Far-Left USCCB is not being straight with Catholics

Your tax dollars:

Last night I came upon this typical puffy article where Archbishop John Nienstedt (Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis) writing in The Catholic Spirit tells Catholics what great charitable work they are doing taking care of refugees.  Here is how his article begins:

Throughout the world, we find areas where war, strife or persecution have forced families and individuals to leave their homes and emigrate elsewhere, becoming refugees.

Many of these refugees have come to the United States, seeking a better life for themselves and for their families. Theirs is generally a difficult transition and, if they are lucky, they overcome numerous hardships before they are able to carve out a place for themselves in our society.

For decades now, the Catholic Church here in the United States, through the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has committed resources [whose resources?-ed] to refugee assistance.

This past year, through agencies such as Catholic Charities and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network, the USCCB has resettled 22,565 refugees, or approximately 30 percent of the annual total refugees admitted into the United States.

In an effort to provide even more life-giving assistance, the USCCB has developed a comprehensive plan to increase by 25 percent over the next two years the capacity to welcome and serve refugees who come to our land.

Taking from Caesar!

He goes on with the blah, blah, blah talking points about “welcoming the stranger” —not one single word about how exactly they are doing this and he leaves the reader thinking that we Catholics are good people donating our own hard-earned money to “welcome” refugees. 

The Archbishop’s article then led me here to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Justice for Immigrants* site.  This is obviously the branch of USCCB that is behind organizing for the Open Borders Washington demonstration on March 21st (the day after the Marxist/Muslim/Unions/immigrants march on the 20th).

Justice for Immigrants led me here.  That is the Migration and Refugee Services branch of the huge USCCB.  That led me here.

And, finally to something I have wanted to see for a long time–the annual report for the USCCB refugee program.  (The USCCB doesn’t even file an IRS Form 990 probably claiming they are a church!).

On Page 16 of the 2008 annual report, all decent and faithful Catholics must see the funding—all Catholics that is who know that Christ never intended for his followers to take from Caesar!

Of an annual budget of $43,112,314,  $39,259,516 comes directly from the government (from taxpayers). 

Then note the $1,704,108 for travel loans.   That is also federal money!   Refugees are loaned money by the taxpayer for their airfare to the US,  but then are sent dunning letters by the USCCB collection agency people.  Instead of returning all the money to the federal goverment, the USCCB gets a 25% cut as a fee for strong-arming the refugees.

Granted that although parishoners give $1,497,701 in collections, private giving only amounts to $181,581.   All this adds up to approximately 95% of the refugee program at the USCCB is funded by US taxpayers!   (And, I am not even counting here the millions that go directly from the federal government to Catholic Charities throughout the US).  The Refugee Resettlement program is supposed to be a public-private partnership—what a joke!

Be sure to check out the expenses side of the ledger and note how much of this federal funding goes to salaries and office overhead (nearly $11 million).  Because so little of their funding is privately raised, the only conclusion one can draw is that we, the taxpaying American public of every religion, are paying for a lobbying office in Washington D.C. for the USCCB!

So either the good Archbishop (above) is not aware of this information or he is a lying sack!  You decide!

And, yes, the USCCB is a far-left organization.

The final straw for me in last night’s wandering is this!  Real Catholic TV.com has produced an hour and a quarter long documentary on the history of how the Catholic Church in the US represented by the USCCB has been taken over by the POLITICAL ATHEIST LEFTWING entitled, “CCHD and Saul Alinsky.”

Saul Alinsky, whose book “Rules for Radicals” is dedicated to Lucifer, taught that the ends justify the means.  I guess that is a lesson the USCCB has swallowed hook, line and sinker.

*Addendum:  I forgot this earlier.  When I went to Justice for Immigrants site I noticed they linked to a study about how immigrants supposedly help the economy.  But then I howled with laughter.  They are citing a report from the Extreme Leftwing at George Soros Center for American Progress.  So if you have any doubt about how entwined the Bishops are with the Far Left this should help dispel any doubt.

Arkansas to get more refugees through federal contract

Arkansas is one of those states that for whatever reason has not received many refugees.   Check out the state by state stats here and see what I mean. 

This is an article I’ve had back-logged to post on from last week about how Catholic Charities in Arkansas has gotten a federal contract for a stepped-up resettlement program in the state.   Are there jobs in Arkansas?

Catholic Charities of Arkansas is expanding its services to refugees in the state through a $75,000 annual federal contract.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in Washington, D.C., has contracted with Catholic Charities Immigration Services in Springdale to offer services to refugees who are referred to them by the U.S. State Department or the State of Arkansas.

Read it all.

Where to find information: National Governor’s Association policy statement

We first told you about this year ago, but now I see that they have a 2009 version of the document, here.   This is just one section from the Governors in which they emphasize CONSULTATION with states and local governments when towns are chosen for refugee resettlement.

1.3.4 Coordination and Consultation. Governors continue to be concerned about the lack of adequate consultation on the part of the voluntary agencies (VOLAGs) and their local affiliates in the initial placement of refugees and on the part of the federal government in the equitable distribution of refugees and entrants.

States have continually urged the federal government to establish a mechanism to ensure appropriate coordination and consultation. However, significant progress has not been made and the following mechanisms need to be considered to address this problem.

  • There should be a requirement in the State Department/VOLAG contract to limit placement to areas conducive to resettlement. In addition, VOLAGs and their local affiliates should be required to have a letter of agreement that specifies that there has been consultation and planning for the initial placement of refugees and sets forth the continuing process of consultation. The requirement in the State Department/VOLAG contract to target placement to areas conducive to resettlement should include concurrence by the state.
  • DHS, the U.S. Department of State (DOS), and the Office of Refugee Resettlement should coordinate with states receiving entrants and refugees. Entrants should be made eligible for DOS assistance for thirty days, or another mechanism should be developed to allow for a smooth transition of entrants into a community. The current system, in which an entrant simply arrives in the United States without any knowledge of the state, creates a tremendous burden on the community, leaves gaps in the provision of services, and provides no foundation for planning purposes.

Governors should be closely involved in the congressional consultation process through which new refugee admissions levels are determined to ensure that program funding is provided to support the level of refugee admissions.

There is a legal requirement for consultation as we told the Mayor of Manchester, NH, here.

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services is looking for a Washington lobbyist

This is nothing new, refugee agencies hiring lobbyists.  They need to keep advocating in DC for more refugees, more taxpayer funding for their programs and to promote amnesty for illegal aliens.   That’s all well and good, but they are likely using your taxpayer money to pay for their lobbyist!  Is it stimulous money?   I sure hope the US State Department that funds their Washington office ostensibly because they resettle refugees is keeping an eye on how they use your money!  They can’t lobby with your money!

Here is LIRS job announcement for their “advocate.”   It is  full time with excellent benefits!

The Director for Advocacy contributes to the mission of LIRS and serves by: Educating and mobilizing established immigrant and refugee communities and Lutheran and non-affiliated individuals, who are interested in our mission of welcome, to act, with us, in solidarity with newly-arrived immigrants and refugees; Influencing U.S. policy makers to facilitate policies that promote greater justice and mercy for those we serve. The Director for Advocacy is responsible for developing a capacity for educating and mobilizing action on LIRS-related policy and legislative work. The Director for Advocacy helps shape LIRS advocacy goals and leads the process of developing an annual cross-departmental, cross-unit advocacy plan.

You can bet whoever is filling this role now is busy “mobilizing” for the big march on DC scheduled for March 21st (the day after the Marxists and Muslims march).

LIRS supports amnesty for illegals, here, and what a coincidence they plan to be in DC for the marches.  They will be in town to demonstrate with the Communists on Saturday and the immigrants on Sunday!

Their lobbyist is listed here at the White House in August getting orders on Amnesty along with the big businesses that need cheap labor.

By the way, I see these sneaky little boogers don’t file an IRS Form 990.  They probably use the “church” exemption.

World Relief won’t hire a Muslim

We have speculated previously about the question of whether one of the Top Ten federal contractors resettling refugees applied a religious litmus test for volunteers (here and here).  Now comes a story from Seattle that World Relief will hire only Christians. 

Saad Mohammad Ali had volunteered for six months at World Relief, helping the agency resettle arriving Iraqi refuges, when a manager suggested he apply for an Arabic-speaking caseworker job.

The 42-year-old SeaTac resident had been an interpreter for the U.S. government in Iraq before coming to the U.S. two years ago — himself as a refugee.

With a degree in statistics, strong English skills and basic knowledge of American culture, Mohammad Ali, who now works as a baggage handler at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, could help his arriving countrymen temper their typically high expectations of life in America.

But a few days after he applied for the position last December, the Muslim and father of three got an unexpected call from the same manager at World Relief: She was sorry, she told him, but the agency couldn’t offer him the job because he is not Christian.

Read it all.

Private groups should be able to hire whomever they wish, but the water gets muddy when A LARGE PORTION OF THEIR FUNDING COMES FROM THE GOVERNMENT,* as is the case with World Relief.  New readers are always shocked to hear that taxpayers are footing the bill for religious organizations, and in some cases the taxpayer money is literally keeping the religious organization afloat.

My solution continues to be—get these government contractor middle men out of this program.  The “charitable” groups could try some old fashioned charity and help refugees for free!

Anyone want to take bets on how soon CAIR will be on the scene!

* This is a principle everyone should firmly plant in your minds, especially in the age of Obama and the expansion of the federal government—-government money comes with strings!