Malta, poor little Malta, being overrun by African economic migrants (thanks partly to Obama’s war on Libya and that wonderful Obama-supported Arab Spring) and now we have to stomach Jolie there pontificating about refugees. Let them loose she says!
I was planning to do a few excerpts from this fawning story at the Times of Malta about Jolie—the UN’s traveling mouthpiece—but I simply can’t. Go read it yourself.
She says the UN is careful to separate the economic (illegal alien) migrants from the truly persecuted (of course taking the migrants word for it!), but as far as I know I’ve never heard of the UN deporting anyone back to Africa after determining they are only looking for a job.
Use our search function for ‘Malta’ where we have dozens of posts about how the US State Department (and the Jesuits) magically turn Malta’s (Europe’s!) illegal aliens into refugees and then fly them off to your town.