It has been all over the alerts this week. The new state-of-the-art UN refugee camp is open! Camp Azraq will house 130,000 Syrian refugees when it reaches capacity.
When I saw this news, the answer for how to stop the illegal migration of mostly Syrian Sunni’s into Europe (camping in Paris parks!) became apparent. Send them to Azraq where they will live in their own cultural zone until the civil war is over. Sweden should send its whiners there too!
If every illegal alien Syrian was immediately flown to Azraq you can be sure the Syrian migrant tide plaguing Europe would stop immediately. After all, the UN-built camp cost western countries $63 million dollars, might as well get some bang for the buck!
Below is a photo and caption that appears in a Canadian whine-fest op-ed about how Westerners are so mean to Syrians. Is it meanness or just that some Westerners have wised-up to the pattern: Muslims fighting among themselves, become “refugees,” we resettle them for theirsafety, we give them welfare, and they never go home.
A general view of the new Syrian refugee camp of Azraq, which stretches for 9 miles (15 kilometers), and lies 55 miles (90 kilometers) from the Syrian border in Jordan, Wednesday, April 30, 2014. Jordan opens a third refugee camp in the middle of the desert for tens of thousands more Syrians expected to flee their country’s civil war, highlighting the staggering effect the refugee problem is having on Syria’s neighbors. The new, sprawling facility complete with solid caravans and a supermarket, is designed to accommodate up to 130,000 people and potentially become the world’s second largest refugee camp. (AP Photo/Raad Adayleh) Photograph by: Raad Adayleh , AP
Not all supposed refugee resettlement agencies are in the orbit of the nine major federal contractors that monopolize refugee placement in America or they wouldn’t be running out of money.
Close-reading of this article tells us that Vive Inc. in Buffalo, NY is taking care of asylum seekers and other migrants who are in legal limbo. They haven’t been contracted by the feds and therefore they can’t raise enough cash to stay in the black.
This is an important point: there would be a smaller number of migrants arriving in the US if they had to depend on private charity and/or finding work. Your tax dollars grease the skids of the migrant flow into the US.
Vive Inc. Executive Director Angela Jordan-Mosely running out of money. Photo:
The refugee resettlement organization Vive Inc. is contacting past and present supporters with an urgent plea for help. If financial support is not forthcoming, the message says, outlook is bleak. “We are facing the harsh reality of closing our doors,”the message states.
An email from Vive Executive Director Angela Jordan-Mosely this week describes the situation at the nonprofit as “desperate.” Vive celebrated 30 years of operation in March, but recent years have seen funding cuts by the county and federal government. The losses are compounded by delays in legal proceedings to get the immigrants Vive serves permanently settled.
“What used to take days now takes months or even years, leaving hundreds of refugees in limbo,” Jorden-Mosely writes.
The result is a significant increase in the length of time individuals and families stay with Vive at its Wyoming Avenue location and a need for the organization to reconsider how it can achieve its mission of helping international refugees build new lives.
Former Amherst Council Member Shelly Schratz, a Vive volunteer, said that the uncertain status makes it hard for the refugees to contribute to their own support.
“Many of these people want to work, but there are matters of transportation and language, and they don’t have a Social Security card yet,” Schratz said. “We have a business (Bing’s restaurant), but you can’t hire someone who isn’t legal yet.”
Schratz said that, in trying to get financial support, Vive may be hampered by misunderstandings about its clients. The refugees it serves arrived in the United States legally, often having received asylum or temporary residency while they work on permanent status in this country or Canada. Most live at Vive while their cases work through the legal system.
Asylum seekers, of course, have gotten into the US through various means—either as illegal aliens who came across our borders by land, sea or air, or came in on a visa of some sort and have over-stayed. Once granted asylum they can work and all of the welfare goodies other ‘refugees’ get are available to them. Others that Vive serves are aliens on Temporary Protected Status who are planning on staying no matter what. These are not ‘refugees’ the US State Department has brought in to the US.
Vive Inc. got its start in illegal Sanctuary Movement
Check out Vive Inc’s history, here. Originally called Vive La Casa, it sure looks like they got their start in the Sanctuary Movementin the early 1980’s (at the same time the notorious CASA de Maryland got its start) where Leftwing churches helped illegal Central Americans, including Sandinistas, get into the US and hid them in their “sanctuaries.” I guess Buffalo’s Casa didn’t get as firmly entrenched with the politicians who dole out the cashola as did CASA de Maryland.
Check out our many posts on multi-culty Buffalo here.
The first case of the deadly Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) has been identified in a “man” in Indiana. The CDC is quick to say it isn’t highly contagious, but many paragraphs into the report we learn it is deadly and health officials have NO IDEA how it spreads.
They are tracking down those who traveled with the “man.”
NEW YORK (AP) — Health officials confirmed the first case of an American infected with a mysterious virus that has sickened hundreds in the Middle East.
The man fell ill after flying to the U.S. late last week from Saudi Arabia where he was a health care worker.
He is hospitalized in good condition in northwest Indiana with Middle East respiratory syndrome, or MERS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Indiana health officials said Friday.
The virus is not highly contagious and this case “represents a very low risk to the broader, general public,” Dr. Anne Schuchat told reporters during a CDC briefing.
The federal agency plans to track down passengers he may have been in close contact with during his travels; it was not clear how many may have been exposed to the virus.
So far, 1/4th (at least) of those diagnosed with the disease have died.
Overall, at least 400 people have had the respiratory illness, and more than 100 people have died. All had ties to the Middle East region or to people who traveled there.
Experts said it was just a matter of time before MERS showed up in the U.S., as it has in Europe and Asia.
Contradicting themselves, here we learn it is lethal to 1/3 of those who get it. CDC doesn’t know how it spreads.
The MERS virus has been found in camels, but officials don’t know how it is spreading to humans. It can spread from person to person, but officials believe that happens only after close contact. Not all those exposed to the virus become ill.
But it appears to be unusually lethal – by some estimates, it has killed nearly a third of the people it sickened.
Beware the Arabian Peninsula and those who come out of it.
The CDC has issued no warnings about travel to countries involved in the outbreak. However, anyone who develops fever, cough or shortness of breath within two weeks of traveling in or near the Arabian Peninsula should see their doctor and mention their travel history.
By the way, Saudi Arabia is already the primary importer of student visas and mosques to America (but that is a story for another day).
Our earlier posts on MERS are here. And, check out our ‘health issues’category with more on diseases, other medical problems, and the cost to taxpayers as a result of our wide open borders.