all black people should leave the store.  Mr. Proctor argues that all Burmese should not be painted with the same brush, but it sure sounds like he is painting all people in NJ (and Walmart) with one brush.

Endnote:   Identified by the Journal Gazette as a board member of the Burmese Advocacy Center (Patrick Proctor is a local attorney and board member of the Burmese Advocacy Center), it seems that Mr. Proctor must be a very new Board member because he is not listed as one on their website, here.   Nor is he listed on the only IRS Form 990 they have submitted here.  And, he even failed to mention it at his law firm bio, here. [Let’s see how  many days it takes for his name to appear on the Advocacy Center’s website!]   I’m betting he is the immigration lawyer equivalent of an ambulance chaser!   Is there a lawsuit against the laundromat owner coming soon?

Oh, I see here he is a labor union lawyer, now the picture gets clearer.

He probably helped draft the letter of thanks to the Mayor, here, too.  I’m posting this in our ‘community destabilization’ category as well because it is a good example of how the Far Left/Union people help stir up a crisis in immigrant communities and use the immigrants to bring about change—crisis begets “change” ala Saul Alinsky.  Citizens of Ft. Wayne need to start focusing the spotlight on the agitators!

An Afterthought!  You know what would be very funny is if the laundromat owner (or any business owner) in Ft. Wayne put up signs that said:  “no smoking, no loitering, no spitting, no urinating by anyone of any race, color, religion or creed on these premises.”   But, they won’t, and that is too bad!