Another case where Obama used his pen? (or his minions did!)
We told you yesterday that Obama, bowing to international pressure and lobbying from refugee resettlement contractors anxious to bring in thousands of Syrians this year, has relaxed a security screening law put in place after 9/11, here.
Now, we see, that the Center for Immigration Studies is challenging his legal right to do that.
From Catholic Online:
Former State Department official and current director of policy studies for the Center for Immigration Studies Jessica Vaughan questioned the administration’s right to unilaterally change the law.
“[T]here is a very legitimate question as to whether the administration actually has the authority to change the law in this way,” Vaughan wrote in an email. “It seems to me that they are announcing that they will be disregarding yet another law written by Congress that they don’t like and are replacing it with their own guidelines, which in this case appear to be extremely broad and vague, and which are sure to be exploited by those seeking to game our generous refugee admissions program.”
While Vaughan admitted that there are a number of immigrants seeking protection who have been denied due to unintentional contact with terrorists, she sees the exemptions as likely another opportunity for people to bypass the system.
“If the recent past is any guide, those evaluating these cases will be ordered to ignore red flags in the applications, especially if the applicant is supported by one of the many advocacy groups that have the ear of senior DHS staff,” she explained.
“The administration already approves of the admission of gang members as asylees and criminals in the DACA program and grants of prosecutorial discretion, so I don’t expect them to be troubled by the admission of terrorists and garden variety fraudsters in our refugee program. This is how we end up with families like the Tsarnaev brothers [the Boston marathon bombers], who were originally admitted for political asylum.”
Just a reminder it was the federal refugee contractors complaining to a Senate hearing in January, here, that refugees were being held up for admission because they gave a “sandwich to a terrorist” (one of the US’s favored terrorists in Syria), that got this done! One group testifying was the US Conference of Catholic Bishops which said that it wants 15,000 Syrians admitted ASAP!