Caritas of Austin, TX training refugees for employment (with your tax dollars)

This is an all too-familiar story.  You might think that resettlement contractors like this one in Austin are taking care of refugees with their own private charitable Catholic dollars, but they aren’t.  The majority of their funding comes from you—taxpayers of Texas and the US.

From their website:

Budget grows to $6.5 million, approximately 60% governmental dollars and 40% philanthropic.

When the ACLU is busy getting the Ten Commandments removed from public buildings, don’t you wonder why they are silent on all this government money going to a church group—it’s one of those great imponderables motivating Leftwing political action.  Or, could they be busy changing the demographics of red states?

What! No poor and jobless Americans left in Austin?

I guess there are no low-skilled Americans who want to work in Austin and so Caritas has become the headhunter for the hotel and restaurant industry there—paid by you, of course, to teach job skills to refugees and asylees.  From

 Caritas also offers job training for its refugee clients and partners with an organization called English at Work to provide vocationally oriented English language classes.

“It’s unusual for a refugee to come speaking English,” says Quinn. “Some of the refugees come illiterate in their own language, so English is very hard to learn. But we have some partners that are creative with us in helping clients learn survival English, especially English that is related to a job that they’re going to get.”

“So we have a food industry and housekeeping training program,” ***says Quinn. “Our trainers have been trained by all the [Austin area] hotels to know the systems to use for the housekeeping and food industry. We have a really good relationship with the hotels and they love hiring our clients, because our clients don’t need training. We’ve already trained them.”Some refugees arrive in Austin with highly advanced degrees, while many others are employed initially in the service industry and work in local hotels and restaurants.

iACT for Refugees, a program of Interfaith Action of Central Texas, estimates that about 1,000 refugees are legally resettled in Austin each year.

Caritas director of development: “Refugees add to this fabric.” [That must be a newfangled  way of saying “diversity is strength.”]

By the way, Caritas Austin is hosting a speaker from Clarkston, Georgia at an upcoming event to tell them how great things are in Clarkston.  Only problem is there was so much ‘adding to the fabric’ in Clarkston that refugee resettlement was recently suspended there because the community couldn’t handle any more refugees.  Read all about it here, and here.

*** Question?  When the hotel and food industries (with the Gang of Eight) succeed in getting the 11 million illegal aliens ‘out of the shadows’ and competing for jobs then what happens to the refugees?

In 2012 Texas led the nation in the number of resettled refugees (not counting asylum seekers or those already granted asylum, and probably not the Cubans or Haitians otherwise Florida would be higher on the list); followed by California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Florida, Ohio, Arizona, Washington, and North Carolina.

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