Here is a news account from a supposedly independent news outlet in Uzbekistan (UzNews) that suggests that the government of Uzbekistan (a Muslim government) has ‘set-up’ Uzbeks in the West as terrorists so they might clamp down on their own radical Islamists at home—huh?
Frankly, I don’t know what the reporter is getting at, I just want to know why we are resettling these troublesome people in the first place. Why is the US State Department and maybe the CIA so hot to help these Uzbeks? We even airlifted some here (some against their will) because we were so eager to get them on our soil.

Just ten days ago we caught one relatively new Uzbek refugee in Idaho with bomb-making equipment. Then, as UzNews tells us and we reported, another Uzbek threatened to assassinate Obama. But, we didn’t know about the 2011 threats to Senator Joe Lieberman from an Uzbek in Philly, nor about the Uzbek “refugee” in Norway.
However, I’m wondering why our scribe at UzNews forgot to mention the Uzbek terror suspect arrested in Colorado back in January 2012, here. The Denver Post intoned at the time in its coverage of the case against Jamshid Muhtorov who was arrested on his way to TURKEY:
It’s a complicated case that raises questions about the fine line between freedom fighter and terrorist.
Here is some of the UzNews story:
Today, Uzbek citizen Fazliddin Kurbanov will face a trial on charges of terrorism in Utah.
At a pre-trial hearing in Idaho Kurbanov pleaded not guilty. Human rights activist Surat Ikramov doubts his commitment to terrorist ideals.
Kurbanov was arrested on 15 May in Boise, Idaho. U.S. authorities have charged him with the illegal possession of an explosive device, conspiracy to support a terrorist organization, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, and the dissemination of information on bomb-making and weapons of mass destruction.
Before this incident, three other Uzbek citizens have been charged by authorities in Western countries with terrorism or attempting to kill high-ranking officials.
This shameful sequence of events started with Ulugbek Kodirov who was in the USA on an expired student visa. He was arrested in Leeds, Alabama, on 13 July 2011, in a sting operation when he attempted to purchase an M15 assault rifle from an FBI agent masquerading as a gun dealer.
He was charged with staying in the USA illegally and the illegal possession of firearms and grenades and repeated threats to kill President Barack Obama.
How many readers here remember this next incident? The Uzbek threatened to shoot the Jew—Senator Joe Lieberman—in the face. I had to search around for news about the case, and here is report at American Thinker in which the author says the whole thing was soft-peddled and largely kept out of the mainstream media.
Uznews continues:
The next incident involved Dmitriy Dyatlov who was arrested in Philadelphia in August 2011. He attracted the attention of security services by threatening to kill Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman.
Norway too!
Approximately six months later an Uzbek refugee, former police officer Alisher Abdullayev, was sentenced in Oslo. He and two accomplices were accused of having links to a terrorist organisation and preparing terrorist attacks.
Then here we have a “human rights activist” saying the poor fellows were set up! I think these “human rights activists” are fronting for something! What?
Well-known Tashkent-based human rights activist Surat Ikramov, the leader of the Initiative Group of Independent Human Rights Activists of Uzbekistan, believes that Kurbanov and Kodirov can only be called terrorists with some difficulty.
Read the whole thing and see if you can make ‘heads or tails’ of it.
And speaking of Norway and its open door policy to Muslim immigration, Daniel Greenfield writing at Frontpage magazine told us on Friday that NORWAY LOSES $713,000 ON EVERY MUSLIM IMMIGRANT IT ALLOWS IN! I’m guessing their terrorist Uzbek will cost them much more than that in the end.