Families enjoying the last days of summer in Southern Italy must be wondering how that glorious Arab Spring worked out for them! Photo: UK Telegraph
Imagine this scene as beachgoers on the Italian mainland watched as a boatload of mostly Egyptians landed in front of them and the would-be asylum-seekers scampered ashore and into the hills.
Amazing that it’s been 40 years since French writer Jean Raspail envisioned the invasion of Europe by the Third World in his dark novel The Camp of the Saints. How did he know?
From her deckchair on a beach in southern Italy, Gina Bova watched with interest as the small, rickety fishing boat was pushed by the waves closer to the shore. It was a windy Saturday afternoon in August, and the beach was packed with holidaying families, picnicking on tubs of home made pasta and fresh figs.
26-year-old “human rights activist” from Rome says if you have a problem with this you are just “racist.”
But suddenly, as the boat hit the shallow sandbank, the passengers sprung overboard and made a dash to the shore, with police in hot pursuit.
“But there were lots more migrants than police,” said Mrs Bova, 63. “The police grabbed a few of them, but most ran up the beach and off into the hills. There wasn’t a lot anyone could do.”
Her feeling of inevitability is one shared by the Italian authorities – and their counterparts across Europe.
Around 1,000 migrants crossing the Mediterranean from North Africa have landed in Italy in the last week alone, and the waves of migrants show no sign of decreasing.
Concerns about the welfare of asylum seekers as they flow out of one of the most violent countries in the world has the Afghan government taking action (we are told!).
Afghan asylum-seekers line up for food in Calais, France
Most impoverished countries want their people to illegally enter first world countries so that they can send remittances back home. Heck, some countries’ economies (consider El Salvador) would crash if the migrants didn’t send home the moolah! So, we are expected to believe that the Kabul government wants the mostly young men to stay in Afghanistan and be unemployed.
And, then some Muslim countries want to send their Islamic foot soldiers into the West. In this case, the IOM (using US $$$) probably gave the Afghan government loads of cash to do this “campaign,” but with no real expectation that it will succeed. (I am so cynical!)
Afghan authorities have launched a campaign aimed at raising people’s awareness about the risks of taking illegal avenues to a new life abroad.
Afghanistan has earned a reputation as a source of illegal immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, prompting a backlash from some destination countries.
With nearly 2.6 million refugees in more than 80 countries, Afghanistan was the leading country of origin for refugees in 2012. And as the end-of-2014 withdrawal date for NATO troops nears, concerns have risen that the exodus of Afghans will only increase.
“Many Afghans who consider seeking asylum abroad have little knowledge of the dangers involved,” says Siddiq Hazratzai, a spokesperson for the Kabul office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
The IOM is teaming up with Afghanistan’s Refugee and Repatriation Ministry, Labor and Social Affairs Ministry, and the United Nations Children’s Fund to carry out the three-month awareness campaign in all of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces.
“The campaign aims at providing people with a wide range of relevant information, such as tightened immigration policies of host countries, the risks of falling victim to human traffickers, or treacherous routes to reach destination countries,” Hazratzai says.
State media is expected to play a major role in the campaign. Posters warning people of potential risks will be displayed in Kabul and other large cities.
In villages, authorities have asked influential imams and tribal elders to raise the issue with local residents during mosque sermons and private gatherings.
Sure they will! I bet those Imams are telling their flocks to get into the West and spread the word about Allah (al-Hijra). What are these young men going to do in Afghanistan with no work anyway, just make trouble?
Afghanistan is the source of a quarter of the world’s “refugees.”
According to a recent report by the United Nations, one in four refugees in the world is from Afghanistan.
And get this! Once again we are lead to believe that abjectly poor people can get this kind of money together to pay a human smuggler! I don’t know too many working American young men who could “scrape together” this kind of money. Someone, or some organization is supplying them with this cash! Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past someone like George Soros or the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to supply the foot soldiers with the resources necessary to invade the West!
Potential asylum seekers have been known to pay up to $20,000 to smugglers who organize dangerous journeys to major refugee destinations — Europe, North America, and Australia.
Ann-Margarethe Livh and Abdirahim Hassan members of the Swedish Left Party. Livh was injured and flown out of the country, Hassan reportedly died in the attack.
I don’t know how I missed this story from late last week. Longtime readers know that we have a keen interest in Sweden and its socialist experiment with large, and ever-growing numbers of needy refugees and asylum seekers allowed into the country.
Only a few months ago, this postabout‘Swedes fighting back‘ after Muslim immigrant youth riots (some of the youths were Somalis) is our top post of all time (with just short of 11,000 visitors).Go here for our whole archive on Sweden.
Somali gunmen tried to kidnap a Swedish opposition politician in an ambush in which she and another woman were wounded and two men were killed, police said.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility. However, al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab militants have kept up guerrilla-style attacks and kidnappings in the city despite being largely pushed out by Somali and African forces two years ago.
Witnesses said Ann-Margarethe Livh, an opposition Left Party city councilor in Stockholm, was returning to her hotel after giving a speech at the University of Somalia when the gunmen struck near the Turkish embassy, Reuters reports.
Student Ahmed Dek said she flung open the rear door of the car and ran under a hail of bullets towards the university. She was bleeding badly from her left side, he said.
Police said an officer guarding her and a man said to be her translator were killed. A Somali woman from Sweden was also wounded, they said.
Livh is the most prominent Left Party politician in Stockholm. A party spokeswoman told Sweden’s TT news agency the group was in Mogadishu “in connection with an international project within the work of the Left Party”.
Here is another reporton the terrorist attack which identifies one of the dead men as also a member of the Left Party. According to Wikipedia the Swedish Left Party is a socialist and feminist party.
Local journalist Hamza Mohamed told The Local on the phone from Mogadishu that Livh was injured near the University of Somalia, where staff confirmed she had given a guest lecture.
“She was leaving the premises and was fifteen steps outside the university compound when men in a tinted (window) car opened fire,” he said.
Local Stockholm newspaper Norra Sidan also reported on Wednesday that Abdirahim Hassan had died in Somalia. His family confirmed the death. Hassan was a member of Sweden’s Left Party, which referred all questions to the foreign ministry when contacted by The Local.
Anyone opposing housing asylum-seekers from the Middle East in their middle-income neighborhood is a racist, neo-nazi, fascist, anti-foreigner, right-wing xenophobe according to media reports of a demonstration that got violent in Berlin last week.
I considered not even postingthis storyfrom AFP (French Press) because it’s laced with so much bias that it is almost laughable. Are these journalists writing this, or the European Left Wing itself? But, I decided to post it because I want you to know things are reaching such levels in Germany and to see the spin the media puts on events like this one.
The Berlin high school that has been converted to house asylum seekers who are arriving in Germany by the thousands.
From AFP:
AFP – German neo-Nazis have protested against a new political refugee centre in Berlin, seeking to stoke anti-foreigner sentiment a month before elections and sparking large counter-demonstrations.
The far-right National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) tried to drum up anti-foreigner feelings at a rally near the asylum seekers’ centre, a former school set amid drab tower blocks in the city’s east.
In angry scenes overnight, more than 500 anti-fascist protesters confronted the about 40 anti-immigration activists, who eventually left in a street tram under police protection.
Hundreds of riot police separated the groups. One officer was injured by a bottle thrown in his face. In total 25 people were arrested, one for making an illegal straight-armed Hitler salute.
I would bet a million bucks (if I had a million!) that the person arrested for the Hitler-salute was a Lefty! But, you see how this is done, no mention of who did the offensive salute, instead readers are left to assume it’s one of those rightwingers reporters have dubbed “neo-Nazis.” And, on what side were the 25 who were arrested—from that peace-loving Left?
Here (below) is the AP story on the latest on the legal situation facing Uzbek Muslim Fazliddin Kurbanov. The story starts with the provocative phrase “for security reasons” but never tells us what the security threat is!
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — For security reasons, an Uzbek national charged in Idaho with terrorism-related crimes won’t be in court early next week when his lawyers discuss progress of the case with prosecutors and a judge.
U.S. District Court Judge Edward Lodge said Fazliddin Kurbanov can skip attendance at Tuesday afternoon’s hearing.
Kurbanov, a refugee living in Boise who has pleaded not guilty to all charges including helping teach people to build bombs, faces a trial set to start July 1, 2014.
The 30-year-old Kurbanov arrived in the United States in 2009, a refugee from violence in his home country.
Since then, he’s been living in Idaho’s capital and working as, among other things, a truck driver.
But prosecutors say he also was working secretly to facilitate attacks, including on public transportation systems.
So what is the security concern? Other Uzbeks would show-up and blow away the courtroom? Shoot Kurbanov so he can’t talk? What? Back in June we learned his public defenders wanted out of the case citing budget constraints, or were they afraid of something?
See our previous coverage of this case as well as all of our ‘Uzbeks refugee’ posts here.
We are still bringing Uzbeks to the US—51 so far this year, click here.
And, I wonder if Jan Reeves, Idaho refugee director, pictured with Holly Johnson, here in my previous post, knows Kurbanov?