“Stateless” Rohingya Muslim women in New Hampshire, move along nothing to see….

….we are harmless, we smile, we just make jewelry and hope to get a business loan via the federal taxpayer so we might help our people.

Rohingya women weaving a new life in New Hampshire. Photo SHAWNE WICKHAM/SUNDAY NEWS

Here is how the gushy story from Nashua, NH begins (hat tip: Jeannine):

NASHUA — They are stateless: persecuted in their own country, shunned in others. Most Americans have never heard of them.

But a small circle of refugee women has been quietly weaving a new life here for their families and, perhaps, their people.

“Stateless” is the buzzword these days for an easy ticket to refugee status.  Stories like this one (about women refugees) are meant to soften you up—after all, how threatening can a bunch of women be who weave jewelry in New Hampshire?

But, where are the men and when are they coming?  Surely these young women won’t be marrying into the local New Hampshire population.

Right now, their men are busy waging immigration Jihad in Australia and Indonesia.  PR articles like this one are meant to soften you up for the next wave.

To its credit, the US State Department resisted for years taking Rohingya Muslims from camps in Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar and elsewhere in the region, but as we have reported here now on several occasions, we are resettling Rohingya.

Indeed, at last year’s State Department meeting, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops cited the Rohingya as a potential new source of “refugee” bodies to resettle (they are paid by the head for the refugees they bring to your towns).

For new and ambitious readers, we have 143 previous posts on Rohingya here.

Norwegian towns saying “NO!” to more refugees

The changing face of Norway—Asylum child waiting in line.
Photo : Julien Harneis

Norway’s Refugee Dilemma!

Holy cow!  It’s not just stunning that many towns are saying NO!, it is stunning that they are even given a choice in Norway of whether they want any refugees at all!    Even with our Constitutional tradition of “States Rights,” American cities and states are not given an opportunity to say to the US State Department—sorry we can’t afford more refugees!

Here is the news from The Nordic Page:

Aftenposten writes that only 64 of the 368 municipalities agreed to accept as many refugees as the government wants. 27 municipalities simply reject, while 204 municipalities receive less than the government has requested. 73 municipalities have not even responded to the request of Integration and Diversity Directorate, IMDI.

Later in the article we learn this about who is going to Norway—mostly Muslim young men.

The refugee and asylum seeker definitions are similar to the ones used by the US.

There are two main groups of refugees who come to Norway. The first group consists of asylum seekers who come to Norway on their own initiative, and the second group consists of resettlement refugees. Resettlement refugees are refugees who cannot return to their home country and cannot be granted residence in the country in which they are staying. Resettlement refugees’ cases are processed by and, they are recognised by, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) before they arrive in Norway. The Norwegian parliament, the Storting, stipulates a quota for the number of resettlement refugees Norway accepts each year.  In 2010, Norway accepted 1,300 resettlement refugees. Most of the 2010 quota was reserved for Eritrean, Afghan, Palestinian, Burmese and Iranian refugees. Minimum 55 per cent were to be women and girls, while 15 per cent of the places were for vulnerable female refugees.

Also, there are asylum seekers who come to Norway on their own initiative and apply for protection from the Norwegian authorities. In the end of September, the Directorate of Immigration (UDI) had received 7,299 asylum applications. Many of these applicants come from countries badly affected by war or previous conflicts. The biggest groups of asylum seekers come from Eritrea, Somalia and Afghanistan. Not everyone who applies for asylum in Norway is entitled to protection or a residence permit.


A total of 163 500 persons with a refugee background were living in Norway on 1 January 2012. These persons accounted for 3.3 per cent of the Norwegian population, and 30 per cent of all immigrants in Norway. The two largest groups were persons with a refugee background from Iraq and Somalia.


Male refugees were overrepresented, with around 10 200 more men than women as at 1 January 2012.

There is a lot more, read it all!

Mayor Bloomberg, super rich, pushing the meme that immigrants are responsible for large percentage of new American businesses

When you read a story like this one in the New Pittsburgh Courier (Hat tip from Tennessee), you know that something stinks.

It makes absolutely no sense that poor refugees and other immigrants are the driving force for the small business community.  The truth is that this is just political spin and new “entrepreneurial” immigrant businesses are heavily supported and funded with special loans and grants that are available to them (and not to Americans!) gratis the US taxpayer.

Diversity is strength, right? Togolese will bring ‘culturally appropriate’ day care facility to Pittsburgh. Well, at least they obviously aren’t Muslims! From Fotopedia

LOL! As my informant from Tennessee says, if the resettlement contractors and immigrant advocacy groups are so good at getting immigrants employed, why don’t they give Americans a little help?

Here is the story which of course in a back-handed way says Americans are just plain lazy, while immigrants work their butts off.   My first thought on reading this was, how many of those Mom & Pop convenience stores being busted for food stamp fraud are in the glowing stats?

The topic of immigration reform has been in the forefront of President Barack Obama’s agenda for several years. His goal is to fix what he calls the broken immigration system so that it can be “fairer for and help grow the middle class by ensuring everyone plays by the same rules.”  The President is requesting approval by the Senate and House of a comprehensive immigration overhaul measure for him to sign into law by years end.  To Rufus Idris, a native of Kogi State, Nigeria and executive director of the Christian Evangelistic Economic Development organization, the Immigration Bill is a wise move. [More immigrants=more government grants!—ed]

For the past nine years CEED has built a reputation for assisting and developing small businesses in the region. A large portion of those businesses have been established by the immigrant and refugee population. “Creating more businesses that strengthens our economy and create jobs for Americans is inevitable.

Idris indicated that businesses under five years old are responsible for all net job creation over the past three decades in America, and a critical driver of new business creation in America has been entrepreneurial immigrants. “Immigrants start small businesses in their quest to become economically self-sufficient and serve the consumer needs of the local and global community,” he said.

In his strong support of the Immigrant Bill he cited that the Partnership for a New American Economy found that immigrants are now more than twice as likely as the native-born to start a business and were responsible for more than one in every four (28 percent) U.S. businesses founded in 2011, significantly outpacing their share of the population (12.9 percent).

If these stats are even true (given their source!), could it be the government grants and government micro-loans are behind the “entrepreneurs?”  You betcha!  And, do we know the failure rate?

It’s for the women, don’t you know!

Partnership for a New Economy is made up of leftwing big city mayors and BIG business leaders with “Nanny” Bloomberg topping the list, thus tainting this whole story!  Marriott hotels (Bill Marriott Jr is a co-chair) wants to be sure their cheap laborers have daycare for the kids (funded by you, not them)—what is wrong with that?

I kid you not!  To give an example of the “entrepreneurial” spirit, the article goes on to discuss all the fabulous work the Pittsburgh area welfare agencies  and quasi non-profits are doing to develop a program to teach refugee and immigrant women how to set up their own CULTURALLY APPROPRIATE DAY CARE facilities—I told you about this Office of Refugee Resettlement federal grant program here in March in a post entitled,  “Come and get it—free government money…!”

So, how many of you think any assimilation is going on when Allegheny County, PA is encouraging separate day care businesses for its Somali, Liberian, Togolese, South Sudanese, Burmese and Bhutanese immigrant populations (at your expense!)?

Three new suspects in Boston bombing case, one has a refugee connection

Robel Phillipos in court today. Photo AP

Update May 5th, Phillipos wants to be released tomorrow—good boy (dumb maybe) but son of a refugee so therefore he is good, right?

It’s all over the news today (you don’t need me to tell you!) about the three friends of Dzhokar  Tsarnaev and how they have been arrested for trying to hide evidence.  We have been told repeatedly by the media that their involvement was AFTER the bombing, but we really don’t know that yet.

Here is a profile of the Ethiopian young man who first spotted his friend Dzhokar on the video footage released by the FBI in the days following the terrorist attack.

We don’t know if the 19-year-old was himself a refugee from Ethiopia, but his mother very likely was since she “works with refugees” now.

If he is a Muslim, as the other two arrested today are, we haven’t been told that yet (that I know of).  A reliable source tells me that we resettle mostly Ethiopian Christians and only about 20% Muslims.  BTW, the US State Department keeps all the stats on the religions of refugees they admit to the US, they just won’t give you that information.

From USA Today:

Robel Phillipos, charged with lying to authorities investigating the Boston Marathon bombings, was the first friend to recognize Dzhokar Tsarnaev’s photo on TV news and alert the two other university students accused of aiding the suspect, according to the FBI affidavit released Wednesday.

Phillipos, Tsarnaev and Dias Kadyrbayev and Azamat Tazhayakov attended the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth. Phillipos, 19, of Cambridge, was studying marketing, but the university said Wednesday he is not currently enrolled.

With Tsarnaev, he was a 2011 graduate of the prestigious Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, the city schools’ superintendent’s office said.

Phillipos, a U.S. citizen, lives with his mother, who is from Ethiopia and works with refugees, WHDH-TV reported. Their Cambridge apartment is next to the gas station where the Tsarnaev brothers carjacked a vehicle before getting into the shootout with police in which 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed.

Does anyone other than me find it ironic that all of this is happening in the very heart of Liberal, politically-correct America, Cambridge, Mass?

Of all of the cities in the U.S. one would think that Boston (Kennedy country!) would be immune from Muslim terrorist attacks because the people there are so “welcoming” to immigrants.   Why would those same immigrants, given so much in Massachusetts, lie and kill people?

If you are interested (or some enterprising reporter is interested in investigating further), here is a list of all the “welcoming” refugee and immigrant groups serving “new Americans”  in the Boston area (and largely funded by you—the taxpayer).

For new readers:  We have written a bunch over the years on Ethiopian refugees, type ‘Ethiopian’ into our search function for more.  I just did that, and what a coincidence this post heads the list—Virginia Imam stirring up Ethiopian Muslims with Jihad Talk.

California Rep: Open refugee resettlement to all Afghan women

So what happens when these women get to the US and apply for family reunification and want hubby to join them? AP Photo

Oh brother!  If you think this proposal by a California Congresswoman sounds a bit nutty, please note that the Gang of Eight’s amnesty bill would in fact make refugee resettlement available to WHOLE CLASSES OF PEOPLE.

No longer would they have to personally show they are in fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or because they are a member of a persecuted ‘social group’ (includes being gay now), they simply must belong to a certain group of people assumed to be persecuted—eg. Afghan women.

The Gang of Eight bill also allows the President to declare a whole group of people, eg. Afghan women, as in the “national interest” to admit to the US.

Most of us have sympathy for the plight of women in Islamic countries, but that doesn’t mean we should happily “welcome” them to America.  And, indeed, all Muslim women are not so benign as Rep. Jackie Speier would have you think.  Have we already forgotten Bomber Mom  Zubeidat Tsarnaeva?

Here is CNS News yesterday in a story that is buzzing around the internet:

(CNSNews.com) – A U.S. lawmaker, expressing concern about the lives of Afghan women when most U.S. troops leave the country in 2014, said those who want to do so should be allowed to come to the United States:

“I’m really concerned about these women,” Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) told a House Armed Services subcommittee on April 25. “I think everyone on this panel is very concerned about these women…But I think there is something we can do. And that is to create a refugee status for any Afghan woman who wants to leave the country and is seeking asylum in our country.

“And that we should put in place now a procedure whereby they can be informed of that opportunity and be granted that opportunity, so that we can at least save the lives of those who are not so embedded in the culture and want to find a way to free themselves of what I believe will become, without a question, more oppressive than what’s going on right now, under our noses with us there.”

But, I thought the Libs, like Speier (and Obama), think there is no reason to be in Afghanistan any longer, that everything there will be hunky-dory!   Truth be told, I don’t want us to be there either because we are never going to change these Islamic societies, we just need to now make sure they don’t bring their ‘religion and culture’ to America.

And Rep. Speier, tell me! what happens when all these women are granted asylum and then apply for family reunification in order to bring all their hubbies and half grown kids to join them in America—hmmmm?

Tell Congress to strip out all references to refugee resettlement and asylum from the Gang of Eight Amnesty bill.