Comment worth noting: “I always laugh when people talk about ‘non-profit’ companies as being altruistic…”

Reader ‘sodiumpen’ sent us this comment and I wanted to be sure you saw it (because I haven’t carefully followed the newest federal illegal alien contractor Southwest Key Programs as well as I should have!).  Sodiumpen posted this as a comment to our post from yesterday about Pittsburgh, here.   Those Lutherans we wrote about his morning look like a ‘penny ante’ outfit compared to this one!

sodiumpen (emphasis added is RRW’s):

I always laugh when people talk about “non-profit” companies as being altruistic, etc as if they are some charity.

Most NPs have fatter salaries and greater perks than you ever find in the comparable private sector companies. Looks like this NP was in on and profiting from Obama’s “transformation of America” since the get-go.

Dr. Juan (slick) Sanchez makes those Lutherans look like pikers!

“Austin-based Southwest Key Programs has received more than $368 million in government grants over the last six years, $356 million of which went to provide food, shelter and other services for unaccompanied minors coming into the United States. The nonprofit, which employs 2,200 people in six states, has undergone explosive growth in its budget during President Obama’s time in office, according to tax filings and federal spending databases.

Southwest Key Programs went from receiving just $670,800 in federal grants in 2008 to $31 million in 2009, Obama’s first year in office, according to the Office of Management and Budget’s online database. So far this year, it has received $122.3 million from the Health and Human Services Department’s Office of Refugee Resettlement.

. . .Critics say the nonprofit’s success at securing federal money shows that the Obama administration knew about the growing problem of unaccompanied minors for years and did not take appropriate action to address the issue.

. . .Southwest Key Programs also has close ties to a national immigration advocacy group which has a complicated relationship with the White House. The nonprofit shares two officers with the board of directors for the National Council of La Raza,*** the largest Latino advocacy group and the most aggressive in pushing Obama to curb deportations of illegal immigrants.

Dr. Juan Sanchez, who serves as president of Southwest Key Programs and made a salary of $338,000 in that role in 2012, is the uncompensated secretary of the board of La Raza, according to forms the organizations are required to file with the IRS. Anselmo Villereal, who serves on Southwest Key Programs’ board of directors, is the uncompensated treasurer for the Council.

Read the full article here:

***Don’t forget Obama’s Domestic Policy mouthpiece Munoz came from La Raza too!  The corruption in this White House is blatantly obvious!  Come on Congress do something!

Baltimore: Lutheran contractor prays in ritzy neighborhood to demonstrate how Maryland welcomes the illegal children

Yeah sure…

Linda Hartke, CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, led a prayer vigil for the “chiiildruunn” in their own swanky back yard—-the Inner Harbor of Baltimore—yesterday.   The multi-million dollar federal refugee contractor has its headquarters there.

Gee, why weren’t the “faith leaders” parading and praying through Baltimore’s seedy side?

Gotta keep up their real estate holdings! The Lutheran Center (LIRS headquarters) is a six-story structure constructed in 1999 on property owned by Baltimore’s historic Christ Lutheran Church. The building is located near Baltimore’s Inner Harbor in the historic Federal Hill neighborhood, a charming area rich with history and an eclectic array of eateries and shopping venues.

And, of course, the lazy Associated Press (and other major media) never mention a word that Hartke and crew are being paid from the US Treasury to do their community organizing.

Sorry to our long-time readers who have heard my rant for the umpteenth time.

See Lutherans again with Christian charity claptrap!

We are paying for their public relations campaign! 97% of their funding comes from taxpayers while they pretend that what they do is out of the goodness of their Christian hearts!

Hartke is paid over $200,000 a year to do her prayer vigil march!

Here is their latest phony-baloney public relations ploy.  They only had to walk a short distance from their office building (that you help pay for too!).

This is the AP story that we saw in the San Francisco Chronicle (emphasis is mine):

BALTIMORE (AP) — Scores of Baltimore-area religious leaders held an interfaith prayer vigil for unaccompanied children who arrived in Maryland after fleeing violence in their home countries.

Dozens of religious leaders and supporters marched along Baltimore’s Inner Harbor on Wednesday to draw attention to the influx of immigrant children into the United States, and specifically into Maryland and Baltimore. In the first seven months of 2014, 2,205 unaccompanied immigrant children have settled in Maryland. Most of those children have been reunited with family members or placed in the homes of sponsors.


Linda Hartke, president and CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and one of the rally’s organizers, said the march and prayer vigil were designed to send a message that the city is welcoming of refugees and immigrants.

So why weren’t they marching in West Baltimore—that would be a real test of how “welcoming” the city might be! Why aren’t these people worthy of the Lutherans’ prayers? They have dreams and aspirations too!

“Today’s gathering is an important sign of support from the people of Baltimore that says this is a city and a state that’s welcoming of refugee kids, of people who flee violence, of people who have dreams and aspirations for their future, for their well-being, and to be reunited with their family members.”

The Lutherans are praying as well for Marylanders to take the “children” into their homes.

Now this next part is such a joke (if this weren’t so serious an issue). 

Governor wannabe-President Martin O’Malley met with “faith leaders” on Monday to plan for the children.

I would bet a buck that every “faith leader” in the meeting was on salary to be there and had a financial interest, as a federal contractor, in the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ coming to the state.  But, surely no reporter even thought to inquire.

The prayer vigil comes just two days after Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley met with religious leaders in the state’s capital to discuss strategies for sheltering the children in Maryland. Catholic Charities [also a federal contractor—ed] has proposed utilizing one of its Timonium facilities that has been used to house children with severe behavioral problems as a shelter for immigrant children. The facility can house 50 children at a time.

All of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ border invasion may be found by clicking here.

Do you have a Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) subcontractor near you?  Go here to find out. Note that business is booming under Obama and LIRS is in the process of hiring a second Washington lobbyist, here.

And, as 2016 approaches, just know that Martin O’Malley has done everything he could as governor of Maryland to help the anti-borders activists “welcome” more immigrants of all stripes (legal and illegal) into Maryland.  I guess Maryland’s own poor minority people aren’t cool enough for O’Malley and the “faith leaders.”