…..but she has no solution herself to what she calls a “broken” system.

From Sky News:
In an interview with Sky News, the American actress condemned what she called the failure of the international community to intervene effectively in recent crises in the Middle East and Nigeria.
Asked by Sky News presenter Anna Jones if Britain and other countries should take in more refugees, Jolie replied: “Yes.”
But she added that the international community’s current approach to such a crisis is “broken”.
Her call for action has been welcomed by The Refugee Council – a UK charity that works with refugees.
Jolie lamented what she called the increasing inability of the international community to solve crises like the recent kidnapping of 200 Nigerian schoolgirls by extremist group Boko Haram.
However, she admitted she could offer no immediate solution herself.
“I do lie awake at night like most people wondering… I cannot get my head around all of the horrors in the world today,” she said.
Are you laying awake at night troubled by the world? It seems clear to me…..
…. for the Syrian civil war—let them fight it out themselves and then the Syrians who ran for cover should return. Then there is only one solution for Islamic terrorist groups like Boko Haram, wipe them out swiftly and completely, but no African or Western country has the testicular fortitude to do it.