Just now, when I checked data for how many refugees we resettled from Afghanistan, I came across this data for which states took which refugees in fiscal year 2012. Although fiscal year 2013 ended on September 30th, 2013, I am not seeing the latest data.
African refugees arrive in Texas. Gee, isn’t this the number one red state the Leftists are aiming to turn blue?
The states which received the least number of refugees were:
Of course Wyoming with zero and not even on the list (they have wisely stayed out of the program, so far!)
And, this is so interesting Delaware is not on the list either. Isn’t that funny! Senator Joe Biden was one of the chief sponsors of the Refugee Act of 1980 along with Ted (don’t-bring-them-to-Hyannis) Kennedy and yet Delaware took no refugees.
‘Modesto man accused of holding wife captive appears in court’is the title of news yesterday from the Modesto Bee, thanks again to reader ‘pungentpeppers’ for spotting it.
Hillary helping women in Afghanistan, how about the ones in America!
A man accused of holding his wife captive for five months inside a Modesto home appeared in court Tuesday afternoon for the first time since his arrest Sunday.
Fnu [first name unknown–ed] Masehullah, 26, has been charged with false imprisonment and attempting to prevent a victim or witness from reporting a crime, both felonies, along with a misdemeanor count of battery on his spouse.
Authorities believe Mohammad Idrees, Masehullah’s brother, assisted in holding the woman captive, according to a criminal complaint filed Tuesday. Idrees is charged with felony false imprisonment and misdemeanor battery on his brother’s wife.
The couple is the product of an arranged marriage, authorities say, and the two appear to be from Afghanistan.
The complaint indicates the woman was held captive from Sept. 1 through Sunday, when Modesto police found her in north Modesto. Officers responded after a report of a fight between two people at the Marshalls store shopping center at McHenry and Standiford avenues.
The dispute was apparently between Masehullah’s wife and his brother. Authorities said the woman was found wearing a robe and a traditional Middle Eastern head covering.
The judge also arranged to have a court-appointed Farsi interpreter appear with Masehullah in court next week to ensure he understands his rights and the judicial process.
Until we learn otherwise, let’s assume these Afghans got into the US as refugees or as asylum seekers. Here are some numbers to consider. I didn’t look for any of the Special Immigrant Visa numbers—-those are the refugees we let in who supposedly helped the US military in Afghanistan.
It is hard to find numbers in one place when the Office of Refugee Resettlement is 3 years behind the times in publishing its legally requiredAnnual Report to Congress so these numbers are from several sources. As of January 31st, the ORR owes Congress reports for fiscal years 2011, 2012, and 2013!
We will keep an eye on the story and, as we learn more, we will let you know how these Muslim “brothers” happened to be adding to the ethnic diversity of America.