Christian Science Monitor editorial: Obama must bring in the Syrians

It would be so much less confusing if they would just drop the word “Christian” from their masthead don’t you think!

The mainstream media drumbeat is well underway!

Noticeably absent from this editorial from last week, however, is any mention of “Christians!”   The publication also suggests that Obama relax security screening that had been put in place after 911.

Demonstrating a complete misunderstanding of refugee resettlement in America (or is it an effort to mislead us) the CSM says this:

“It is time for Europe and the United States to be a safety valve and accept many more Syrians for temporary asylum.”

There is NO temporary asylum in America.  Refugees are permanently resettled in the US.  As a matter of fact, we received a comment recently where a reader assumed that refugees come here temporarily until their homeland is secure again.  NO!

Longtime readers know we have another immigration loophole called ‘Temporary Protected Status (TPS)‘ which is for those from certain designated countries who were in the US (visiting, on student visas, etc) when the problem happened back home—a civil war or natural disaster—who are supposedly allowed to stay only until the status is removed.  Syrians already in the US are now eligible for that program.  However, even when the trouble back home is solved, most of those on TPS NEVER leave, just ask the Salvadorans!  There are NO temporary refugees, so why the CSM editor says such a thing is beyond me!

Here is more of what the CSM says—to show our gratitude to certain Middle Eastern countries we need to take twelve thousand or so chosen by the UN! (and skip the security screening!):

The UN wants 30,000 of Syria’s most vulnerable refugees – mainly women and children – to be taken in by the US and Europe. About 20 countries in Europe plan to accept 18,000 Syrians. For now, however, the Obama administration has committed to resettling only “several thousand” Syrians.

One problem for the US is that post-9/11 laws make it difficult to screen asylum seekers from Muslim countries. The laws were designed to make sure terrorists don’t slip through. More than 135,000 Syrian refugees have applied for asylum. Last year, only a few dozen were allowed into the US. The Obama administration has legal ways to overcome the bureaucratic hurdles and begin granting far more temporary visas.  [There are no temporary refugees!—ed]

The US has called on Jordan, Turkey, and Lebanon to keep their borders open. For both humanitarian and security reasons – and out of gratitude to those countries – the US must now also open its border to the huddled masses of Syrian refugees.

For security reasons?  Now what the heck does that mean?  Surely they don’t mean we have to take them to keep them from becoming terrorists!

The talking points have gone out!   The UN wants the US to take 12,000 this year, the contractors want it too.  Will Obama do it—legally he can!

Tell the RINO Republicans: Americans, dissatisfied with Washington, are more worried about economy; immigration barely makes the list

Gallup released a new poll this past week and check out where immigration/illegal aliens falls in the overall list of issues troubling Americans.  Of course the unemployment/jobs concern does directly relate to immigration.  Americans are not sitting home anxious for you to pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform.

Looks like the new Democratic talking point about income inequality doesn’t rank very high either.  Dissatisfaction with government itself ranks number one!

Brazil “unprepared” for asylum-seeker crush

It’s not just Australia, Israel, Bulgaria, Italy and the rest of Europe trying desperately to hold back the tide of migrants from the Middle East/Africa and other third world nations, but even in South America there is no peace from largely economic migrants (all calling themselves ‘asylum seekers’) looking for new places to call home.

Homeless “asylum seekers”

From Deutsche Welle (The star of this story is Mohammed from Syria):

Brazil has seen the number of asylum seekers increase nearly tenfold over three years and official agencies are woefully unprepared to deal with the refugees. Few people receive asylum and help for immigrants is sparse.


In Brazil, political refugees from the Middle East or Africa have been a rare sight over the last few years. The South American country appears far removed from the horrors of war on foreign continents. But that is changing. Between 2010 and 2013, the number of people seeking asylum in Brazil increased nearly tenfold, from 566 to 5,200. Adding to those numbers are thousands of immigrants from Haiti, Senegal, Angola, Liberia, Bolivia, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

“Brazil has to prepare for an increasing crush of immigrants,” said Andres Ramirez, who represents the UN’s refugee agency in Brazil (Acnur). Since 2013, the organization has been operating a small office in Sao Paulo. One of the biggest problems, he told DW, is the lack of emergency shelters. “Many refugees sleep on the streets for days before they get any help,” he said.

Of the 5,200 people applying for asylum in Brazil, just 649 were recognized, according to figures from the country’s Ministry of Justice. The largest group among them, 283, came from Syria, followed by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, with 106, then Columbia and Angola.

The largest group seeking asylum, however, were the 1,814 Bangladeshis. Just one was recognized as a political refugee. Senegal followed with 868 asylum seekers, of whom four were recognized. In other conflict regions, such as Lebanon, Guinea-Bissau and Somalia, acceptance rates stood at below 3 percent.

Such statistics don’t include the 15,000 Haitians in northern Brazil. Roughly 70 per day arrive in Brasilia, a city of just 10,000 in the state of Acre, bordering Peru.


The unofficial influx has become a political problem. In an extraordinary cry for help, the state government of Acre requested on Wednesday (15.1.2014) that the federal Ministry of Justice allow it to close the border to Peru.

Read it all.

As always, I wonder how the poor and destitute from places like Bangladesh are getting the money to travel half way around the world to Brazil.  And, do they all pass through Cuba on the way???  I suppose it’s just a matter of time before they work their way north to the US border!

Ahmed and Abdulmalik busted in Baltimore food stamp fraud scheme

This one was a $1.5 million rip-off of the US taxpayer.

The Baltimore Sun doesn’t say much, but here (below) is the entire FBI press release that I found informative.  Note that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services was involved, so there must be an immigration angle to the case.   But, of course, no mention of details regarding where these alleged crooks came from!  We have our guesses!  LOL! See a pattern?

For new readers this is a hobby here at RRW.  See our previous report on another big bust in our home state. It is good to know that even in blue Maryland the feds are ferreting out the fraudsters.

From the FBI yesterday (highlights are mine):

BALTIMORE—Abdulmalik Abdulla, age 37, and Ahmed Mohssen, age 53, both of Baltimore, were arrested today on federal charges of conspiracy to commit food stamp fraud and wire fraud in connection with a scheme to illegally redeem food stamp benefits in exchange for cash. The criminal complaint filed today alleges that the defendants, who operate Sam’s NY grocery store on North Milton Street in Baltimore, received more than $1.5 million in federal payments for transactions in which they did not provide any food but instead split the proceeds with food stamp recipients. Federal agents arrested the defendants and executed search warrants at the store and related locations today. In separate cases, 10 defendants were charged with food stamp fraud in September 2013; four of those defendants have pleaded guilty, and the others are awaiting trial.

The arrests were announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein; Special Agent in Charge William G. Squires, Jr. of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General, Northeast Region; and Special Agent in Charge Stephen E. Vogt of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

“Retailers who trade food stamp credits for cash are on notice that federal authorities are on their trail,” said U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein. “Taxpayers fund the program to provide food for needy recipients, not to turn retail store cash registers into ATMs.”

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), previously known as the Food Stamp Program, is administered by the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), together with state agencies. The program funds low-income individuals to allow them to obtain a more nutritious diet. In Maryland, the program provides eligible individuals with an electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card called the Independence Card, which operates like a debit card. Recipients use the EBT card to purchase approved food items from participating retailers.

Retailers must apply to and be approved by FNS to participate in the program. Authorized retailers use a point-of-sale terminal that checks the EBT card information and deducts the cash value of the purchase from the customer’s SNAP benefit balance. SNAP reimbursements are paid to retailers through electronic funds transfers. Retailers bill the government in return for providing approved food items. SNAP retailers, including the defendants, receive instruction regarding the requirements and regulations of the food stamp program, such as that only eligible food items can be exchanged for EBT benefits and that a retailer may never exchange EBT benefits for cash or non-food items.

The criminal complaint alleges that the defendants exchanged EBT benefits for cash, typically paying half the value of the EBT benefits in cash. As a result of unlawful cash transactions, the defendants allegedly obtained more than $1.5 million in EBT deposits for transactions in which the store did not provide food.

The defendants face a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison for each count of wire fraud and a maximum of five years in prison for conspiracy to commit food stamp fraud. The defendants are expected to have initial appearances at 3:45 p.m. today in U.S. District Court in Baltimore.  [Wire fraud??? Does that mean money left the country?—ed]

A criminal complaint is not a finding of guilt. An individual charged by criminal complaint is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty at some later criminal proceedings.

United States Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein praised the USDA Office of Inspector General and FBI for their work in the investigation. U.S. Attorney Rosenstein expressed appreciation to Secretary Ted Dallas and the Maryland Department of Human Resources, as well as U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services-Office of Fraud Detection and National Security for their assistance in the investigation. Mr. Rosenstein thanked Assistant United States Attorney Kathleen O. Gavin, who is prosecuting the case.

See our extensive archive of similar cases from sea to shining sea!

Related:  See Washington Times Golden Hammer award earlier this month.  And, from Breitbart—able-bodied people with no dependents signing up in droves—have they figured out how to use the cards for cash?  I bet they have.

Appleton, Wisconsin alderman dares question city’s readiness for more refugees

Uh oh!  The fur is flying (or something is hitting the fan!) in Wisconsin where an elected official is bucking the Mayor and other city council members about the plans for US State Department resettlement contractor World Relief*** (subcontractor World Relief of Fox Valley) to bring in more third world refugees from Burma (Myanmar), Iraq and the Congo.

I told you about Appleton here last November and it’s a post worth re-visiting.  Check, out the Mayor and his diversity coordinator!

In this story the Mayor says like a petulant child:   “These are the diverse people I want in our city.”

Alderman Jirschele called for immediate suspension of refugee resettlement in Appleton.

Readers need to help spread this latest news about one (rare!) brave alderman standing up to the ‘diversity is beautiful’ crowd that has launched willy-nilly (as usual) into resettling more refugees before a city is capable of handling large numbers of poor and needy people.

The US State Department HATES news stories like this one where someone dares to say NO!—because consequently as the news gets out, others, elsewhere in America, learn that there is resistance!

From the (emphasis mine):

APPLETON — An Appleton alderman says he has serious concerns about 75 refugees relocating in Appleton this year, setting off a furious response from City Hall.

Jeff Jirschele, who represents a portion of the city’s south side, said this week that planning has been lax and the region needs to be sure it’s prepared for the challenges with the resettlement — which is expected to bring people here from Congo, Iraq and Myanmar.

“I’m worried about these people and our social safety net when they arrive,” Jirschele said. “These are real people and real lives … we have no room to flounder on housing or medical care despite the best intentions of the groups involved.”

Jirschele authored a resolution with some tough language aimed at World Relief Fox Valley, the Oshkosh-based group shepherding the resettlement, and its selection of Appleton for a resettlement city.

He said the group had “not been vetted” and called for an immediate suspension of all city efforts in the relocation until a group could identify the impact of absorbing the refugees into the community.

“I understand it’s emblematic of our community to help people, but we need to slow down and take a breath,” Jirschele said. “I’m already hearing some folks that think this resolution is cold-hearted, but the reality is good intentions aren’t good enough to produce a successful outcome.”

Alderman hits a nerve!

Jirschele’s sentiment hit a nerve Thursday among fellow aldermen and Mayor Tim Hanna.

Hanna said he spoke for all City Hall departments in criticizing both the tone and content of Jirschele’s resolution.

Read on.  A representative from World Relief says that most refugees are not on food stamps.  Not so, from the latest available figures, 63% of refugees nationwide are on food stamps and I doubt the numbers are somehow much better in Wisconsin.

***So what is World Relief?

Just a little bit about World Relief whose full legal name is World Relief Corporation of National Association of Evangelicals.   It is one of nine major refugee contractors the US State Department has chosen to resettle refugees.  The State Department pays them by the head for each refugee they resettle.  In turn, World Relief contracts two dozen subcontractors including the one in this news story—World Relief Fox Valley.

It is very hard to track the federal dollars that flow from the primary contractor to subcontractors (there is no financial auditing done by the feds).  I could not find a Form 990 for the Oshkosh/Appleton subcontractor, but World Relief’s most recent Form 990 is here.  Note on page 9 that their income that year was $51.8 MILLION and you (the taxpayer) paid them $34.1 million of that.  This is not a charitable effort from the goodness of their Christian hearts and pocketbooks—it is big business funded by you!

One item that caught my eye on that same page 9 was a line in the income ledger that is also YOUR money.  They received $1.3 million for “travel loan commission.”   What that means is that taxpayers paid the airfare (in a loan program) for the refugees to fly to your city and it’s up to the contractor to collect the loan from the refugees.  When they are successful (and we don’t know how many loans go uncollected) they keep a cut.  In this particular year, the cut was $1.3 million of taxpayer money that also went to the contractor on top of the $34.1 million!  Racket huh!

And, on page 10 note that they pay out approximately $25 million for salaries and benefits/other payroll expenses.

For more about how refugee resettlement works, visit our fact sheet here.

And, one more thing, once your city is deemed “welcoming” these contractors are paid to do the paperwork to bring the family members of those they had previously resettled and there is no end in sight!