But, the tables are turned. This time the invaders are not the Germanic tribes, the Vandals and Goths and others of the barbarian hordes which helped bring down the mighty Roman Empire, they are Africans and Middle Easterners, mostly Muslims (Chechens too), who have a different sort of invasion in mind.
Ole Schröder: We are such good people, we will take 100,000 invaders (oops! refugees) this year!
This is just one more ‘EU-struggling’ story in a long list of stories in recent days and weeks about the European Union being overwhelmed by ‘refugees’, member countries squabbling, and about the UN criticizing the EU for not being “welcoming” enough to the invading armies.
Germany, however, is taking offense to charges they are not generous enough and officials there report that, get this:
Germany is set to take 100,000 refugees this year! Can anyone say death wish!
Schröder (Ole Schröder, a state secretary in Germany’s Interior Ministry),said Germany’s program is pointing the way forwards for European refugee protection. “We have asked the European Commission to introduce a similar protection program. Unfortunately, the Commission hasn’t done so. But Germany is taking the lead,”said Ole Schröder.
All in all, Germany plans to take in 100,000 refugees from all across the world until the end of this year.
“We can’t take in millions of people,” Schröder said. “That would overstrain Germany’s capacities.” [duh! 100,000 won’t overstrain Germany?–ed]
The capacities of the EU’s Mediterranean countries are already overstrained. Malta, Cyprus, Italy, Greece, as well as Hungary and Bulgaria have problems in dealing with refugees who want to enter the EU from both the Middle East and Africa, according to UNHCR.Human rights groups have repeatedly criticized the European Union for fencing itself in and disrespecting its international obligations when it comes to protecting refugees.
See our Europe category where we have posted 427 previous posts on the terrible predicament in Europe. I know I don’t have to tell you, but I post about Canada, Europe and Australia so that readers in America know the global extent of the problem, especially from countries that are ‘ahead of us’ in taking the spear of the asylum invasion. We aren’t far behind as this Mexico border stunt news illustrated.
Nashville: Legislative Plaza where citizens will reassert their State’s rights on Wednesday, August 21st. Tennessee patriots need you there!
Update August 22nd: Here is the first reportI’m seeing about yesterdays meeting. More later I hope. Hereis The Tennessean story. More later!
Update August 20th: Open borders gang plans to be there in force, here. Also, apologies—I had said in my earlier version of this post that the big meeting is Thursday, that’s wrong it is Wednesday (tomorrow!).
Tennessee is likely the first state in the Nation to set up a model plan for regaining its State’s rights.
Surely some other states are doing their best to begin to wrest control from an over-reaching federal government, but none are coming out of the chute attempting to get under control the federal Refugee Resettlement Program where the US State Department and non-governmental contractors have foisted on the states the cost of caring for destitute people from the third world.
When the framers crafted the 10th Amendment, they surely never dreamed Washington would encroach on the states to the extent it has.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
And surely, the framers could never have imagined a Federal Refugee program placing a financial and social burden on the citizens of certain states.
History will be made on Wednesday, August 21st in Nashville, TN
Below is an action alert from the Tennessee Eagle Forum which I’m posting in its entirety (emphasis is mine).
First for background on the new legislative committee:
Legislators and their constituents have long expressed concerns about the interactions and affects of federal actions on the manner in which our state government operates, or which could have a potential impact on the rights and privileges of the citizens of Tennessee.
Many had been wrestling for some time with the best way to address this very important issue of providing an established venue to examine these actions.
Rep. Judd Matheny (who came up with idea) and Sen. Mike Bell, Chairmen of the respective Senate and House Government Operations Committees went to the respective speakers seeking their support to establish a subcommittee of the Joint Government Operations Committee that would be authorized to review both introduced and enacted federal legislation, rules and regulations and executive orders, then report any relevant findings to the speakers, members of the General Assembly and Congressional delegation. Then decisions could be made about what actions might be appropriate moving forward.
Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey and Speaker Beth Harwell agreed to this plan and the subcommittee was established. As far as we know, Tennessee is the first state to provide this kind of venue for the review of federal actions. We can only hope that other states will follow our lead! You can read the letter of authorization HERE.
Members of this committee are:
Rep. Judd Matheny, Chairman, Rep. John Ragan, Rep. Joe Carr, Rep. Josh Evans, Rep. Mike Turner, Sen. Mike Bell, Sen. Janice Bowling, Sen. Ferrell Haile, Sen. Thelma Harper, Sen. Jim Summerville.
This joint committee will hold their FIRST meeting on August 21st, at 9:00 am in Room 16 at Legislative Plaza. It is VITAL that we demonstrate support for the important work of this committee by filling the room with folks that support the 10th Amendment.The first issue that the committee will take up is the FEDERAL COST SHIFTING OF THE REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT PROGRAM. Please make your plans to attend!!
Refugee Resettlement has been a hot-button issue and glaring example of where Tennesseans believe the federal government has gone too far.
The Tennessee Eagle Forum alert continues:
At what level of taxpayer support for an entity do we stop calling that entity a “non-government organization” or a “religious nonprofit”?
Revenue in 2011 for Migration and Refugee Services, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) refugee contracting arm, was more than $72 million, about 98 percent of which came from the taxpayer in the form of government grants or federal contracts. Would it surprise anyone to find it subject to the same incentives and laws of behavior that have driven federal contractors since the birth of the republic?
USCCB’s main source of contracts and grants comes from refugee resettlement. The U.S. resettles nearly three times the refugees as the rest of the industrialized world combined, and the USCCB wants that number increased.
According to a recent report from the Washington think tank Migration Policy Institute (MPI), publicly funded private resettlement agencies, USCBB being the largest of nine, “meet with state and local agencies on a quarterly basis regarding the opportunities and services available to refugees in local communities and the ability of these communities to accommodate new arrivals. They also consult with the state refugee coordinator on placement plans for each local site. … If a state opposes the plan, the State Department will not approve it.” [LOL! In theory!—ed}
A July 2012 GAO reportwas a little more real world than the MPI report stating that “Most resettlement agencies … consult with some public entities such as state refugee coordinators; however, most public entities such as public schools and health departments generally said that agencies notified them of the number of refugees expected to arrive in the coming year, but did not consult them regarding the number of refugees they could serve…”
Both reports assume a state government role in the resettlement process. The state refugee coordinator evaluates the plans of the private contractors, representing the interests of the taxpayer in the process. That’s the way it is supposed to work, in theory.
In Tennessee, however, the state refugee coordinator is an employee of Catholic Charities, an affiliate of USCCB.Resettlement of the U.N.-selected refugees is Tennessee Catholic Charities’ largest mission and largest revenue item by far.
In 2008, Gov. Phil Bredesen thought he was streamlining the process and saving money by outsourcing the state coordinator function to the contractor. Instead, he gave up the opportunity for the state to have any input in a process that affects the state and set up a textbook illustration of a conflict of interest.
The annual cost of the program to Tennesseans went up immediately after the state handed over the position of state refugee coordinator. Today, Metro Nashville alone resettles more refugees than each of 29 states in the U.S.
Read on! This is the op-ed published by Don Barnett in The Tennessean ten days ago.
If you are anywhere near Nashville, Tennessee on Wednesday, please give your support to the work of the citizen activists and attend this important and history-making event!
For more information on Tennessee, and Nashville specifically, please see our “Nashville” category. And, be sure to visit this post from this past February about how the contractors, the US State Department, and the religious Left are busy turning ‘red’ states ‘blue’ by changing the demographic make-up of its citizens.
This is one more in my long list of immigrant-run convenience store food stamp fraud stories. For new readers, following these scams is a side interest of mine and since no one (that I know of) is writing a blog dedicated to stories about immigrants scamming the US taxpayer (there are many more such frauds and ‘medicare/medicaid’ fraud is on the rise), I’ll keep posting some here.
EBT Nation! Our standard graphic when we can’t find a photo of the perps. If anyone sees a mugshot of Mohammad D. Mohammad send it my way! Thanks!
I don’t even post all of the cases that arrive in my alerts. I try to focus on stories that have an extra-added angle beyond the usual EBT card trafficking. This one has a high “Mohammad coefficient” in addition to the allegedly brazen scam these guys were running.
There are many reports of this indictment, but some don’t tell the larger story. This Patch report does.
First be sure to re-visit my post of a couple of weeks agoabout how David Lubell and ‘Welcoming America’ has just kicked-off its Cleveland campaign to convince residents that diversity is beautiful and they need to embrace more of it! Entrepreneurial immigrants will save the city from economic ruin, they say.
Here is the Patch story on the $780,000 rip-off of the taxpayer (as is the usual case, no mention of the immigration status or how these perps got into the US in the first place):
Three men — including a store owner from Strongsville (a Cleveland suburb)— were indicted Wednesday for an alleged decade-long conspiracy to defraud the food stamp and Women, Infants and Children programs out of more than $780,000by trading the vouchers for cash and restricted items like beer and cigarettes, said Steven M. Dettelbach, United States Attorney for the Northern District of Ohio.
Ahmad (“Tony”) Damra, 31, of Macedonia, his brother, Mahmoud (“Moe”) Damrah, 26, of Cleveland, and Mohammad D. Mohammad, 41, of Strongsville, were each indicted on one count of conspiracy to commit food stamp fraud, three counts of food stamp fraud and unlawful redemption of food stamps, and one count of WIC fraud.
The incidents allegedly took place at Mohammad’s store in Cleveland.
Used Mamma to get food stamp license! Prior conviction for “aggravated arson” went unnoticed by officials until now? (Left out of the story in many of the reports).
The indictment charges that between 2002 and 2011, the three men and others defrauded the WIC and food stamp program out of more than $780,000 at the East 143rd Food Market, l3249 East 143rd Street in Cleveland, which is owned, operated and managed by Mohammad.
Mohammad obtained a food stamp license in 1997, which, except for a two-year period beginning in September 1998, remained in effect through 2004, according to the indictment.
In 2005, he obtained a food stamp license for the market using the business Rashiqa, Inc., which listed Mohammad’s mother as president. He used his mother’s name because he had a prior conviction for aggravated arson, which precluded him from getting the license himself, the document said.
Also in 2005, Mohammad obtained a WIC program authorization under Rashiqa, Inc.
The investigation revealed that the defendants used their business to exchange customer food stamps and WIC coupons for cash and other unauthorized items, including beer and cigarettes.
The men also purchased customer food stamp cards and used them at other grocery locations to purchase inventory for the market and for their own personal use, the indictment says.
Here is another version of this latest bust in Cleveland, at the Plain Dealer, where the reporter summarized the case, just two weeks ago of the bust involving brothers Saed “Sam” Wahdan, 41, and Maher “Mario” Wahdan, 42, and Nidal Jaber, 45, but doesn’t mention that they scammed you of $2 million!
Readers, I’ve been following these busts for over five years and have never seen any mainstream news outlet attempt to get to the root of how all of these immigrant ‘entrepreneurs’ got into the country, bought stores and knew how to set up these scams. Too politically incorrect I assume to make any connections?
If there are any real investigative reporters out there—click here for dozens and dozens of similar stories (I’ve done much of your research already!).
German officials are scratching their heads about why the recent large numbers of Russians from Chechnya (homeland of the Boston Bombers) are coming to Germany seeking asylum. See also “tensions rising”in German cities.
I was looking for a map that shows how far Chechnya is from Germany and this is the best I could find. If the ‘asylum-seekers’ went by land, and were truly desperate asylum-seekers, they would have traveled through many “safe” countries where they should have legally sought asylum BEFORE arriving in Germany (west of the circled Czech Republic).
The number of people seeking political asylum in Germany has soared, and the biggest group by far was from Russia.
In the first half of this year, just over 43,000 refugees applied to stay – that is 86% more than in the same period in 2012.
It is the highest level since 1999, when people fled Serbia’s Kosovo war.
Many this year came from Russia’s Chechnya region, they told German officials. Violence and human rights abuses plague Chechnya.
German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said that “in 2012, by far the most asylum seekers in the European Union came to Germany, and in the first half of 2013 we saw almost a doubling of applications.
“The number of asylum seekers in the first half of 2013 was the greatest since the same period in 1999.”
According to the interior ministry, 9,957 people came from Russia and claimed political asylum in Germany, compared with 4,517 from Syria and 3,448 from Afghanistan. [I’m sure Putin is thrilled to be relieved of them!—ed]
Perplexed analysts!
The figures for refugees from Chechnya are perplexing analysts because there has not been a perceptible deterioration of the situation there. No worsening of a vicious war has been reported in the North Caucasus republic.
Germany put the “sugar on the table!” (A commenter used that phrase recently and I love it!)
Seems that a logical explanation is that Germany offers asylum-seekers/refugees more taxpayer-funded goodies, and that is the draw. However, for Muslims it’s a twofer, they can fulfill their Muslim duty (Al-Hijra) by helping to build the Islamic caliphate and live fairly well doing it!
The BBC continues:
One theory being mooted in ministries to explain the surge is that, exactly a year ago, Germany’s highest court ruled that asylum seekers waiting for their applications to be processed should receive the same social benefits as Germans.
That led to higher payments for food and accommodation, as the different regions of Germany implemented the court’s strictures.
Svetlana Gannushkina, a leading human rights activist in Russia, says Chechens appear to have been motivated by rumours that Germany “has opened its doors to Chechens”.
In an e-mail to the BBC, she said “a rumour is circulating that in Germany each family is given a parcel of land and money to build a house”.
Update August 18th: A reader sent us this story from Der Spiegel about the “rumor” and the ramifications. People are desperate to leave Chechnya now being ruled by hard-line Islamists according to this story.
All of our posts on Germany and its refugee/asylum/illegal alien problems are here.
African refugee witnesses got cold feet, were “terrified” to testify against Burundian man.
Diversity is beautiful update! We first reported the arrest of Aloys Nzeyimana here in 2010. I made a point then of mentioning that the man’s nationality was not published, but from this report we know now he is from Burundi.
The case involving a former interpreter who was charged with one count of indecency with a child, two counts of sexual assault and one count of burglary was dismissed Monday due to the lack of cooperation of witnesses and alleged victims with the district attorney’s office.
As it stands right now, Aloys Nzeyimana, a native of Burundi in central Africa, is not charged with anything. When he was first arrested in December 2010, Nzeyimana was a translator for the Abilene-Taylor County Public Health District, working mostly with African refugees.
He speaks English, French and Russian in addition to three African languages. Nzeyimana’s trial was supposed to have started Monday.
“We knew there would be an issue with the refugee community (in Abilene) because they sort of have an inherent distrust of authority coming from their background in their home countries, so we knew it would be a difficult case,” Taylor County Assistant District Attorney Dan Joiner said Monday. “But the (Abilene) police did a very good job and spent many, many hours talking with them, but we knew that when it came to trial, there’s going to be an issue of the alleged victims coming forward.”
Everyone is too “terrified” to testify. Here is another report, this time from Big Country, where a reporter tries in vain to get someone to talk—most pretend they don’t understand English.
For new readers! Texas is the second largest refugee “welcoming” state after California. From 2007-2013, they “welcomed” over 40,000 refugees to the Red state that the Left is attempting to turn Blue, here, through demographic change. Click here to have a look at where your state ranks.