UNHCR: Not letting a good crisis go to waste! Big push to change definition of a “refugee”

The international Socialist and Communist One-Worlders who call the UN home are making their big move! 

Antonio Guterres, the present UN High Commissioner for Refugees, is a life-long Socialist. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant%C3%B3nio_Guterres

If Obama’s US State Department concurs with this brazen initiative we will be stuck with thousands (millions ultimately) of people claiming to be fleeing crime in their country.

To date fear of crime does NOT MAKE ONE A REFUGEE and thus eligible for all of the “protections” and social service goodies refugees receive.

From the Associated Press (Hat tip: Edward)

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) — United Nations officials are pushing for many of the Central Americans fleeing to the U.S. to be treated as refugees displaced by armed conflict, a designation meant to increase pressure on the United States and Mexico to accept tens of thousands of people currently ineligible for asylum.

Officials with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees say they hope to see movement toward a regional agreement on that status Thursday when migration and interior department representatives from the U.S., Mexico, and Central America meet in Nicaragua. The group will discuss updating a 30-year-old declaration regarding the obligations nations have to aid refugees.

While such a resolution would lack any legal weight, the agency said it believes “the U.S. and Mexico should recognize that this is a refugee situation, which implies that they shouldn’t be automatically sent to their home countries but rather receive international protection.”

Most of the people widely considered to be refugees by the international community are fleeing more traditional political or ethnic conflicts like those in Syria or the Sudan. Central Americans would be among the first modern migrants considered refugees because they are fleeing violence and extortion at the hands of criminal gangs.

Here is what we said in a post on Sunday.  Changing the definition of what constitutes a “refugee” is something they have been after for years!

Here is the definition of a refugee as updated in 1967 (from the original 1951 UN Convention):

A person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it..”[8]

Do you see anything in there about wars, violence or natural disasters?   Refugees and asylum seekers are supposed to be able to prove they are being persecuted!  Economic migrants and people who claim they are fleeing crime are not refugees!

Obama said he would transform America.  Well this is it folks!  This is the big move and the dumb Republicans in Washington apparently can’t see it!

Obama now wants $3.7 billion for the illegal alien children crisis….


…..it should perhaps be called the Immigration Lawyers Full Employment Act of 2014!

No time to say anything more, here it is at the Washington Post:

Funds would be allocated to send more immigration judges to the southern border, build additional detention facilities and add border patrol agents. The move is aimed at more quickly deporting the tens of thousands of women and children who have entered the country illegally across the border, most of them in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas.

“Today, I ask the Congress to consider the enclosed emergency supplemental appropriations request. . .to comprehensively address this urgent humanitarian situation,” President Obama said in a letter to House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio).

The administration’s comprehensive strategy represents a “super-aggressive deterrence and enforcement strategy,” a senior administration official told reporters, speaking on a conference call on condition of anonymity to provide more details.

Obama says he wants to deport them quickly!   Sure he does.

See our tag clouds and note that ‘unaccompanied minors’ is growing larger by the hour it seems.


Lutherans may be operating centers for ‘unaccompanied minors’ in your state

Just can’t get away from it.  The issue of  illegal alien teens (and to a lesser extent women and children) surging across our border is inescapable.  And, so you know that its not just the Catholics cashing in on the crisis, here is the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod with its action appeal for its master—Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services!

We don’t know who the 45 partners are, but below are LIRS subcontractors.

Gotta keep up their real estate holdings! The Lutheran Center (LIRS headquarters) is a six-story structure constructed in 1999 on property owned by Baltimore’s historic Christ Lutheran Church. The building is located near Baltimore’s Inner Harbor in the historic Federal Hill neighborhood, a charming area rich with history and an eclectic array of eateries and shopping venues.

More than 45 Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) partners are providing care and services to help the influx of unaccompanied immigrant children crossing the southern U.S. border in response to what is being called a humanitarian crisis.

That support is being provided at the request of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement — the government body with whom LIRS has worked as an “advocate and strong partner” for the past decade on behalf of the safety of unaccompanied immigrant children, said Kimberly Haynes, LIRS director of Children’s Services.

LIRS was asked “to expand and engage networks” to help meet the growing needs of thousands of children, including many fleeing “horrific” situations in Central America, Haynes said.

Before I give you their state affiliates, check out this post we wrote in May of last year about their finances.  (This was when LIRS was lobbying for S.744).

Have a look at a recent Form 990 for Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, page 9. They had income in that year of $31,653,748 and, of that, you, the taxpayers of America, gave them $30,376,568.  Their CEO* makes $204,186 in salary and benefits.  Where is the ACLU?  No separation of church and state here!   The church is the state!  Just wait until CAIR figures all this out and starts demanding the Muslim share of your tax dollars!

Looks like about 96% of their budget comes from you (the US taxpayer)!

They are probably jumping for joy this afternoon as the word spreads that Obama now wants $3.7 Billion for the “crisis,” a chunk of which will flow into LIRS coffers!  That earlier $2 billion looks like chicken scratch in comparison!

Here is a list of LIRS subcontractors.  If you have one in your town, you might call them and ask if they are bringing illegal alien “children” as an #ActOfLove to your community.  See our May 28th post about LIRS lobbying campaign for the alien minors.  They call it #ActOfLove (if you are on twitter join the fun there!).

Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest, Phoenix and Tuscon

Interfaith Refugee and Immigration Service, Los Angeles

Colorado (New Mexico)
Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains, Denver

Lutheran Social Services of Northeast Florida, Jacksonville
Lutheran Services Florida, Miami, Orlando and Tampa

Lutheran Services of Georgia, Atlanta

RefugeeOne, Chicago

Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area, Silver Spring

Lutheran Social Services of New England, West Springfield and Worcester

Lutheran Social Services of Michigan, Battle Creek, Grand Rapids and Southfield

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota, Minneapolis and Pelican Rapids

Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska, Omaha

New Hampshire
Lutheran Social Services of New England, Concord

New York
Lutheran Social Services of New York, New York City
Mohawk Valley Resource Center for Refugees, Utica

North Dakota
Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota—Center for New Americans, Bismarck, Fargo and Grand Forks

Lutheran Community Services Northwest, Portland

Lutheran Children and Family Services of Eastern Pennsylvania, Lancaster and Philadelphia

South Carolina
Lutheran Family Services in the Carolinas—Refugee Resettlement Program, Columbia

South Dakota
Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota, Huron and Sioux Falls

Refugee Services of Texas, Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, Amarillo and Houston

Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area, Falls Church

Lutheran Community Services Northwest, Seattle and Vancouver

Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan, Madison and Milwaukee

Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains, Casper

All of our previous posts on ‘unaccompanied minors’ are here.

White House coordinating search for locations around the country (for the “children”)

The invasion of America…..

According to Chuck Ross at The Daily Caller, Obama’s White House staff is helping FEMA find “suitable” locations to warehouse the mostly teenaged (unaccompanied minor) boys until they can supposedly be screened and then released into America (they didn’t say the last part, I did).

Will the buses be coming to your town? Photo: http://www.utsandiego.com/photos/2014/jul/01/1373279/


I know I said last night that we were going to get in some other posts on other “refugees” today, but this story was too interesting to ignore.

Your local lawmakers have been approached by the White House, so be sure to ask them what they know!

The Daily Caller (emphasis is mine):

Desperate to figure out what to do with thousands of illegal immigrants that have been apprehended at the U.S. border, the federal government has created an email address to gather leads on facilities that could be used to house them.

The plea, contained in an email sent by Tara Corrigan of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and obtained by Los Angeles’s KFI News, also provides insight into how the Obama administration is helping coordinate the massive surge of illegal immigrants, which it calls an “unprecedented event.”

“Given that one of the challenges [the Department of Health and Human Services] HHS is facing is finding suitable facilities for unaccompanied children, I wanted to forward this e-mail from [Federal Emergency Management Agency] FEMA below to see if you all have folks in your networks that know of suitable facilities in your area,” reads Corrigan’s email, which she sent to local lawmakers on July 3.

Here are the criteria.  Do you have such a building in your town?

They must be within 50 miles of a major city — defined as having a population of more than 200,000 — and be near an airport.

The facilities must also be at least 90,000 square feet in size, with each resident requiring at least 80 square feet of space.

It has to be leasable and “move-in ready.” Ideal building types include empty office areas, box stores, warehouses, shopping malls, aircraft hangers, hotels and dorms.

The FEMA email also lists such amenities as showers, toilets, kitchen and cafeteria space, recreational space and educational facilities as preferable but not required. “Climate-controlled” facilities are also preferred, but not required.

So, again, check with your local lawmakers to see if they have identified buildings for the feds and be sure to call your state refugee coordinator and ask what they know about locations in your state.

All of our previous posts on ‘unaccompanied minors’ are archived here.