How’s that Arab Spring working out for Obama and the “weird sisters” this morning?

In light of the tragic news from Libya and Egypt today, here, looks like Obama, Hillary, Susan Rice, and Samantha Power picked the wrong side in their rush to embrace the phoney-baloney “democracy movement” in North Africa.

No time to write this a.m. but check out our previous posts on the “weird sisters’ responsibility to protect” and what it has come to.

Note that one year ago, almost to the day, the Israeli Embassy was attacked by those Muslim Brotherhood “democracy advocates” in their enthusiasm to show how democratic they can be.

I guess the White House’s Samantha Power gets her wish—no “rinkey-dink do-gooder stuff “ like protecting Christians in Iraq for her.  The Muslims in Libya have now declared war on us by their murderous act.  So much for the “humanitarian vulcans” gamble.

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