Buffalo, NY has become a grand experiment in multiculturalism as resettlement agencies pour refugees into the area and other NGOs make the area a magnet for illegal aliens and phoney asylum seekers. See this 2012 post about the changing demographics of Buffalo—-Christians and Jews moving out, Muslims moving in.
For more on Buffalo immigrant crimes see our entire Buffalo archive here. When immigrants supposedly rebuild decaying cities, crime abounds.
Don’t miss this 2013 post about the US State Department sending an official delegation to Buffalo late last year — problems developing? Gee, I wonder if the State Department will help foot the bill for court expenses that the local welcoming Erie County taxpayers will have with this trial. Heck, they will need a Spanish interpreter and an Iraqi court interpreter!
Thanks to several readers for sending links on the latest murder case involving a refugee, this time as the victim—‘pungentpeppers’ and Creeping Sharia especially.
Mourners leave the Masjid Al-Eman Mosque on Connecticut Street after the funeral of 13-year-old Ameer Al Shammari, Tuesday, May 6, 2014. (Derek Gee/Buffalo News)
A 13-year-old Black Rock boy has confessed to killing Ameer Al Shammari, also 13, law enforcement officials say.
The boy, identified by authorities as Jean Sanchez, was arrested at about 3:30 a.m. today after homicide investigators developed leads that helped them to identify the suspect.
Sanchez has been charged as an adult with second-degree murder, an official told The Buffalo News.
Neighbors and family friends believe the killing was tied to Ameer’s attempt to retrieve an iPhone that was stolen from him Friday. Police Commissioner Daniel Derenda said today during a news conference that the stolen phone may figure into the killing.
Ameer’s funeral was held this morning in the Masjid al-Eiman & Islamic Center at 444 Connecticut St. The casket was brought into the mosque at about 9:45 a.m.
After the funeral, Ali Kadhum, executive director of the newly formed Iraqi American Society, described the family as shattered by their son’s death.
For more details on Sanchez and how the police think the murder happened go here, also at Buffalo News.
The murdered boy had been in the US for 18 months. There are questions about whether a gang might have been involved in his beating death.
By the way, Iraqis represent the largest ethnic refugee group we admitted to the US in fiscal year 2013—just short of 20,000 (click here). I’m pretty sure we are approaching the 100,000 number for Iraqis invited to America (no time to dig out the numbers this morning).
Somali overload in Greeley and Fort Morgan, Colorado is sending Somalis on a northward migration to settle in Wyoming according to good reporting from the Wyoming Tribune Eagle which I blasted the other day here for a careless hate-filled editorial accusing critics of Gov. Matt Mead’s plan“bigots”. This is the type of reporting (sans maudlin sob stories) and the facts they should be gathering before spewing out ill-informed editorials.
One fact that they need to pursue, however, in light of this article which I was sure was going to lead to—this is why we need to have a refugee resettlement program in Wyoming—is that if Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains, sets up shop in Wyoming, they will be bringing new refugees from Africa, Iraq, Iran and countries in Asia directly to Wyoming. The federal contractors do not take care of secondary migrants, like these Somalis in Cheyenne, who have been here for months or years. They are like anyone else who moves from one state to another and should not require special “services.”
Ask the folks in St. Cloud, Minnesotahow the Somali population expanded there at the same time the Lutheran’s opened their federally-funded office. Be sure to talk to the Mayor of Lewiston, Maine(the Somali capital of New England) too about what happened to them when the Somalis, resettled originally in Georgia, discovered the “services” Maine had to offer. The word “services” is, of course, the sanitized word for “welfare goodies.”
Keep in mind as you read this article that the meat packers (often foreign-owned companies) get cheap captive laborers and you, the American taxpayer, supports the rest of the refugee family’s life!
By the way, US Senator Jeff Sessions called out the meat packers as being among the chief lobbyists for amnesty, here.
Now to the story with an attractive and apparently likeable Somali refugee (with an African sob story history,why is that our problem?) as the star of the article (LOL! this must be J-school 101—start out with a sympathetic character to warm-up readers).
Abdirashid Noor has moved from Colorado to Cheyenne, Wyoming
CHEYENNE — While Wyoming might be the only state in the country without an official refugee resettlement program, that doesn’t mean there aren’t former refugees living in the Cowboy State.
There are dozens, perhaps even several hundred, former refugees living in the Capital City alone.
Many of these people, like Abdirashid Noor, are from the war-torn east African nation of Somalia.
Read the many paragraphs about the hell hole that is East Africa.
Noor’s life changed forever in 2007 when he was accepted into the University of Northern Colorado.
Be sure to go back and read the interesting history I posted just a few weeks ago about Greeley, CO and the Univ. of Northern Colorado’s role in the history of modern day Islamic extremism.
The Tribune Eagle story continues! The migration is on……
Greeley connection
Noor came to Greeley, Colorado, to study accounting at UNC. As fate would have it, when he arrived, he found that the city was home to a growing Somali community.
Unlike Noor, the majority of Somalis in Greeley did not come to attend the university -n they came to work in a nearby meat packing facility operated by the Brazilian meat-processing company JBS.
“When people come into this country and they don’t know the language, they have a lot of issues getting jobs,” Noor said.
“If you can’t communicate with other people and you can’t understand what other people are saying, they aren’t going to hire you.
“So the only area where people from east Africa or Somalia get hired is JBS or another meat plant. They don’t require communication skills as long as you can do the work,” he said.
Because jobs at the meat plant are typically low-paying, many of the Somali employees in Greeley rely on government subsidized housing programs like Section 8.
As the Somali population in Greeley grew, so did the waiting lists for programs like Section 8.
Colette West, co-executive director of the Global Refugee Center in Greeley, said the waiting list for housing subsidies in Colorado can be as long as three years. [That means needy Americans wait too!—ed]
Noor and many others in Greeley’s Somali community began looking north to Cheyenne for affordable housing options.
Mike Stanfield, executive director of the Cheyenne Housing Authority, said, “Some folks (in Colorado) found out the waiting list (for subsidized housing programs) was still open (in Cheyenne) and they came up here and applied.”
According to Noor, many of the people in Cheyenne’s Somali community commute to Greeley to work in the meat plant. Others, he said, have taken jobs here in places like the Wal-Mart Distribution Center west of town.
“Navigating through the system” means they need people in-the-know to direct them to all of the available social services—housing, healthcare, food stamps, interpreters, education for the kids and other GOVERNMENT assistance!
In places like Greeley, where Somali communities have existed for years, there is a system in place to help new immigrants gain access to services and educational programs. But because the Somali community here is newer, those services are sometimes harder to find in Cheyenne.
“They are going to need help navigating all the systems,” West said. “It’s very hard when you don’t speak the language.”
And as the city’s Somali population grows, so will the need for services.
So, someone like Noor will be paid with taxpayer dollars to be sure to get his fellow countrymen on the taxpayer- funded “social services” roster in Laramie County, Wyoming!
For ambitious readers, we have 90 previous postsin a category entitled ‘Greeley/Swift/Somali controversy’ going back at least 5 years.
Affordable Care Actnavigators have managed to sign up large numbers of immigrants in a health care plan, but mostly because the language barrier is so great, those same counselors now need to be sure those who signed use their insurance and PAY THEIR BILL.
Burmese refugee surprise: I have to pay even if I’m not sick???
One of the counselors said you could be here for 20 years and speak perfect English and still not be able to figure it out!
When Biak Sung escaped from Myanmar in 2011, there was no health insurance for people like her.
So it’s not surprising that months after buying a plan on the Affordable Care Act marketplace, Sung, 27, a mother of two and a political refugee – whose English consists of “hello” and “thank you” – doesn’t know how to use her family’s policy.
Last week, Sung, whose husband works full time, went to the Southeast Asian Mutual Assistance Association Coalition (SEAMAAC) in South Philadelphia to learn about her new policy, an Independence Blue Cross silver-tier Keystone HMO Proactive plan.
“She doesn’t know what steps to do next and she is concerned,” said Zing Thluai, a SEAMAAC worker who speaks one of three Burmese dialects.
Navigators/counselors now going back to make sure they pay their bills!
So the staff started calling clients, asking whether they had paid their premiums or needed assistance. It wasn’t unusual to hear people say they had received a bill but didn’t know what to do with it because they weren’t sick. Staffers had to explain that the bill must be paid every month, sick or not.
This is surely the next shoe to drop on Obamacare—getting the cash out of people who signed up (and not just the immigrants)!
See our extensive ‘Health issues’ category for more on refugee health.
Just one more reason to slow the flow of so-called asylum seekers into Australia. Are they there for a better life, or just to rest and propagate before heading off to some Muslim war zone?
From the Sydney Daily Telegraph (attempting to not sound Islamophobic in the opening paragraph):
SUCCESSIVE waves of immigrants to Australia largely abandoned disputes in their homelands after reaching our shores. Indeed, many immigrants from Europe, Asia and elsewhere specifically came to Australia so that they could escape violence and conflict.
Unfortunately, this inclination to leave troubles behind is not universal. Australia’s Muslim community features a small but troubling minority who actively seek out opportunities to take up arms. It is estimated that more than 100 Australian Muslims, many from NSW, have so far travelled to Syria and joined in the civil war.
Mother of four arrested on terrorism charges taken to police station where Islamic demonstrators rallied for her release.
Another reminder of local links to the Syrian war came on the weekend with the arrest of a young woman at Sydney International Airport. The 29-year-old, who allegedly was caught attempting to ferry cash and equipment to her husband in Syria, was charged with supporting incursions into a foreign state with the intention of engaging in hostile activities.
These developments are deeply worrying on a number of levels. It is bad enough that Australian citizens are joining, in relatively large numbers, a foreign conflict. Worse still is that they are becoming members of radical Islamic groups, whose extreme doctrines of hatred and intolerance therefore gain a greater hold within Australia’s Muslim community.
They will be baaacck! with their newly-acquired jihadist skills!
There is a much more detailed story here at News.com.auwhich is also where the photo and protest report was found.
See our Australia categoryfor all of our posts especially recent ones where the Abbott government has taken serious steps to stem the tide of illegal boat people.
Then why did they need a large mosque/school complex, and who was paying for it?
We wrote a post here in February where we quoted a blogger who estimated the Somali population in St. Cloud at 25,000!
Somali ‘patriots’ in St. Cloud, Minnesota!
Now some economists at St. Cloud State University say that number is way off—that the population is much much smaller.
So, if the economists are correct, it begs the question—-why do the Somalis need the expensive mosque complex that roiled the city in controversy here last fall, for so few people who surely couldn’t have the millions of dollars needed to build such a massive project?
ST. CLOUD – Two economists at St. Cloud State University released a study on immigration in St. Cloud on Friday, with a focus on immigrants from Eastern Africa.
The School of Public Affairs Research Institute released the “St. Cloud Immigration Fact Sheet”. The report was written by King Banaian, the director of the institute and economics professor, and Monica Garcia-Perez, assistant professor of economics and member of the Faculty Research Group on Immigration in Minnesota. The study reviews U.S. Census data and records from human service officials in Stearns County.
The report shows that 4,484 foreign-born individuals live in the City of St. Cloud, 6.8 percent of its estimated population.
Ethiopia was the birthplace of 195 of those in the city, compared to 469 from Kenya and 888 from “other Eastern Africa” which includes Somalia.
Now this next paragraph indicates there is a rapid increase in refugee numbers in the county as a whole coinciding with the opening of Lutheran Social Services office there:
Separate information from Stearns County as a whole showed that 2,532 individuals receiving some human services spoke an east African language. That’s an increase from 1,243 people from 2010.
Banaian says there are many claims made in St. Cloud about the size of the East Africa immigrant population, but that most of the numbers in this study indicated otherwise.
“We read several stories in the press that had officials and citizens saying there were more than 10,000 Somali immigrants in the St. Cloud area,” Banaian says, “The data does’t support that claim and we felt it important to call attention to what the official data said.”
Dr. Luke Tripp a community organizer/agitator a’la Saul Alinsky/Obama!
Dr. Luke Tripp race baiter and Somali community agitator!
While researching this post I came across an opinion piece by Dr. Luke Tripp also from St. Cloud State.
I wrote about Tripp here in 2010when it was clear he was politically organizing the Somalis and wanted to be sure to run Rep. Michele Bachmann out of office.
In his (October 2013) screed supporting the Somali Islamic Center he says opposition to the Mosque complex (it was to have residential housing and stores in addition to a school and mosque) was all about “white Christian hegemony.”
Opposition to the project demonstrated ‘deep-seated American racism!’ blah! blah! blah! said Tripp:
The city officials should enthusiastically support the proposal for the Islamic Center of St. Cloud. It will empower the Somali community to provide its members with social, economic, and psychological assets to support their integration into the city. By providing youth services and supporting families seeking guidance for solving problems, the center would serve as an agent to spawn solutions to pressing social needs.
It can also help dismantle racism in the city. The reality of the growing Somali population and the accompanying racial tensions will eventually compel some accommodation. However, without progressive political leadership, racial tensions will continue to fester, thus undermining the vision of a vibrant multicultural city. Will the city officials work to change the image of the city from “White Cloud” to “Rainbow Community?”
The White Council member’s opposition to the Islamic Center was strong and rigid. They and some White residents contended that the project would cause parking problems, traffic congestion, and lower property values. They were also critical of the size and location of the proposed Islamic Center of St. Cloud; the project is too large for the site.
Their argument was used to obscure, confuse and mislead the public. And it worked to a great extent because the predicted impact of the project on the area seemed reasonable. Thus their concerns seemed legitimate and unbiased. But their underlying opposition to the project reflects the deep-seated racism endemic to U.S. society.
See our complete archive on St. Cloud by clicking here. We have been following the city’s troubles ever since some Somali ‘kids’ tormented a fellow student’s service dog here in 2008.