NJ Muslim credit card scam called “massive,” largest in US history

This is not a refugee story, but fits nicely along with my other hobby—-immigrant food stamp fraud*.  Yesterday, reader Gary sent me this story and we wondered who the perps might be (other than the two ringleaders named, hint: their names were not Smith or Jones), but you can always count on Debbie Schlussel to get the real skinny!

Read Debbie Schlussel, here, for the whole story and to follow links.  Debbie begins (emphasis mine):

There are several crimes of which–whenever the schemes are foiled by the feds–I can almost always bet that the perpetrators come from a certain religion, culture, and region of the world, whose greatest export is its brazenness in working the system and screwing the infidels. Credit card fraud, mortgage fraud, Medicaid fraud, Medicare fraud, food stamp/Bridge Card fraud . . . these are the crimes whose perpetrators are overwhelmingly members in a religion that is still just a tiny percentage of our population but dominates these scams and rip-offs. And so it goes with yesterday’s announcement that the feds busted what is either the largest or one of the largest credit card fraud rings ever busted in U.S. history.

Keep reading, here.   Millions of scammed dollars wired around the world!

And then Debbie wraps with this which really made me laugh because I’ve noticed the same thing—99% of these stories never tell you how the scammers got to the US in the first place!

 Notice that there is nothing in the story about the citizenship or immigration status of these fine specimens of Paki-American cultural life.

I also wondered to myself if Gov. Chris Christie, defender of all things Islamic in NJ, had anything to say?

*See my extensive archive on Food Stamp Fraud, here.

Christian RIGHT now shilling for big business/Muslims and supporting “comprehensive immigration reform”

(Just an aside) I’m sure it hasn’t escaped readers here at RRW that “comprehensive” never includes reforming the refugee resettlement program.

An Act of God or an Act of Grover (Norquist)?

The coalition largely driven (up to now) by big business (cheap labor!), the Christian Left, and the hard core Open Borders Socialists, can say they have won over the generally conservative Christian Right according to this article in Politico yesterday (hat tip: Robin):

The usual suspects pushing immigration reform have a new ally in the fight this time — the religious right.

Christian conservatives, who stayed on the sidelines in 2006 or opposed reform outright, have sprung into action for the cause.

They’re talking to their congregations from the pulpit. They’re urging lawmakers in private meetings to support reform. And they’re even calling for change publicly.

The efforts have dramatically changed the dynamics of the debate, so much so that Republicans anxious to vote yes on a deal might have the political cover to do it.

“I think it is night and day, particularly among social conservatives,” Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Ralph Reed told POLITICO of the support for immigration reform.

Reed’s group released a letter Tuesday that outlines broad goals for reform, like keeping families together, reforming the visa system and securing the border.

High profile leaders are also weighing in. Mathew Staver, vice president of Liberty University, the college started by former TV minister Jerry Falwell, is on board. Focus on the Family, which for years has focused on issues like opposing abortion rights and gay marriage, is supporting immigration reform for the first time in its history — even using its radio broadcast that reaches millions to push its message.

Giving cover!

Social conservatives are directly targeting GOP offices and trying to show that they can give cover to lawmakers in the South, West and Midwest, who are worried about facing retaliation at the ballot box in 2014.

Just because they have the word “evangelical” in their name doesn’t make them conservatives!

Nearly a dozen groups, including Bread for the World, Esperanza, Christian Community Development Association and the National Association of Evangelicals, have launched a 40-day “I was a stranger” campaign asking parishioners to read a bible verse dealing with immigrants each day.  [Is your church doing this? Tell them you are offended or find another church—ed]

The National Association of Evangelicals is the parent organization of World Relief one of the big nine federal refugee contractors.   From its Form 990 (2010) note that they are a $53 million dollar a year organization and YOU the taxpayer funded them that year to the tune of $31 million.   It has been my view that these refugee contractors are nothing more than head-hunters for the service industry, the meatpacking giants  and other industries in need of cheap captive labor disguising themselves as humanitarians.  A side benefit is that the immigrants are in need of welfare and become Democrat voters.

So where does Norquist the Islamist come in?

Doesn’t Republican Norquist see that immigrants in the first generations vote for Democrats?  Could it all just be about money from his industry supporters that Norquist cares about?  Or is he really interested in a specific subset of immigrants?

This closing section of the Politico story has Norquist written all over it—Ali Noorani is Grover’s Pakistani buddy (big smooch from Noorani to Grover ), and this is classic Norquist strategy:

It’s not just religious leaders looking to help galvanize support from social conservatives. The National Immigration Forum has created its “Bibles, Badges and Business” effort that targets conservative lawmakers by bringing in pastors, law enforcement and business owners into the debate. The group helped facilitate more than 70 meetings on Capitol Hill in December, of which 56 were with Republicans.

NIF is preparing to roll out a formal network to help provide a vehicle for sharing and strategy.

Ali Noorani, head of the forum, said it just makes sense when looking at how immigration reform is going to get passed.

“A conservative voter is going to listen to a conservative leader, especially in conservative states,” Noorani said. “From our perspective, this is about voters hearing from their pastor police chief or business — why their Republican member of Congress needs to be supported in this push for immigration reform.”

For more on Ali Noorani who created the political agitation group Massachusetts Immigrants & Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), see my previous posts here.

Also, see Discover the Networks (DTN) about Noorani’s National Immigration Forum(NIF).  Although the entry is several years old, DTN lists the board members at the time:

The NIF Board of Directors includes such notables as: (a) James Zogby, President of the Arab American Institute; and (b) Jeanne Butterfield, currently the Executive Director of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, and formerly the Director of the Palestine Solidarity Committee, which acted as the political arm of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Also sitting on the NIF Board are members of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Service Employees International Union, and the Los Angeles branch of the Central American Refugee Center, which backed the Communists in El Salvador’s civil war and helped pioneer the “sanctuary” movement to subvert American immigration law.  [For Maryland readers, the sanctuary movement brought us CASA de Maryland–ed]

Here is today’s NIF board (Jeb Bush is on it!).

For more on Norquist, see my archive here.

Update!  New poll! Most Americans want illegal immigrants to go home and will support the political party that stands for enforcing immigration laws!

Africans moving to Britain in large numbers, mosques are an attraction

…but not directly from Africa.

They are already citizens of other European countries and are moving to Britain for greater upward mobility they say.  Some others say it’s because there are more mosques in the UK.

Here is the story from The Guardian (via Islam vs. Europe a week ago):

A clear majority of British people think current immigration levels are too high, according to many polls. A major fear is that too many newcomers will stretch Britain’s already shrinking welfare state. According to some reports, Downing Street is considering negative advertising, to persuade Bulgarians and Romanians to stay away. It doesn’t help quell these fears when new migrants from poorer parts of the world, such as Somalia, show high rates of unemployment.

But what if we were told that thousands of people from Africa we’ve seen arriving here are not, in fact, fleeing poverty at all? Or that, legally speaking, they’re not even Africans, but rather nationals of such generous welfare utopias as Sweden, Denmark and Holland?

For BBC Radio 4, I’ve been searching for some idea of what the modern “British Dream” could be, through a series of frank interviews with some of the almost 3 million new arrivals to England and Wales since 2001 (the first of three programmes is broadcast at 8pm starting tonight). Time and again, our team uncovered Africans who were not any longer from Africa. They were EU citizens and actually giving up welfare rights in places like Scandinavia to come to the UK.

Indeed, we met so many Nigerians from Germany, or Somalis from Denmark, that we asked Oxford University’s Migration Observatory to crunch the numbers on how many EU migrants are not originally from Europe. They found that 141,000 people, 7% of those who came to the UK under EU rules were born outside the continent. Somalis are one of the biggest such groups, with an estimated 20,000 coming to the UK from the Netherlands alone. Studies show that between one third and a half of the entire Dutch Somali community has moved to the UK.  [I’m wondering if the political climate in the Netherlands has become less “welcoming.”—ed]


“I think the UK is more open than other European countries,” says Jibril, who is now a London bus driver. He and many other Somalis told me they admired the success of non-white people in Britain – which was conspicuously absent, they felt, on the continent. Jibril mentions the Asian community who came to the UK from Uganda. “They are landlords, they are businessmen, lawyers,” he enthuses. “It’s amazing.”

How should we feel about this admiration of Britain from non-white people across Europe? Some may find it uncomfortable that Jibril and other Somalis I met were partly attracted by the larger number of mosques in Britain.

Hint to America:  Build the mosques and they will come!

There is more and lots of links at The Guardian, here.

Man dressed as Somali woman Target employee might be a police officer

This is a weird story and I expect there will be some explanation forthcoming, but it didn’t stop CAIR and Somali mouthpiece, Omar Jamal, from demanding more sensitivity training at the St. Paul PD.

Police Chief:  Diversity is one of the greatest strengths of the city of St. Paul!

Here is the story from TwinCities.com (hat tip: Megan):

A man seen in a photograph dressed as a female Muslim Target employee is a St. Paul police officer who worked off-duty at a St. Paul store, police and Target Corp. said Monday, Feb. 4.

Mukhtar Ibrahim directed a Tweet to the official St. Paul police Twitter account at 7:55 p.m. Sunday: “Can u pls verify if this man mocking Somali women employees at Target is one of your officers?” Ibrahim, who used to live in St. Paul, is a Washington, D.C.-based journalist.

Ibrahim received a reply from the St. Paul police Twitter account at 8:35 a.m. Monday: “SPPD wants to thx u for bring this to our att. We take this seriously&are investigating.”

Police Chief Thomas Smith said in a statement Monday, “After an image was brought to my attention this morning, I ordered an immediate investigation to determine all of the facts surrounding it. The St. Paul police department has worked hard to establish a strong and respectful relationship with our Muslim communities, and I will not allow these types of images to erode that relationship. Diversity is one of the greatest strengths of the city of St. Paul, and we expect each one of our officers to respect and take pride in serving each of our diverse communities.”

CAIR: “more diversity training” needed!  It sure sounds like they have that police chief well-trained!

Lori Saroya, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ Minnesota chapter, said her organization has good relationships with the St. Paul and Minneapolis police departments, but if the photo does show a St. Paul police officer, she thinks that individual needs more diversity training to “help eliminate anti-Muslim stereotypes and prejudice.”

Omar Jamal:  “additional sensitivity training” needed!

Omar Jamal, first secretary of the Somali Mission to the United Nations, wrote in an email Monday, “This is a clear indication that police should have additional sensitivity training about the community, culture and religion.”

Wouldn’t you think Jamal, the ‘Somali Jesse Jackson,’ has enough to keep him busy at the UN?  See our dozens of posts on Jamal here.

For new readers:  This 2011 post, “Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?”, is almost daily one of our top most-read posts.  I see today it is number one.

Samantha Power, White House Iraqi refugee czar, Soros protege’ leaving Obama Administration

Power, also the architect of Obama’s excellent adventure in Libya, was supposed to have led an intergovernmental reform of the Refugee Resettlement Program which never happened unless you consider throwing more money to the contractors a reform!  By the way, she once served as a director of the wealthiest refugee resettlement contractor (funded largely by US taxpayers)—the International Rescue Committee (George Rupp, their head honcho makes a cool $447,432 in salary and benefits which beats Obama’s $400,000 salary!)

Human Rights First cheered her role as Iraqi refugee czar at the White House here in 2009.  But, by 2011 Power was quoted (by Joe Klein) as saying she wanted more exciting work then the “rinkey-dink do-gooder stuff”  of helping beleaguered Christians in Iraq.  So she moved on to working with Obama’s female hawks to oust Gaddafi from Libya (we see how that is working out!).  Well, heck, the move produced a whole new wave of refugees in need of resettlement services from the federal contractors!

Power’s name came up as a possible second-term pick for either UN Ambassador if Susan Rice moved up to the Secretary of State position we all know went to John Kerry.   There had even been talk that Power, a Soros protege’, might be in line to fill her nemesis’ shoes at State.  Remember Power called Hillary a “monster” during the 2008 Presidential primary campaign.

We have a lot of posts on Power, you can check them out here.

The percentage of white men surrounding the President just went up!

Here is Bloomberg on Power’s leave-taking (for now anyway):

Samantha Power, one of President Barack Obama’s top advisers on national security and a longtime aide, is leaving the administration, at least temporarily, to focus on family matters, a White House spokesman said.

Power, director for multilateral affairs and human rights at the National Security Council, has served as an aide to Obama since his 2008 presidential campaign and is a Pulitzer Prize- winning author for her book on genocide. She has two young children, one three years old and the other eight months.

Power probably will return to the administration, though no decisions have been made on what her future role might be, according to the spokesman, Tommy Vietor.

“Samantha has been a powerful voice in this administration and a longtime friend and adviser to the president,” Vietor said. “We will miss her at the NSC, and we look forward to continuing the president’s work promoting human rights and dignity.”

Power, 42, who successfully advocated for the 2011 intervention in Libya on humanitarian grounds, has played a central role in discussions over how far the U.S. should go to protect civilians from repressive regimes.   [Her ‘responsibility to protect’ doctrine is a thinly disguised excuse to send the US to war—ed]


Her departure comes as Obama has been criticized for not appointing a sufficient number of women to high-profile posts as he forms his second-term team.